| Course ID: | GEOL 1120. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Environmental Geoscience | Course Description: | Exploration of various effects on Earth's long-term physical-chemical systems caused by human consumption and pollution of its vital resources and emphasize environmental and geological issues critical to earth's sustainability. | Athena Title: | Environmental Geoscience | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 1120E | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 1120E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Environmental Geoscience | Course Description: | Exploration of various effects on Earth's long-term
physical-chemical systems caused by human consumption and
pollution of its vital resources and emphasizes environmental and
geological issues critical to Earth's sustainability. | Athena Title: | Environmental Geoscience | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 1120 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 1250-1250L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Physical Geology | Course Description: | Physical geology; characteristics and origins of rocks and minerals; mechanism and processes of volcanism, plutonism, metamorphism, weathering, erosion, sedimentation, and lithification; evolution of landforms. Tectonic processes of continental drift, sea-floor spreading, and plate tectonics. Emphasis on scientific methods. | Athena Title: | Physical Geology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 1121, GEOL 1121E, GEOL 1121H, GEOL 2350H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 1260-1260L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Historical Geology | Course Description: | Methods and concepts by which Earth history is interpreted. The geologic time scale; interactions of physical, chemical, and biological processes through time. Origin of life; evolution and distribution of plants and animals through time. Geologic history of North America. Emphasis on interpretation of the rock record. | Athena Title: | Historical Geology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 1122, GEOL 1122H, GEOL 2360H | Pre or Corequisite: | GEOL 1121 or GEOL 1121H or GEOL 1250-1250L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HONS(BIOL)(CHEM)(GEOL)(PHYS) 2070H. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Honors Science | Course Description: | Concepts of physics, chemistry, geology, and biology in an integrated fashion. The evolution of the universe from the primordial state to the present time, and considers human interaction with the environment. | Athena Title: | Honors Science | Nontraditional Format: | Occasional weekend field trips required. | Prerequisite: | (ENGL 1101 or MATH 1101) and permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HONS(BIOL)(CHEM)(GEOL)(PHYS) 2080H. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Honors Science | Course Description: | Concepts of physics, chemistry, geology, and biology in an integrated fashion. The evolution of the universe from the primordial state to the present time, and considers human interaction with the environment. | Athena Title: | Honors Science | Nontraditional Format: | Weekend field trips required. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 2350H-2350L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Physical Geology (Honors) | Course Description: | Characteristics and origins of minerals and rocks. Plate tectonics
and structure of the Earth's interior. Geologic processes that
affect the Earth's surface: volcanism, earthquakes, coastal
erosion, and global climate changes. Mineral, water, and energy
resources and sustainability. Environmental hazards and
mitigation. Human impacts on the Earth system. | Athena Title: | Physical Geology Honors | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 1121, GEOL 1121E, GEOL 1121H, GEOL 1250 | Nontraditional Format: | During summer semester, this course will be taught in the field
part of the Interdisciplinary Field Program. Traditional methods
are combined with field exercises and problems, interpretive
exercises, and extensive field discussions. | Prerequisite: | Permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 2360H-2360L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Historical Geology (Honors) | Course Description: | Measurement of geologic time. Physical and biological history of
Earth as recorded in rocks and fossils. Development of the major
features of the Earth, with particular emphasis on North America.
Human impacts on the Earth system. Rates of global change and mass
extinctions in the past and present. | Athena Title: | Historical Geology Honors | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 1122, GEOL 1122H, GEOL 1260 | Nontraditional Format: | During summer semester, this course will be taught in the field as
part of the Interdisciplinary Field Program. Traditional methods
are combined with field exercises and problems, interpretive
exercises, and extensive field discussions. | Prerequisite: | GEOL 2350H-2350L and permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3000. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Alien Worlds in our Backyard | Course Description: | Introduction to the geologic processes on Earth, exploration of our Solar System, and geologic discoveries on all major bodies in our Solar System. Using comparative planetology as a tool to learn about the geology of extraterrestrial worlds, including inner and outer Solar System bodies, asteroids, and objects from the outermost reaches of our Solar System. | Athena Title: | Alien Worlds | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3010-3010L. 4 hours. 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Earth Materials | Course Description: | Physical and chemical properties, identification, and modes of occurrence of minerals and mineral assemblages. Mineral crystallography, determinations of optical properties with the petrographic microscope, x-ray diffraction and structural formula determinations. Introduction to mineral thermodynamic phase relations. | Athena Title: | EARTH MATERIALS | Prerequisite: | CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3020-3020L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Surficial and Near-Surficial Processes | Course Description: | Surface processes; geohydrological, geochemical cycles; and surface geological structures of the Earth. | Athena Title: | Surficial Near-Surficial Proc | Nontraditional Format: | Field Trips Required | Prerequisite: | (GEOL 1121 and GEOL 1121L) or GEOL 1250-1250L | Pre or Corequisite: | (GEOL 1122 and GEOL 1122L) or GEOL 1260-1260L | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3030. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Elementary Oceanography | Course Description: | Basic aspects of oceanography: ocean basins and plate tectonics, shallow and deep ocean circulation, waves and tides, marine biology and ecology, marine sediments, chemistry of seawater, paleoceanography, and environmental oceanography. | Athena Title: | Elementary Oceanography | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HONS(GEOL) 3070H. 1-3 hours. | Course Title: | Honors Research Methods | Course Description: | Research methods in the natural sciences to enhance directed study participation and Honors thesis/project preparation. | Athena Title: | HONORS RES METHODS | Nontraditional Format: | Weekly seminars focus on individual student research designs. May be held as daily seminars during the May session. | Prerequisite: | Permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3090. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Gems and Gem Materials | Course Description: | Gem materials, historical, cultural, mineralogical, technological, and scientific aspects. The identification and evaluation of gems. | Athena Title: | GEMS/GEM MATERIALS | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3120-3120L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Geological Hazards | Course Description: | Consequences of potentially hazardous geologic processes,
including volcanic activity, earthquakes, landslides, flooding,
shoreline erosion, and ground failure. Emphasis on developing
understanding of the underlying geologic processes that result
in hazards and delineating risk potential. Evaluation of
methods of prediction and damage control through laboratory
analysis of case studies. | Athena Title: | GEOLOGIC HAZARDS | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3130. 3 hours. | Course Title: | National Parks of the Western United States | Course Description: | Geological features of selected national parks used as type examples for understanding rock forming processes (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) and orogenic processes. Exploitation of mineral resources in and around national parks and conflicts that ensue. | Athena Title: | NAT PARKS | Nontraditional Format: | May also be taught as part of domestic field study programs or
Study Abroad. Relevant field observations, discussions and
projects are combined with the traditional content. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3350. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Dinosaurs - Lifestyles of the Big and Famous in the Mesozoic | Course Description: | Dinosaur dinners, dates, dallying, and domiciles (or dinosaur habitats and eating, reproductive, and social behavior). Warm-bloodedness versus cold-bloodedness. Relationship to birds, reptiles, and mammals. Evolutionary patterns. Extinction and asteroids. Climate, sea level, and continents during the Mesozoic Era. | Athena Title: | Dinosaurs | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 3350E | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 3350E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Dinosaurs-Lifestyles of the Big and Famous in the Mesozoic | Course Description: | Dinosaur dinners, dates, dallying, and domiciles (or dinosaur
habitats and eating, reproductive, and social behavior). Warm-
bloodedness versus cold-bloodedness. Relationship to birds,
reptiles, and mammals. Evolutionary patterns. Extinction and
asteroids. Climate, sea level, and continents during the
Mesozoic Era. | Athena Title: | Dinosaurs | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in GEOL 3350 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4010-4010L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Life and Ecologies of the Past | Course Description: | Principles of paleobiology, including biostratigraphy,
paleoecology, taphonomy, and macroevolutionary dynamics. | Athena Title: | LIFE & ECOL PAST | Prerequisite: | (GEOL 1122 and GEOL 1122L) or GEOL 1260-1260L or GEOL 1122H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4020-4020L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Internal Earth Processes | Course Description: | Internal processes which are responsible for the formation and
physico-chemical evolution of the earth. Study of the basic tools
of igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry,
thermodynamics and heat-transfer mechanisms and their application
in field and laboratory investigations. | Athena Title: | INTERNAL PROCESSES | Pre or Corequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4020W. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Internal Earth Processes | Course Description: | Internal processes which are responsible for the formation and physico-chemical evolution of the earth. Study of the basic tools of igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry, thermodynamics and heat-transfer mechanisms and their application in field and laboratory investigations. | Athena Title: | Internal Earth Processes | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Pre or Corequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4030/6030. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Agrogeology | Course Description: | Application of geology in the service of agriculture. Critically
examine the methods and application of earth minerals and
pyrolyzed waste biomass (black carbon) as natural alternatives to
restore the health of soils for agro-farming, reforestation, and
carbon sequestration. | Athena Title: | Agrogeology | Prerequisite: | GEOL 1120 or GEOL 1120E or GEOL 1121 or GEOL 1121H or GEOL 1121E or GEOL 3010-3010L or GEOL 3020-3020L or GEOG 1125 or GEOG 1125E or GEOG 1111 or FANR(GEOG) 2200 or GEOG 2250H or CRSS(WASR) 1020 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4050/6050. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Facies Models and Stratigraphy | Course Description: | Sedimentary processes in major siliciclastic and carbonate depositional environments. Factors affecting deposition and erosion of sediments on time scales of hundreds of years to hundreds of thousands of years. | Athena Title: | FACIES AND STRATA | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4010-4010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4060/6060-4060L/6060L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Structural Geology | Course Description: | Stress and strain within the earth, and the mechanical properties and behavior of earth materials. Geologic structures, their recognition and interpretation in the field, and solution of structural problems. Framework of the earth's crust; evolution of mountain belts, continents, and basins. Relation between structures, deformation, and plate tectonics.
| Athena Title: | Structural Geology | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HONS(GEOL) 4070H. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Special Problems Seminar in the Natural Sciences | Course Description: | Selected problems in the natural sciences which have special or current relevance to members of the University community. Topics will vary to meet interest and demand. | Athena Title: | Special Prob in Natural Sci | Nontraditional Format: | Discussions include student presentations of material researched for the course. May be held daily during May session, or as part of a Study Abroad program. | Prerequisite: | Permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4090/6090. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Marine Geology | Course Description: | The geologic aspects of ocean basins, including morphology, sedimentation processes, and mode of origin. | Athena Title: | MARINE GEOLOGY | Prerequisite: | [GEOL 1250-1250L or (GEOL 1121 and GEOL 1121L)] and [GEOL 1260-1260L or (GEOL 1122 and GEOL 1122L)] | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4110/6110. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Principles of Geochemistry | Course Description: | Distribution of elements and isotopes in minerals, rocks, and waters. Principles governing the migration and behavior of elements and isotopes. | Athena Title: | PRIN OF GEOCHEM | Prerequisite: | (CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L and GEOL 3010-3010L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4130/6130. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry | Course Description: | Chemical behavior of natural aquatic systems: chemical kinetic and equilibrium relationships controlling the quality of surface and subsurface waters, both pristine and polluted. Distribution and behavior of chemical species in aqueous environments. | Athena Title: | AQUEOUS ENV GEOCHEM | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | GEOL 3150 or GEOL 3020-3020L or GEOL 4110/6110 or CHEM 2100 or permission of department | Graduate Prerequisite: | GEOL 4110/6110 or CRSS 4670/6670 or GEOL 4550/6550 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4220/6220. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Hydrogeology | Course Description: | Groundwater in the hydrologic cycle. Examination of flow through porous media, regional flow, influence of wells, water chemistry, and contaminant transport. Emphasis on practical environmental problems. | Athena Title: | HYDROGEOLOGY | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4250/6250. 2 hours. 1 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Field Methods in Geology | Course Description: | Field measurement of geologic parameters, accurate recording of observations, production and interpretation of geologic maps and cross sections, and the recognition of structures and lithologies in the field. | Athena Title: | FIELD METHODS | Nontraditional Format: | Two day weekend field trips are required. | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Pre or Corequisite: | GEOL 3020-3020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4270/6270. 6 hours. | Course Title: | Geology Field School | Course Description: | Theory and practice of field measurement, large scale planimetric and topographic mapping, and grid surveying. Graphic presentation of field data. Geologic mapping projects, including interpretation of observed geologic features. Summary maps and reports must be prepared and defended in the field. Student must demonstrate mastery of the knowledge and skills taught in the required on-campus major courses. | Athena Title: | GEOL FIELD SCHOOL | Nontraditional Format: | Taught in the field during the summer term. Instructional methods include lectures, demonstrations, field trips, as well as supervised field study. | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4060/6060 and GEOL 4500/6500 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4300/6300. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology | Course Description: | Textures, mineralogy, and classification of the common igneous and metamorphic rocks. Origin of magmas and volcanoes and their impact on civilizations; evolutions of continental and oceanic crusts; metamorphic rocks as probes of crustal processes. | Athena Title: | IGN & MET PETROLOGY | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4310/6310. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Economic Geology | Course Description: | Classification and origin of base and precious metal ore deposits; relationships between ore deposits, host rocks, and plate tectonics; principles of ore deposit exploration and evaluation. | Athena Title: | ECONOMIC GEOLOGY | Corequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4320/6320. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Petroleum Geology | Course Description: | Geological understanding of petroleum, including its origin, its
migration, the reservoir rocks in which it is found, the
mechanisms by which it is trapped in the subsurface, the
techniques by which it is found and extracted, and its
geochemical and physical properties. | Athena Title: | PETROLEUM GEOLOGY | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | GEOL 1120 or GEOL 1121 or GEOL 1122 or GEOL 1250-1250L or GEOL 2350H or HONS(BIOL)(CHEM)(GEOL)(PHYS) 2080H | Graduate Prerequisite: | GEOL 1120 or GEOL 1121 or GEOL 1122 or GEOL 1250-1250L or GEOL 2350H or HONS(BIOL)(CHEM)(GEOL)(PHYS) 2080H | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4330/6330-4330L/6330L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Geology of North America | Course Description: | Evolution of North American continent through time. Stratigraphic, sedimentary, and magmatic history and tectonic development of various regions since the early Precambrian. Paleontological record of environmental and biological changes. Origin of energy, mineral, soil, and water resources. History of human habitation and resource utilization. Current environmental hazards and challenges. | Athena Title: | Geology of North America | Nontraditional Format: | May be taught during the summer session in the field as part of the Interdisciplinary Field Program. | Prerequisite: | GEOL 1122 or GEOL 1122H or GEOL 1260-1260L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL(ANTH) 4340/6340. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Archaeometry | Course Description: | Methods of archaeometric analysis including chronometric and instrumental techniques. Absolute age dating and characterization of archaeological materials by physico-chemical analysis. | Athena Title: | Archaeometry | Pre or Corequisite: | GEOL 1121 or GEOL 1121H or GEOL 1122 or GEOL 2350H or ANTH 3220 or ANTH 3250 or ANTH(ECOL) 4210/6210 or CLAS(ANTH) 2000 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4350/6350. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Planetary Dynamics | Course Description: | A rigorous and quantitative study of the physiochemical
underpinning of planetary processes and applications to
specific planetary bodies. | Athena Title: | Planetary Dynamics | Prerequisite: | MATH 2260 and PHYS 1211-1211L and CHEM 1211 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4360/6360. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introduction to Rock Mechanics | Course Description: | Introduction to the brittle field of rock deformation, the rock
mass concept, and its role for site characterization and
engineering design. Understanding rock as a material, the
relationship between stress and strain, and deformation and
failure of rock to classify rock fracture types and rock
fracturing behavior. | Athena Title: | Introduction to Rock Mechanics | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4390/6390. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Computer Algebra Systems in the Earth and Planetary Sciences | Course Description: | A hands-on course on the use of computer algebra systems to
solve analytical and numerical problems from many areas within
the Earth and Planetary Sciences. | Athena Title: | CAS in Earth and Planet Scien | Prerequisite: | MATH 2260 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4400. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Planetary Geology | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to planetary geology and exploration. | Athena Title: | Intro Rsch Planetary Geology | Nontraditional Format: | This is a directed study course and credit hours will involve undergraduate research. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4410/6410. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Archeogeology | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to archeogeology. | Athena Title: | RES ARCHEOGEOLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study, but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4420/6420. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Geochemistry | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to geochemistry. | Athena Title: | RES GEOCHEMISTRY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study, although traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4430/6430. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Geophysics | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to geophysics. | Athena Title: | RES GEOPHYSICS | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4440/6440. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Hydrogeology | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to hydrogeology. | Athena Title: | RES HYDROGEOLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4450/6450. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Mineralogy | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to mineralogy. | Athena Title: | RES MINERALOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study, but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be employed when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4460/6460. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Paleontology | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to paleontology. | Athena Title: | RES PALEONTOLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4470/6470. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Petrology | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to petrology. | Athena Title: | RES PETROLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study, but traditional lecture and lab
exercises may be utilized when appropriate. May also be taught
during domestic field study or Study Abroad programs. In that
case, field work will complement research, and additional on-
campus work may be required. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4480/6480. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Sedimentary Geology | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques appropriate to sedimentation and stratigraphy. | Athena Title: | RES SEDIMENT GEOL | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4490/6490. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Introduction to Research in Structure/Tectonics | Course Description: | The literature, research procedures, and instrumental techniques applicable to structural geology and/or tectonics. | Athena Title: | RES STRUC/TECTONICS | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lecture and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4500/6500-4500L/6500L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Sedimentary Geology | Course Description: | Interpretation and origin of sediments and sedimentary rocks,
with an emphasis on grain production, sediment transport,
diagenesis, facies models, sequence stratigraphy, and
sedimentary basins. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of
sedimentary rocks in hand sample and thin section, as well as
application of course material in solving geological problems. | Athena Title: | Sedimentary Geology | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4510/6510. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Marine Micropaleontology | Course Description: | Geologic history and applications of marine microfossils, especially foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, radiolaria, and diatoms. | Athena Title: | MARINE MICROPALEO | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4010-4010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4520/6520. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Paleoecology | Course Description: | The ecological factors affecting the distribution and abundance of fossil organisms, with emphasis on marine invertebrates. Invertebrates as a guide to environments of the past and as indicators of environmental change. Taphonomy of invertebrates. | Athena Title: | Paleoecology | Prerequisite: | [GEOL 1260-1260L or (GEOL 1122 and GEOL 1122L) or (GEOL 1122H and GEOL 1122L) and GEOL 4010-4010L] or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4530/6530-4530L/6530L. 3 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Principles and Environmental Applications of GIS | Course Description: | Provides rigorous hands-on-exercises on the applications of
geographic information system (GIS) techniques in geological
and environmental sciences. Students will master image
processing and spatial analysis techniques (e.g., image
classifications, spatial interpolation, georeferencing).
The course will cover the fundamentals of GIS with an emphasis
on geology and hydrology. | Athena Title: | Environmental GIS | Nontraditional Format: | This courses is intended for both undergraduate and graduate
students in Geology or related programs looking to enhance
their knowledge and application of GIS. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | CRSS(GEOL) 4540/6540-4540L/6540L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Pedology | Course Description: | Soils as a natural component of the ecosystem, including morphology, landscape distribution, formation, identification of diagnostic horizons and features, and classification. | Athena Title: | PEDOLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | A one-day trip to North Georgia and a two-day trip to the Coastal Plain will be required at student's expense. | Prerequisite: | CRSS(FANR) 3060-3060L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4550/6550. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Clay Mineralogy and Geochemistry | Course Description: | Clay minerals with emphasis on x-ray diffraction analysis and identification of mixed layer systems. Geochemical factors for clay origin and uses including applications to soils, petroleum, archeological, environmental and economic ore deposit studies. | Athena Title: | CLAY MINERAOLOGY | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4560/6560. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Weathering and Diagenesis | Course Description: | Global cycling of major elements. Rock-water interactions. Kinetics of mineral dissolution and growth in soil, marine, freshwater, sedimentary basins and hydrothermal systems. Geochemical models for estimating reaction rates and reservoir capacities/fluxes are considered. | Athena Title: | WEATH & DIAGENESIS | Prerequisite: | CHEM 1211 and CHEM 1211L and GEOL 3020-3020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4600/6600. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Solid Earth Geophysics | Course Description: | Analysis of Earth's gravity, magnetic, and seismic wave fields applied to the investigation of structure and dynamics of the Earth's interior. Course will cover theory, methods of analysis, and results of geophysical investigations. Emphasis on major new initiatives in satellite geodesy and digital seismic array studies. | Athena Title: | SOLID EARTH GEOPHYS | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L and MATH 2200 and MATH 2200L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4620/6620. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Exploration Geophysics | Course Description: | Geophysical methods for imaging the subsurface. Course will focus on gravity, magnetic, resistivity, seismic refraction, and seismic reflection surveys. Applications discussed include exploration for hydrocarbons and characterization of the shallow subsurface for engineering/groundwater studies. Laboratory will include field experiments and computer modeling studies. | Athena Title: | EXPLORATION GEOPHYS | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L and MATH 2200 and MATH 2200L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4640/6640. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Geochemical and Geophysical Surveys | Course Description: | Geochemical dispersion and survey of common pathfinder elements; methods of instrumental analysis used in geochemical exploration. Background theory of gravity, magnetic, electromagnetic, and electrical techniques used in resource exploration. Field based projects. | Athena Title: | GEOCHEM/GEOPHYS SUR | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Pre or Corequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4660/6660. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Shallow Geophysics | Course Description: | Techniques for the geophysical propsection of near-surface geology, geohydrology, and geomorphology. Techniques include electro-magnetic, radar, sonar, and magnetism. | Athena Title: | Shallow Geophysics | Nontraditional Format: | Course taught during regular semester utilizing applied field
exercises in addition to traditional lecture/lab methods. | Prerequisite: | (GEOL 1121 and GEOL 1121L) or GEOL 1250-1250L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4670/6670. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Environmental Instrumental Analysis | Course Description: | Lecture and laboratory course emphasizing principles and practical experience in chemical analysis of sediments, rocks and water, with particular emphasis on environmentally important organic and inorganic contaminants. | Athena Title: | ENV INST ANAYLYSIS | Nontraditional Format: | Field trip participation required. | Prerequisite: | CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL(ANTH) 4700/6700. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Archaeological Geology | Course Description: | Archaeological geology examines the use of earth science methods and theories in the study of archaeological sites and their contents. The four major areas covered include: (1) the archaeological site and geology; (2) age determination techniques; (3) exploration techniques; (4) artifact characterization. | Athena Title: | Archaeological Geology | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | WASR(CRSS)(ECOL)(ENGR)(GEOG)(GEOL) 4700L/6700L. 3 hours. 4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Hydrology, Geology, and Soils of Georgia | Course Description: | This field course focuses on the physical environment of Georgia by examining the diverse geology, soils, and surface and subsurface hydrologic processes within the state. We will travel to all of Georgia's physiographic areas, visiting mines, farms, forests, wetlands, rivers, lakes, and estuaries to explore the influence of human activities on the physical environment. | Athena Title: | HYDROLOGY FIELD LAB | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FORS(ENGR)(CRSS)(GEOL)(GEOG)(ECOL) 4170L/6170L | Nontraditional Format: | This is a Maymester field course, with lectures and laboratories scheduled during the entire session. Students are expected to travel throughout the state. Class will begin Period 1 on Day 1, and will end on the last day of the session. | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | Permission of school | Graduate Prerequisite: | Permission of school | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4750/6750. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Earth Sciences for Middle School Teachers | Course Description: | Fundamentals of earth sciences for middle school teachers. Map interpretation; minerals and rocks; principles of astronomy, meteorology and oceanography. Processes at the surface and inside the Earth. Emphasis on plate tectonics; geologic time scale, evolution of life, and a study of fossils. Geology and resources of Georgia. | Athena Title: | Earth Sci Mid School Teachers | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4900/6900. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Seminar in Geohydrology | Course Description: | Current and classical studies in geohydrology. | Athena Title: | SEMINAR IN GEOHYDRO | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4910/6910. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Seminar in Geochemistry | Course Description: | Current and classical studies in geochemistry. | Athena Title: | SEMINAR IN GEOCHEM | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4920/6920. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Seminar for Geology Teaching Assistants | Course Description: | Discussion of the delivery of geology laboratory material, including presentation techniques, attendance policy, grading, and support systems. | Athena Title: | SEM TEACH ASSTS | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4940L/6940L. 3 hours. 6 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Volcanology and Volcano Petrology: Field, Experiments, and Modelling | Course Description: | Fundamentals of eruption dynamics from the field and geochemical perspective, the state-of-the-art of volcano monitoring, and the challenges of volcanic eruption forecast. | Athena Title: | Volcanology | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4950/6950. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Geology Seminar | Course Description: | Reviews and discussions of current research topics. | Athena Title: | GEOLOGY SEMINAR | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4960R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research I | Nontraditional Format: | This course belongs to a progressive research course sequence to
promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability.
This course requires the close supervision of a faculty member
as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4970R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research II | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4980R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research III | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4990. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Geology Thesis | Course Description: | Individual research in the field of geology or in a closely related field. | Athena Title: | Geology Thesis | Nontraditional Format: | Students in this course meet with a supervising Geology faculty member as needed to successfully complete research assignments and a written thesis. Oral presentation of research results in a public forum is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 4990R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project) | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data.
Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional
capstone product, such as a report or portfolio that describes
their systematic and in-depth inquiry. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Thesis | Nontraditional Format: | This is a capstone course under the direct supervision of a
faculty member. This course may be the culmination of the 4960R-
4980R sequence. Students will write a thesis or other
professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio,
that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry into an
unknown, fundamental, or applied problem. The thesis or capstone
product is written in close collaboration with the faculty
member and must be approved by that faculty member and/or the
department. The student will apply understanding of the
discipline to identify or shape the research question and apply
skills and techniques learned to complete the research project.
The student will have gathered data, synthesized relevant
literature and materials, analyzed, and interpreted data. The
student will demonstrate in writing the contribution of their
work to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge
significant to their field of study. The student will have
presented results in the form of a properly formatted,
professionally rigorous thesis document or other appropriate
professional capstone product and through the formal
presentation of the thesis or product to faculty and peers
during an approved event. The student will receive feedback from
the faculty member on the overall execution of their thesis
project, the written thesis, and their presentation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 7000. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a master's degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | MASTER'S RESEARCH | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 7005. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Graduate Student Seminar | Course Description: | Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This
course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of
study. | Athena Title: | GRAD STUDENT SEM | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 7300. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 24 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Thesis | Course Description: | Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | MASTER'S THESIS | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and thesis preparation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8000. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Scientific Writing: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations | Course Description: | Introduction to the craft of effective scientific communication
for graduate students in Geosciences. Students will learn
standard format, content, and style of scientific papers,
research proposals and theses. Students will also be trained in
the use of relevant computer programs for creating effective
figures and presentations. | Athena Title: | SCIENTIFIC WRITING | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8010. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Archaeological Geology | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP ARCH GEOL | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study using traditional lecture and lab exercises when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8020. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Geochemistry | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP GEOCHEM | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8030. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Geophysics | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP GEOPHYSICS | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8040. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Hydrogeology | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP HYDROGEOL | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be used when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8050. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Mineralogy | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of a staff member on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP MINERALOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when applicable. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8060. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Paleobiology | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP PALEOBIOL | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8070. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Petrology | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP PETROLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8080. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Sedimentary Geology | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP SED GEOLOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8090. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Structural Geology | Course Description: | Intensive study under the direction of staff members on approved topics. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP STRUC GEOL | Nontraditional Format: | Taught as a directed study but traditional lectures and lab exercises may be utilized when appropriate. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8120. 3 hours. 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Paleobiodiversity | Course Description: | Pattern, process and causal mechanisms of modern and fossil biodiversity issues. | Athena Title: | PALEOBIODIVERSITY | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4520/6520 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8130. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Paleocommunities | Course Description: | Geologic history and paleoecology of fossil associations through time with emphasis on the marine fossil record. | Athena Title: | PALEOCOMMUNITIES | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4010-4010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8140. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sequence Stratigraphy | Course Description: | Principles of sequence stratigraphy. Roles of sediment supply, subsidence, and eustasy in the accumulation of sediments on time scales of tens of thousands of years and longer. | Athena Title: | SEQUENCE STRAT | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4010-4010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8150. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Earth Surface Geochemistry | Course Description: | Geochemical principles, materials, and processes related to the near-earth-surface environment. Systems studied include weathering and shallow groundwater; rivers, lakes, and oceans; diagenesis and deep groundwater; and the linkage of the rock and water cycles.
| Athena Title: | EARTH SURF GEOCHEM | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4110/6110 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8160. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Advanced Igneous Petrology | Course Description: | Mineralogy, petrology, and chemical compositions of igneous rocks. Origin and evolution of magmas and the causes and characteristics of volcanic eruptions including effects on climate and societies. | Athena Title: | ADV IGNEOUS PETROL | Nontraditional Format: | One weekend field trip is required. | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4300/6300 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8170-8170L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Petrology of Stony Archaeological Material | Course Description: | Petrographic analysis and interpretation of stony archaeological
materials, including rocks, minerals, ceramics, slags, and glass
using the petrographic microscope. | Athena Title: | PET ARCH MAT | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L or GEOL(ANTH) 4700/6700 or GEOL(ANTH)4340/6340 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8200. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Carbonate Petrology | Course Description: | Petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of limestones, dolostones, speleothems, travertines, and other carbonate-bearing geological materials. Precipitation of carbonate minerals, origin of carbonate grains, neomorphism, diagenesis, dolomitization, silicification, porosity, and permeability in carbonate rocks. | Athena Title: | CARBONATE PETROLOGY | Prerequisite: | GEOL 3010-3010L and GEOL 4010-4010L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8250. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Plate Tectonics | Course Description: | Mechanics of plate motion on a sphere; analysis of earthquake focal mechanisms and state of stress in the lithosphere; paleomagnetism; true polar wander; geologic processes at plate boundaries; forces driving plates. Discussion of papers covering models for convection, fate of slabs, recent results from global tomography, and regional tectonics. | Athena Title: | PLATE TECTONICS | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8370. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Data Analysis in the Geosciences | Course Description: | The principles of data analysis, including data collection methods, graphical presentation, and basic statistics. | Athena Title: | Data Analysis in Geosciences | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8460. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Isotope Geochemistry | Course Description: | Theory of isotope fractionation and radioactive decay. Analytical methods for measurement of isotope ratios. Applications of isotope methods in the earth sciences including age dating, studies of chemical cycles in the environment, and evolution of inorganic and organic systems. | Athena Title: | ISOTOPE GEOCHEM | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4020-4020L and GEOL 4110/6110 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8550-8550L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Clay Mineralogy | Course Description: | Clay minerals with emphasis on X-ray diffraction analysis and
identification of mixed layer systems. Geochemical factors for
clay origin and uses, including applications to soils,
petroleum, archeological, environmental, and economic deposits. | Athena Title: | CLAY MINERALOGY | Nontraditional Format: | Each student is expected to make an oral presentation on the
subject of his or her choice. The topic must pertain to some
aspect of clay mineralogy (either a lab project or a library
referenced presentation is possible). An abstract, outline,
figures, and list of references should be provided to each
class participant. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8600. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Seismology | Course Description: | Topics in theoretical and observational seismology. Wave propagation, time series analysis, geophysical data processing, inverse theory, and seismic array studies of the lithosphere, mantle and core. Topics to vary from year to year. | Athena Title: | ADV TOP SEISMOLOGY | Prerequisite: | (GEOL 4020-4020L and MATH 2210 and MATH 2210L and PHYS 1212-1212L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8700. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Advanced Hydrogeology | Course Description: | Intended for graduate students interested in exploring a broad range of topics in hydrogeology. A selection of papers will be used to expand the student's knowledge in the discipline as well as examine and discuss current ideas and breakthroughs in hydrogeological research. Lectures and papers will cover a variety of field, laboratory, theoretical, and numerical approaches and techniques that can be used to advance our understanding of hydrogeology, groundwater, and geoenergy systems. | Athena Title: | Advanced Hydrogeology | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | CRSS(GEOL) 8710. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Watershed-Scale Modeling | Course Description: | The science, technology, and policy aspects of watershed-scale
modeling. There will be multiple assignments that will require
the use of the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model and a
project chosen by the student (including a term paper). A
midterm will cover science and policy readings. | Athena Title: | Watershed-Scale Modeling | Prerequisite: | CRSS(FANR) 3060 or GEOL 3020-3020L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8720. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Geologic and Hydrologic Remote Sensing | Course Description: | Hands-on-exercises on the applications of remote sensing
techniques in geological and environmental sciences. Students
will master image processing and spatial analysis techniques
(e.g., radiometric and geometric enhancement, image
classifications, and spatial interpolation). The course will
cover the fundamentals of remote sensing with an emphasis on
hydrologic applications. | Athena Title: | ENVIRONMENTAL REMOT | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | WASR(GEOL) 8730. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Aquifer Mechanics | Course Description: | Mechanics of flow through subsurface media, including flow in confined, water table, and leaky aquifers, delayed yield, partially penetrating wells, boundaries, multiple wells, dual porosity media, and fractured rock; use of aquifer tests to estimate aquifer hydraulic properties. | Athena Title: | AQUIFER MECHANICS | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FORS 8730 | Prerequisite: | FORS 4110/6110-4110L/6110L or WASR(FORS) 4110/6110-4110L/6110L or GEOL 4220/6220 or GEOG 4030/6030 or CRSS 4600/6600-4600L/6600L or permission of school | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL(WASR) 8740. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Hydrologic Flow and Transport Modeling | Course Description: | Solutions of surface and subsurface flow and transport problems including finite difference, finite element, and boundary integral methods. Analytic techniques include Laplace-, z-, and Fourier-transform, complex variable, and separation of variables methods. Application to problems commonly found in the environmental field, including capture zones, particle-tracking, advection-dispersion, and non-aqueous phase liquids. | Athena Title: | HYDROLOGIC MODELS | Prerequisite: | GEOL 8700 or FORS 4120/6120 or WASR 4500/6500 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8750. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Environmental Organic Geochemistry | Course Description: | Origin and distribution of organic compounds in rocks, soils,
and water. Biochemistry of major classes of organic compounds
found in rocks, soils, and minerals. Emphasis on
anthropocentric contamination and geochemistry of remediation. | Athena Title: | ENV ORGANIC GEOCHEM | Prerequisite: | CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L and GEOL 1260-1260L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL(CRSS) 8760. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Organic Contaminant Hydrogeology | Course Description: | Physical and chemical processes controlling the mobility and fate of organic contaminants in soils, sediments, surface, and ground waters. Processes include biotic and abiotic (hydrolysis, volatilization, sorption, redox, and photochemical) reactions in the natural systems. Relationships between chemical structure and reactivity in the environment. | Athena Title: | ORG CONT HYDROGEOL | Prerequisite: | (CHEM 2100 and CHEM 2100L) or (CHEM 2212 and CHEM 2212L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8770. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Hazardous Waste Site Remediation | Course Description: | The current state of environmental pollution and the application of innovative technologies in clean-up of contaminated soil, sediment, and groundwater. Evaluate the performance and limitations of existing technologies due to site heterogeneity. | Athena Title: | HAZARD WASTE REMED | Prerequisite: | GEOL 4130/6130 and EHSC 4350/6350-4350L/6350L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 8790. 3 hours. 1 hours lecture and 6 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Special Projects in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology | Course Description: | Environmental geological problems such as sanitary landfills,
underground storage tank contaminated sites, mine land pollution
areas, and hydrological assessment of wetlands. | Athena Title: | PROJ IN ENV GEOL | Nontraditional Format: | Field trip participation is required. | Prerequisite: | GEOL 8700 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 9000. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | DOCTORAL RESEARCH | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | GEOL 9300. 1-12 hours. Repeatable for maximum 24 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Course Description: | Dissertation writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | DOCT DISSERTATION | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |