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Course ID:ENGL 4891S/6891S. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature in Local Schools
Service-learning class that takes current and potential Language Education and English students into local classrooms to teach and learn from literature at all educational levels. Aimed towards those interested in a future teaching career or passionate about the civic, social, and human value of literature.
Athena Title:Literature in Schools
Nontraditional Format:Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. The course uses service-learning as the primary pedagogical tool for teaching course objectives. Students will work on a comprehensive project(s) and may be required to send considerable time outside the classroom. Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for approximately 75-100% of overall instructional time.
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Syllabus: No Syllabus Available 