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Course ID:ACCT 5310H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Systems I (Honors)
Accounting information systems (AIS), including the role of such systems in an organization, electronic data processing, AIS applications, AIS analysis and design, AIS controls, and the audit of AIS.
Athena Title:Systems I Honors
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ACCT 5310, ACCT 7310, ACCT 7320
Nontraditional Format:Additional Requirements for Honors Credit: Students should turn in a comprehensive research project selected by the instructor on one of the following topics: 1) Controls in systems 2) Effects of IT on firm performance 3) IT governance 4) ERP systems 5) REA modeling 6) XBRL 7) Continuous monitoring The project will consist of three parts: (1) Students will complete an extensive literature review (2) Students will prepare a research paper integrating and synthesizing this literature (3) Students will prepare a paper describing how the subject is implemented in practice (including the pros and cons, if applicable)
Prerequisite:(ACCT 2102 or ACCT 2102H or ACCT 2102E) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Syllabus: No Syllabus Available 