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Syllabus information is only available for a single course. Enter a specific course number or select a specific course ID from the drop down list, to view syllabus information.
Course ID:EHSC 1101. 3 hours.
Course Title:Biology for a Healthy World: A Guide for Citizens of the 21st Century
Lecture course with an integrated weekly discussion covering major biological principles at work in our everyday lives, emphasizing aspects related to animal, environmental, and human health. Students will choose topics of interest to read and write about, then discuss their findings in the discussion sections.
Athena Title:Biology for a Healthy World
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 2020. 1 hour.
Course Title:Orientation to Environmental Health Science
Current topics in environmental health science, which is the study of how the environment and environmental agents and pollutants influence human health and disease, including environmental protection, industrial hygiene, toxicology, environmental pollutants, climate change, risk assessment, food safety, air quality, water quality, environmental justice, and other timely topics.
Athena Title:Orientation to EHS
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 2100. 3 hours.
Course Title:Fundamentals of Physiology for Environmental Health Scientists
An overview of cell and human physiology, including all major organ systems and effects of diseases and environmental contaminants on those systems. Anatomical and physiological principles are reinforced with examples of how genetic disorders, disease agents, and environmental contaminants disrupt normal function.
Athena Title:Environmental Hlth Physiology
Prerequisite:BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L and BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L and CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 3060E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Environmental Health Science
The fundamentals of environmental health (EH), covering energy and ecosystems, air and water pollution, toxic effects of pollution, pollution control, food and agriculture, environmental justice, and consequences of human activities on natural systems. Global issues in EH are compared from multiple demographic and cultural perspectives.
Athena Title:Intro Environ Health Science
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 3060
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 3060. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Environmental Health Science
The fundamentals of environmental health (EH), covering energy and ecosystems, air and water pollution, toxic effects of pollution, pollution control, food and agriculture, environmental justice, and consequences of human activities on natural systems. Global issues in EH are compared from multiple demographic and cultural perspectives.
Athena Title:Intro Environ Health Science
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 3060E
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:APTC(EHSC) 3080. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Introduction to Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Introductory course in atmospheric, aquatic, and terrestrial systems emphasizing how technology affects them and how it is used to minimize and correct negative impacts. Introductory topics include population, energy, natural, and human-induced environmental disturbances. Detailed coverage of technologies associated with water quality and quantity, air quality, and solid and hazardous wastes.
Athena Title:ENV SCI & ENGR
Prerequisite:MATH 1113 and CHEM 1211
Pre or Corequisite:PHYS 1111-1111L or PHYS 1211-1211L
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 3700. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. 1-3 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Undergraduate Research in Environmental Health Science
Individualized study with instructor providing student with an experiential learning and research experience. Students will have the opportunity to work one-on-one with EHS faculty. Specific content and credits will vary depending on subjects covered, which are modified to meet the needs and interests of enrolled students within available projects.
Athena Title:Undergrad Research EHS
Nontraditional Format:Modules of 1 credit hour will be offered. The number of credit hours will conform to UGA policies for lab contact hours.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 3910. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.
Course Title:Internship in Environmental Health Science
Practical work experience; familiarizes the student with various aspects of environmental health science.
Athena Title:Internship in EHS
Nontraditional Format:Experiential education and training in a specialized area of environmental health science under the direction of a faculty member.
Prerequisite:EHSC 3060 and permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 3950. 2 hours.
Course Title:Health and Safety Training for Hazardous Waste Workers
Chemical principles of environmental processes which result from natural or human-generated phenomena; air, water, and soil chemical reactions involving pollutants and wastes; measurement of pollutants in the environment. Emergency response, clean-up, transportation, disposal, storage, and treatment. Human exposure to hazardous waste workers and 40-hour HAZWOPER certification.
Athena Title:Haz Waste Worker Training
Prerequisite:EHSC 3060 or permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4080. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental Air Quality
Sources, control, and modeling of air pollution; effects of air pollutants on human health and the environment; atmospheric chemistry, indoor air quality, and regulatory issues.
Athena Title:Environmental Air Quality
Prerequisite:CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4090. 3 hours.
Course Title:Emerging Technologies: Bioremediation
Bioremediation is the treatment of contaminated soils, sediments, and groundwater by microorganisms, fungi, plants, or components from these organisms. Overview of organism physiology, genetic engineering, and details of environmental health hazards amenable to bioremediation. Exploration of case studies that exemplify approaches to bioremediation.
Athena Title:Emerg Technol Bioremediation
Prerequisite:BIOL 1103 or BIOL 1107-1107L
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4100-4100L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Industrial Hygiene
The anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors, arising in or from the workplace, which can cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort and inefficiency among workers or among community citizens.
Athena Title:Industrial Hygiene
Prerequisite:CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4150. 3 hours.
Course Title:Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Regulatory, chemical, and engineering aspects of solid and hazardous waste management, including RCRA, CERCLA, landfill and incinerator design, pollutant transport and fate, and potential for human health impacts.
Athena Title:Solid and Hazardous Waste Mgmt
Prerequisite:MATH 1113 and CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4200. 3 hours.
Course Title:Global Climate Change and Public Health
Global climate change is the environmental issue that will define the 21st century. Addresses the intricacies of the science, environmental and human impacts, economics, amelioration technologies, and regulatory solutions to climate change from a public health perspective. Comparison of information from the mass media and the scientific literature.
Athena Title:Glob Clim Change Pub Health
Pre or Corequisite:EHSC 3060 or EHSC 3060E or permission of department
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENVM(EHSC) 4250/6250. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental and Public Health Law
Basic legal principles and procedures as they relate to environmental regulations and public health. Coverage of common law, torts, nuisances, regulatory standards, and state and federal environmental laws. Delineation of significant constitutional and federal regulations that affect managerial decisions.
Athena Title:Environmental Publ Health Law
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENVM 4930, AAEC 4930, AAEC 4930E, ENVM 4930E, ENVM 4770H, ECOL 4770H, FANR 4770H, EHSC 4770H or ENVM 6930, AAEC 6930, AAEC 6930E, ENVM 6930E
Prerequisite:Third-year student standing and (POLS 1101 or HIST 2111 or HIST 2112)
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4260. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental Regulations and Compliance
A historical approach to the establishment of government regulations that prevent and/or control hazards in communities. Examination of the legal and regulatory framework as it pertains to environmental health professionals, including CWA, CAA, RCRA, and FIFRA. Includes composing environmental impact statements and solutions for areas of non-compliance.
Athena Title:Environ Regs and Compliance
Prerequisite:EHSC 3060 or EHSC 3060E or permission of department
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC(FDST)(MIBO) 4310/6310-4310L/6310L. 4 hours. 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Environmental Microbiology
Types of microorganisms in the environment; effect of environmental conditions on microbial existence; public health aspects of environmental microbiology; applications of microorganisms to solve environmental problems.
Athena Title:Environmental Microbiology
Prerequisite:MIBO 3000-3000L or MIBO 3500
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:FDST(EHSC)(MIBO) 4320/6320-4320L/6320L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Food Safety Control Programs
Emphasis on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Preventive Controls (PC) mandated by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), and prerequisite programs (e.g., GAP, GMP, SSOP) used to promote food safety in the food industry. Upon completion of the course and passing an examination, the students will receive HACCP certification.
Athena Title:Food Safety Control Programs
Pre or Corequisite:FDST 3000 or BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1107E or BIOL 2107H or MIBO 3500 or MIBO 3500E or MIBO 3500H
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4350-4350L. 3 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Environmental Chemistry
Chemical principles of environmental processes which result from natural or human-generated phenomena; air, water, and soil chemical reactions involving pollutants and wastes; measurement of pollutants in the environment.
Athena Title:Environmental Chemistry
Prerequisite:CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L and MATH 1113
Pre or Corequisite:BIOS 2010-2010L or STAT 2000 or ENVE 3510
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4400. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental Issues in the Developing World
Study of environmental issues in developing countries, including water, soil, and air contamination resulting from human impacts and industrial development. Strategies to mitigate or manage contamination issues will also be discussed.
Athena Title:Environ Issues Dev World
Prerequisite:EHSC 3060 or PBHL 3100 or ECOL 1000 or ECOL 1000H or CRSS(WASR) 1020 or CRSS 3050 or CRSS(FANR) 3060 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4490. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental Toxicology
Extent and significance of toxic agents in the environment, and the physical, chemical, and biological processes which determine their behavior, fate, and ultimate effect on human health.
Athena Title:Environmental Toxicology
Prerequisite:CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L and (BIOL 1104 or BIOL 1108-1108L)
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4500. 3 hours.
Course Title:Global Food Security
Exploration of the fundamental challenges facing developed and developing nations to become food secure, and the connections among current food production systems around the world, environmental degradation and public health, and economics. Field studies in Georgia and abroad will examine commercial agriculture, food policy, and sustainable agriculture.
Nontraditional Format:Students will tour agricultural systems in both Georgia and in developing countries.
Pre or Corequisite:BIOL1107 or BIOL1103
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ECOL(EHSC)(FISH) 4600/6600. 3 hours.
Course Title:Ecotoxicology
An introduction to the effects of contaminants on aquatic organisms and terrestrial wildlife, types of contaminants impacting ecosystems, fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, and the effects of contaminants at various levels of biological organization ranging from biochemical reactions in the cell to the population level.
Athena Title:Ecotoxicology
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in FISH 8350, EHSC 8350, ECOL 8350, ENTO 8350, VPHY 8350, PHRM 8350
Undergraduate Prerequisite:[(BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (BIOL 2108H and BIOL 2108L)] and [(CHEM 1211-1211D and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1311H and CHEM 1311L)]
Graduate Prerequisite:[(BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (BIOL 2108H and BIOL 2108L)] and [(CHEM 1211-1211D and CHEM 1211L) or (CHEM 1311H and CHEM 1311L)]
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4610. 3 hours.
Course Title:Water Pollution and Human Health
Human health issues related to water consumption and use, focusing on water contamination from municipal, industrial, and agricultural practices.
Athena Title:Water Pollution Human Health
Prerequisite:EHSC 3060 or CRSS(WASR) 1020 or CRSS 3050 or CRSS(FANR) 3060 or ECOL 1000 or ECOL 1000H
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4670. 3 hours.
Course Title:Applied Environmental Health Science for Professionals
The fundamentals of professional duties for environmental health practitioners working in public health departments and the private sector. Provides skills in measuring the biological, chemical, and physical threats to health in environments used by the public. Compliance with regulations for restaurants, swimming pools, recreational waters, tattoo parlors, cruise ships, and septic systems.
Athena Title:App Environ Health Science
Pre or Corequisite:EHSC 3060 or EHSC 3060E
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4680. 2 hours.
Course Title:Radiation and Occupational Safety
Principles of health effects from ionizing radiation, including radiation sources, detection, measurement, control, and safety devices. Evaluation of radiation risks and control methods, Radiation monitoring, emergency plans, risk assessment, and risk communication.
Athena Title:Radiation and Occ Safety
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 4680E
Pre or Corequisite:EHSC 3060 or EHSC 3060E or permission of department
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4680E. 2 hours.
Course Title:Radiation and Occupational Safety
Principles of health effects from ionizing radiation, including radiation sources, detection, measurement, control, and safety devices. Evaluation of radiation risks and control methods, Radiation monitoring, emergency plans, risk assessment, and risk communication.
Athena Title:Radiation and Occ Safety
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 4680
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Pre or Corequisite:EHSC 3060 or EHSC 3060E or permission of department
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4700. 3 hours.
Course Title:Genetic Applications in Environmental Health Science
Exploration of environmental and public health issues through the use of genetics. Overview of basic genetics followed by the use of molecular genetic tools to provide evidence for use in the food industry, conservation biology, and pollutant remediation. Includes ethical, legal, and social implications of these technologies.
Athena Title:Gene App in Environ Hlth Sci
Prerequisite:BIOL 1103 or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L)
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENVM(ECOL)(FANR)(EHSC) 4770H. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Business of Environmental Law (Honors)
Discussion of economic and political choices regarding environmental quality that involve trade-offs. Environmental laws and regulatory actions that necessitate costly actions will be reviewed. The liability causes of action that create potential costs that affect business performance will also be discussed.
Athena Title:Business of Environ Law Honors
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in AAEC 4050, AAEC 4050E, ENVM 4250, EHSC 4250, ENVM 4930, AAEC 4930, ENVM 4930E, AAEC 4930E, AAEC 6050, AAEC 6050E, ENVM 6250, EHSC 6250, ENVM 6930, AAEC 6930, ENVM 6930E, AAEC 6930E
Prerequisite:Third year standing and (POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1105H or HIST 2111 or HIST 2111E or HIST 2111H or HIST 2112 or HIST 2112E or HIST 2112H) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4900. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Global Environmental and Public Health Issues
Experiential learning course to explore contemporary environmental and public health issues of a host country outside of the United States. Key topics include impacts of climate change, ecological sustainability, water quality, and responsible agricultural, industrial, and urban development on human health and well-being.
Athena Title:Global Env Pub Health
Nontraditional Format:Students will travel to multiple sites in a host country to observe, research, and collect data that will illustrate interconnections between environmental, animal, and human health indicators. Lectures will be given by faculty and experts within the host country to supplement and enhance experiential learning.
Prerequisite:(BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1104) or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1108) or EHSC 3060 or CRSS 3050 or CRSS(FANR) 3060 or ECOL 1000 or permission of school
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4910. 1 hour.
Course Title:Environmental Health Senior Seminar
Selected topics in Environmental Health. Papers to be presented by students.
Athena Title:EHS Senior Seminar
Prerequisite:Senior-student standing in EHS major or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4950S. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental Health Issues of Croatia
Explores and monitors contemporary environmental health issues of Croatia. Key topics include impacts of climate change, ecological sustainability, air and water quality, environmental justice and responsible agricultural, industrial, and urban development.
Athena Title:Environ Health Issues Croatia
Nontraditional Format:Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Student engagement in the service-learning component will be up to 25% of overall instruction time.
Prerequisite:BIOL 1103 or BIOL 1104 or EHSC 3060 or CRSS 3050 or CRSS 3060 or ECOL 1000 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4960R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit.
Course Title:Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Research I
Nontraditional Format:This course belongs to a progressive research course sequence to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. This course requires the close supervision of a faculty member as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the student will work collaboratively as part of a research team. The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret data. The student will present results in writing or through participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work per credit hour per semester is required.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4970R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Research II
Nontraditional Format:These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the student will work collaboratively as part of a research team. The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret data. The student will present results in writing or through participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work per credit hour per semester is required.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4980R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Research III
Nontraditional Format:These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the student will work collaboratively as part of a research team. The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret data. The student will present results in writing or through participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work per credit hour per semester is required.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 4990R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project)
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data. Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Thesis
Nontraditional Format:This is a capstone course under the direct supervision of a faculty member. This course may be the culmination of the 4960R- 4980R sequence. Students will write a thesis or other professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio, that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry into an unknown, fundamental, or applied problem. The thesis or capstone product is written in close collaboration with the faculty member and must be approved by that faculty member and/or the department. The student will apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape the research question and apply skills and techniques learned to complete the research project. The student will have gathered data, synthesized relevant literature and materials, analyzed, and interpreted data. The student will demonstrate in writing the contribution of their work to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge significant to their field of study. The student will have presented results in the form of a properly formatted, professionally rigorous thesis document or other appropriate professional capstone product and through the formal presentation of the thesis or product to faculty and peers during an approved event. The student will receive feedback from the faculty member on the overall execution of their thesis project, the written thesis, and their presentation.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:PHRM(VPHY)(EHSC) 6910. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introductory Toxicology
Basic toxicology principles, including dose-response relationships, principles of toxicity and safety evaluation, pharmacokinetics and metabolism of chemicals, basic mechanisms of cellular injury, factors influencing toxicity, carcinogenesis/mutagenesis, governmental regulations, and exposure and risk assessment.
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7000. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 144 hours credit.
Course Title:Master's Research
Research while enrolled for a master's degree under the direction of faculty members.
Athena Title:Master's Research
Nontraditional Format:Independent research under the direction of a faculty member.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Course ID:EHSC 7010. 3 hours.
Course Title:Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science
Teaches the fundamentals of environmental health. Topics will include biological and ecological processes, sources and effects of environmental stress and pollutants, and methods to control and minimize detrimental effects. Scientific methods, evidence, long-term perspective, and critical thinking will be stressed.
Athena Title:Fundamentals of EHSC
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 7010E
Pre or Corequisite:BIOS 7001 or BIOS 7001E
Corequisite:BIOS 7003L
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7010E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science
Teaches the fundamentals of environmental health. Topics will include biological and ecological processes; sources and effects of environmental stress and pollutants; and methods to control and minimize detrimental effects. Scientific methods, evidence, long-term perspective, and critical thinking will be stressed.
Athena Title:Fundamentals of EHSC
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 7010
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Pre or Corequisite:BIOS 7001 or BIOS 7001E
Corequisite:BIOS 7003L
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7080. 3 hours.
Course Title:Advanced Environmental Air Quality
Advanced topics of air pollution, from both national and global perspectives. Areas of emphasis include the meteorology and modeling of, sources of, elements of, effects of, measurement and monitoring of, and policies relating to air pollution. Case studies from the peer-review literature will be included.
Athena Title:Adv Environmental Air Quality
Prerequisite:EHSC 7010 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7150-7150L. 3 hours. 3 hours lecture and 1 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Occupational Hygiene and Safety
The science and art of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling the chemical, physical, and biological agents that affect the safety and health of workers. Students will explore industrial toxicology, exposure measurement, behavior of chemical and physical agents in the environment, and the application of guidelines and standards.
Athena Title:Occupation Hygiene and Safety
Nontraditional Format:In general, one-credit-hour modules of integrated lecture + discussion + lab will be offered. These may occur during traditional class meeting times or may be presented in a time- compressed workshop format. The number of credit hours will conform to UGA policies for lecture/discussion/lab contact hours.
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7300. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit.
Course Title:Master's Thesis
Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor.
Nontraditional Format:Independent research and thesis preparation.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Course ID:EHSC 7310. 3 hours.
Course Title:Public Health Microbiology
Microbes and their association with human and population health. Students will investigate the role of microbes in promoting heath, including studies of the microbiome. The course will also cover pathogens, their sources and controls. New challenges in public health and infectious disease will be discussed.
Athena Title:Public Health Microbiology
Prerequisite:MIBO 3000-3000L or MIBO 3500 or MIBO 3500E or EHSC 7010 or EPID 7010 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7410. 3 hours.
Course Title:Global Environmental Health: Focus on Developing Countries
Students will investigate and analyze contemporary environmental health issues of countries in the developing world, evaluate effectiveness of current environmental regulations, and develop strategies for effective change through adjustments in policies or regulations, application of remediation strategies, and/or promotion of sustainability measures.
Athena Title:Global Environ Health
Prerequisite:EHSC 7010 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7490. 3 hours.
Course Title:Principles of Toxicology
Major concepts, fundamentals, and principles of toxicological science. Effects of toxic agents on human health, emphasizing understanding the physical, chemical, and biological mechanisms of toxic agents which lead to adverse effects in humans and other organisms.
Athena Title:Principles of Toxicology
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 4490, EHSC 6490, PHRM 6910, VPHY 6910, EHSC 6910
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7550. 3 hours.
Course Title:Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Regulatory, chemical, and engineering aspects of solid and hazardous waste management, including RCRA, CERCLA, landfill and incinerator design, pollutant transport and fate, and potential for human health impacts.
Athena Title:Solid and Hazardous Waste Mgmt
Pre or Corequisite:EHSC 7010
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7650. 3 hours.
Course Title:Water Quality: Protection, Monitoring, and Management for Health
Impacts of development on water quality related to protecting human health and the environment. Students will explore and evaluate traditional and contemporary methods of assessing water quality, treatment, and management of water for human, animal, and industrial use, and the regulatory framework for preserving water quality and quantity.
Athena Title:Water Quality
Prerequisite:EHSC 7010 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7900. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit.
Course Title:Integrative Global Environmental and Public Health Issues
Students will experience and analyze contemporary environmental and public health issues of a country in the developing world and apply the One Health concept to address health concerns related to water quality, climate change, ecological sustainability, and impacts related to agricultural, industrial, and urban development.
Athena Title:Integ Global Env Pub Health
Nontraditional Format:Students will travel to multiple sites in a host country to observe, research, and collect data that will illustrate interconnections between environmental, animal, and human health indicators. Lectures will be given by faculty and experts within the host country to supplement and enhance experiential learning.
Prerequisite:EHSC 7010
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 7950S. 3 hours.
Course Title:Integrative Environmental Health in Croatia
Students will experience and analyze contemporary environmental health issues in Croatia. In a service-learning project, students will collect data on air and water quality across Croatia, relate their results to local agricultural, industrial, and urban development, and translate their influences on human and environmental health into educational materials.
Athena Title:Integ Environ Health Croatia
Nontraditional Format:Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Student engagement in the service-learning component will be up to 25% of overall instruction time.
Prerequisite:EHSC 7010 or EHSC 7010E or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8010. 3 hours.
Course Title:Advanced Topics in Environmental Health Science I
An advanced course focusing on fundamental paradigms and evolving concepts of environmental health science, including toxicology, environmental and occupational exposure assessment, environmental epidemiology, food safety. Topics will be explored through a combination of lecture, case studies, and critical discussions of primary literature.
Athena Title:Adv Topics EHS I
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8020. 3 hours.
Course Title:Advanced Topics in Environmental Health Science II
Fundamental paradigms and evolving concepts of environmental health science, including hazardous waste management, risk assessment, disaster management and prevention, and emerging global issues. Topics will be explored through a combination of lecture, case studies, and critical discussions of primary literature.
Athena Title:Adv Topics EHS II
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8030. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Graduate Seminar in Environmental and Public Health Research
Seminal and emerging topics in environmental health science and public health. This course is designed to provide a broad background in contemporary public health issues through targeted guest seminars in the keystone public health disciplines and additional seminars on emergent research in environmental health science.
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Course ID:EHSC 8050. 1 hour.
Course Title:Proseminar in Environmental Health
Research methods with an emphasis on presentation and instructional techniques.
Athena Title:Proseminar in EHS
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 6010
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EPID(EHSC) 8070. 3 hours.
Course Title:Environmental and Occupational Epidemiology
Advanced concepts in epidemiology with a focus on environmental and occupational epidemiology. Areas of emphasis will include exposure assessment, observational and experimental study designs, data interpretation, major environmental exposure groups (e.g., air, water, pesticides, metals, noise, others), case studies, and real-world practical applications.
Athena Title:ENV OCC EPI
Prerequisite:EHSC 4070/6070 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8110. 3 hours.
Course Title:Fundamentals of Chemical and Microbial Risk Assessment
Fundamental elements of risk assessment with a specific focus on chemicals, microorganisms, and assessment criteria set by federal agencies. Risk assessments conducted and used by international groups will be compared and evaluated. Course includes a combination of lectures, case studies, critical discussions of primary literature, and group risk assessment projects.
Athena Title:Fund Chem Microb Risk Assess
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 8110E
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8110E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Fundamentals of Chemical and Microbial Risk Assessment
Fundamental elements of risk assessment with a specific focus on chemicals, microorganisms, and assessment criteria set by federal agencies. Risk assessments conducted and used by international groups will be compared and evaluated. Course includes a combination of lectures, case studies, critical discussions of primary literature, and group risk assessment projects.
Athena Title:Fund Chem Microb Risk Assess
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 8110
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC(AAEC) 8120. 2 hours.
Course Title:Roles and Responsibilities of Environmental Policy Makers
Roles of science, engineering, law, journalism, economics, grass roots activism, and the legislative and regulatory process in the development of environmental policy.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8150. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 2 hours credit.
Course Title:Environmental Health Seminar
Selected topics in environmental health.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8210. 3 hours.
Course Title:Cancer Etiology and Prevention
Cancer is the leading cause of mortality in the world and fully understanding cancer's etiology is essential for public health professionals. This course covers etiological risk factors and preventive strategies of major human cancers, and will explore environmental causes, carcinogenesis, and prevention of human cancers.
Prerequisite:EHSC 7060 or EPID 7010 or PHRM(VPHY) 6910 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8220-8220L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Predictive Toxicology Using Mathematical Models
This modeling course is designed for life science graduate students with an interest in quantitative toxicology. Biologically based models founded on fundamentals of chemistry, biochemistry and physiology such as physiologically based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PBPK/PD) models are discussed in mammalian species. PBPK models are dosimetry models that describe the uptake, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of chemicals in the body and when combined with toxic responses, predict toxicity.
Athena Title:PBPK MODELS
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC(EPID) 8250. 3 hours.
Course Title:Biomarkers: Public Health, Clinical, and Environmental Toxicology Applications
Biomarkers in clinical practice, and in public and environmental health. Biomarkers of disease, exposure to chemicals or pathogens, and adverse insults on humans play an important role in Environmental Health Science, Epidemiology, and Toxicology.
Prerequisite:EPID 7010 or EHSC 7060 or EHSC 4490/6490
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8310-8310L. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Advanced Topics in Aquatic Microbiology, Health, and the Environment
Introduces lab and field techniques in microbiology to examine stream water quality and public health in and around Athens, Georgia, through a combination of laboratory and fieldwork with critical discussions of primary literature. Topics will include water quality, environmental microbiology, and water and wastewater.
Athena Title:Aquatic Microbiol Hlth Environ
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:FISH(EHSC)(ECOL)(ENTO)(VPHY)(PHRM) 8350. 3 hours.
Course Title:Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology
An introduction to the toxic effects of contaminants on non- human organisms, types of contaminants impacting ecosystems, fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, effects of contaminants at various levels of biological organization ranging from biochemical reactions in the cell to ecosystem function, and ecological risk assessment.
Athena Title:Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ECOL 4600, EHSC 4600, FISH 4600, ECOL 6600, EHSC 6600, FISH 6600
Prerequisite:[(BIOL 1108 or BIOL 2108H) and BIOL 1108L] and CHEM 2211
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8400. 3 hours.
Course Title:Occupational and Environmental Diseases
Provides an understanding of the current state of occupational and environmental diseases in the United States for occupational health and safety practitioners, toxicologists, and other public health students. A basic understanding of toxicology, human physiology, and anatomy is recommended for the course.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in EHSC 7400
Prerequisite:EHSC 4490/6490 or PHRM(VPHY) 6910 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC(MARS) 8410. 3 hours.
Course Title:Oceans and Human Health
Oceans and the marine environment are increasingly recognized for their role in the health of the human population, both as a source of disease and source of new bioactive (medicinal) agents. Exploration of this emerging field with a combination of lecture, student-driven seminars, and critical discussions of primary literature.
Prerequisite:MARS(MIBO) 4620/6620-4620L/6620L or EHSC(FDST)(MIBO) 4310/6310-4310L/6310L or MARS 8010 or permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8450. 1-3 hours.
Course Title:Genome Technologies
The development and use of new high throughput molecular genetic tools. Provides detailed insight for applications, acquisition of instrumentation, and use of genomic assays. Intended to provide relevant training for students that will establish laboratories and make use of genomic information.
Athena Title:GEN TECH
Prerequisite:[(BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L) or (BIOL 1104 and BIOL 1104L) or BIOL 1107-1107L or BIOL 1108-1108L)] and [GENE(BIOL) 3200 or EHSC 4700/6700] or permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8460-8460L. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit. 1-3 hours lecture and 1-3 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Environmental Genomics
Covers the background and use of new high throughput genomic tools for environmental studies. Content and credits will vary depending on subjects covered, which are modified to meet the needs of enrolled students.
Athena Title:Environmental Genomics
Nontraditional Format:In general, one-credit-hour modules of integrated lecture + discussion + lab will be offered. These may occur during traditional class meeting times or may be presented in a time- compressed workshop format. The number of credit hours will conform to UGA policies for lecture/discussion/lab contact hours.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC(EPID) 8540-8540L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Microbial Quantitative Risk Assessment
Presentation of the framework for stochastic microbial quantitative risk assessment (QRA) to evaluate threats to human or animal health resulting from exposure to contaminated food, water, or air. The use of simulation software in QRA modeling will be introduced. Food and Drug Administration QRA's will be covered as examples.
Pre or Corequisite:Any one of the following: BIOS 2010-2010L or BIOS 7010 or MATH 2500 or STAT 2000 or STAT 2100H or STAT 6210 or STAT 6310 or STAT 6810 or permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8550. 3 hours.
Course Title:Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology
Topics will include developmental and reproductive processes; how chemical, biological, or physical agents disrupt normal processes; experimental approaches to evaluating suspected teratogens; and mechanisms for how exposure to agents results in reproductive or developmental abnormalities. Class will include a combination of lecture, case studies, and critical discussions of primary literature.
Prerequisite:PHRM(VPHY) 6910 or EHSC 4490/6490 or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:FISH(EHSC) 8610. 3 hours.
Course Title:Aquatic Toxicology
Toxicological effects of aquatic pollution focusing on fate and transport; accumulation and toxicity in aquatic organisms; and the analysis of risks to aquatic ecosystems and human populations. The course will be primarily delivered through lecture and discussion, though some lab activities may be planned during the semester.
Athena Title:Aquatic Toxicology
Prerequisite:FISH(EHSC) 4600/6600 or FISH(EHSC)(ECOL)(ENTO)(VPHY)(PHRM) 8350
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:FISH(EHSC) 8630-8630L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Quantitative Ecological Toxicology
Principles and quantitative methods for the analysis of ecotoxicological data.
Prerequisite:(ECOL(BIOL) 3500-3500L or (FANR 3200 and FANR 3200L) and (STAT 4220 or STAT 6220)
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8650. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week.
Course Title:Advanced Environmental Chemistry
Advanced chemistry of chemical processes in environment, health effects of important environmental chemicals, and latest methods and advanced instrumentation for environmental analysis and research.
Athena Title:Advanced Environmental Chem
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 8800. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Special Problems in Environmental Health Science
Research or intensive study in a specialized area of environmental health under the direction of a faculty member.
Nontraditional Format:Research in an area of interest under the direction of a faculty member.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:EHSC 9000. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 366 hours credit.
Course Title:Doctoral Research
Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members.
Athena Title:Doctoral Research
Nontraditional Format:Independent research under the direction of faculty members.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Course ID:EHSC 9300. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit.
Course Title:Doctoral Dissertation
Dissertation writing under the direction of a major professor.
Nontraditional Format:Independent research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)