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Bulletin - Undergraduate Certificate Programs

Digital Humanities

Research and Computational Data Management, UGA Libraries
(706) 542–5998

Description of the Program
The certificate program in Digital Humanities is designed for undergraduates who want to explore the intersection of humanities and STEM disciplines. DIGI classes are meant to combine the humanist skills of deep cultural, textual, and historic study with analytical methods and digital tools. Students will benefit from the application of subject-specific knowledge to collaborative, hands-on projects and classes.

Program Requirements
To qualify for a DIGI certificate, students must complete seventeen credit hours in the DIGI rubric, including a capstone experience, usually a research-intensive digital humanities project of their own devising. This DIGI capstone experience may be a one-credit extension of a CURO, HONS, or senior thesis project, or, where those options are not available, the student may elect to take an independent study to complete the capstone. Students may take courses in any or all of DIGI's two core content areas—DIGI Issues and DIGI Praxis (see below).

Digital Humanities Issues Core
These one-credit classes form the core of the certificate program. Students are required to take at least one of these courses, which are offered on a rotating basis:
DIGI 2000
DIGI 3100
DIGI 3300
DIGI 4000/6000

Digital Humanities Praxis Core
Choose 4 elective classes (at least 2 should be outside your major). Visit https://digi.uga.edu/certificate/courses to see the options for the current semester.

Capstone Experience
The DIGI capstone experience may be a one-credit extension of a CURO, HONS, or senior thesis project, or, where those options are not available, the student may elect to take a three-credit independent study.