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Course ID:ENGL 4844. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 4 hours credit.
Course Title:Internship in Library or Museum Studies
An internship with a library or museum, with departmental approval and under the direction of the undergraduate English program office or an English department faculty member and an onsite internship advisor. Work might include education, curation, book acquisition, and outreach. The internship will culminate with a final academic project.
Athena Title:Intern Library or Museum
Nontraditional Format:Students receiving one credit hour will work six to ten hours a week at a library or museum and turn in short weekly work logs and a short final paper summarizing their experiences. Students receiving three credit hours will work six hours a week at a library or musuem, will perform research under the direction of a faculty mentor, and will produce a substantial academic project.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Syllabus: No Syllabus Available 