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Course ID:FANR 5630/7630. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 3 hours credit.
Course Title:Statistical Software for Natural Resource Management
Provides an exposure to the R statistical package for analyzing data and models used in natural resource management. Topics include data organization, input, and analysis; models of population and forest dynamics, fitting data to models, forecasting and optimization. Course centered on R and other freely available programs.
Athena Title:Natural Resource Software
Nontraditional Format:Undergraduates have the option to take the first section of the course (introduction to R and data management/analysis) for 1 credit hour.
Undergraduate Prerequisite:BIOS 2010 or BIOS 2010E or FANR 2010-2010L or MSIT 3000 or MSIT 3000H or MSIT 3000E or BUSN 3000 or BUSN 3000E or BUSN 3000H or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E or STAT 2100H or UNIV 1108
Graduate Prerequisite:BIOS 2010 or BIOS 2010E or FANR 2010-2010L or MSIT 3000 or MSIT 3000H or MSIT 3000E or BUSN 3000 or BUSN 3000E or BUSN 3000H or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E or STAT 2100H or UNIV 1108
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)