| Course ID: | PBIO 1210. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Principles of Plant Biology | Course Description: | Principles of biology, with an emphasis on plants and the
importance of science in daily life. Topics include energy
metabolism, cell biology, plant physiology, genetics, evolution,
ecology, agriculture, and the environment. Students will learn to
use these principles to predict human impacts on the environment. | Athena Title: | Principles of Plant Biology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in BIOL 1103, BIOL 1103E, BIOL 2103H, BIOL 2103S | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 1210L. 1 hour. 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Principles of Plant Biology Laboratory | Course Description: | Provides the opportunity to perform experiments designed to convey the basic principles of plant biology with an emphasis on cell biology, plant structure and function, energy metabolism, genetics, evolution, and ecology. | Athena Title: | Principles Plant Biology Lab | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in BIOL 1113E, BIOL 1103L | Pre or Corequisite: | PBIO 1210 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 1220L. 1 hour. 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Organismal Plant Biology Laboratory | Course Description: | Investigative laboratory experience concerning the diversity of plants, fungi, algae, and prokaryotes; observational study of the major groups of land plants; human uses of plants and plant products. | Athena Title: | Organismal Plant Biology Lab | Pre or Corequisite: | PBIO 1220 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 1220. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Organismal Plant Biology | Course Description: | Plant biology course focused on organisms, including evolution
and diversity of plants, fungi, algae, and bacteria; the
relation of these organisms to human affairs; plant
classification; plant structure and function; plant breeding
and genetic engineering; ecology and biomes. | Athena Title: | Organismal Plant Biology | Nontraditional Format: | The lab is not required. This class complements Principles of
Plant Biology, but these two classes do not form a sequence.
They can be taken independently or in any order, including
concurrently. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 2000. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Plant-Based Solutions | Course Description: | Introduces students to the department of Plant Biology and
provides an overview of plant-based solutions to societal and
environmental challenges. It is intended for students
considering plant-oriented careers in biotechnology, genomics,
and ecological and environmental sciences. | Athena Title: | Plant-Based Solutions | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 2500E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Natural History of Georgia Plants | Course Description: | Course for non-majors that uses vegetation differences among
Georgia’s physiographic provinces as a framework for
understanding how living systems function and the interaction
of science and society. There is an emphasis on conservation
issues, including invasive species and climate change. Experts
take students on virtual hikes through special places in
Georgia. | Athena Title: | Natural History of GA Plants | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PATH(PBIO) 3010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Fungi: Friends and Foes | Course Description: | Impact of fungi on human affairs. Historical and current uses of fungi by humans as well as the roles of fungi in various ecosystems. | Athena Title: | Fungi Friends and Foes | Prerequisite: | [(BIOL 1103 or BIOL 1103E or BIOL 2103H) and BIOL 1103L] or [BIOL 1104 or BIOL 2104H) and BIOL 1104L] or [(BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1107E or BIOL 2107H) and BIOL 1107L] or [(BIOL 1108 or BIOL 2108H) and BIOL 1108L] or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3270. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Flowers | Course Description: | Biological concepts that are pertinent to the ecology and
evolution of plants, focusing on the most attractive
reproductive structure of plants-flowers! Topics will include
the morphology, structures, functions, and diversity of
flowering plants. Class format is highly interactive. Students
will learn the key concepts from both lecture materials and
hands-on activities working with flowers. | Athena Title: | Flowers | Prerequisite: | BIOL 1103 or BIOL 1104 or BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1108 or BIOL 2107 or BIOL 2108 or PBIO 1210 or PBIO 1220 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3400. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Plants and Society | Course Description: | Survey of economically important plants, their origins,
economic development, and their historical and contemporary
effects on the development of modern society. | Athena Title: | PLANTS & SOC | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HORT(ANTH)(PBIO) 3440E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants | Course Description: | Historical and contemporary significance of herbs, spices, and
medicinal plants in human culture and commerce; chemical and
biological characteristics; commercial production techniques;
application in modern and traditional medical systems. | Athena Title: | Herbs Spices Medicinal Plants | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in HORT 3440, ANTH 3440, PBIO 3440 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HORT(ANTH)(PBIO) 3440. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants | Course Description: | Historical and contemporary significance of herbs, spices, and medicinal plants in human culture and commerce; chemical and biological characteristics; commercial production techniques; application in modern and traditional medical systems. | Athena Title: | Herbs Spices Medicinal Plants | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in HORT 3440E, ANTH 3440E, PBIO 3440E | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3600. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Cell and Developmental Biology | Course Description: | Structure and function of plant cells, their membranes, cell
walls, organelles and tissues; energy transduction and
signalling mechanisms; regulation of gene expression in response
to the environment, tissue interactions, hormones and during
development; developmental programs and their controls during
flowering, gametogenesis, fertilization, embryogenesis, seed
germination, and morphogenesis. | Athena Title: | Plant Cell and Develop Biology | Prerequisite: | BCMB(BIOL)(CHEM) 3100 or BCMB 4010/6010 or BCMB 4020/6020 | Pre or Corequisite: | GENE(BIOL) 3200 or PGEN 3580 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3650-3650L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Ecology | Course Description: | Examination of distribution and abundances of plant species at
the individual, population, community, and ecosystem scales,
including global patterns, and the role of interactions of
plants with their environment and other organisms. | Athena Title: | Plant Ecology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in ECOL 3500, ECOL 3500L. | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (BIO 2108H and 2108H) or (PBIO(BIOL) 1210 and PBIO(BIOL)1210L) or (PBIO(BIOL) 1220 and PBIO(BIOL)1220L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3660L. 4 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. 8 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Biology Intensive Laboratory | Course Description: | An intensive, inquiry-based laboratory course emphasizing
experimental design and the acquisition of technical skills
commonly used in biology laboratories. Students will work as a
group on a self-contained research project focusing on either
the molecular genetics or on the evolution, ecology, and
population genetics of plants. Includes proper procedures for
keeping a laboratory notebook, laboratory safety, and time
management. | Athena Title: | Plant Biology Intensive Lab | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (BIOL 2107 and BIOL 2107L) or (BIOL 2108 and BIOL 2108L) or (PBIO 1210 and PBIO 1210L) or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3700. 3-4 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Advanced Topics in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Advanced study relating to a central theme of special interest in
the field of plant biology. Intended for majors in the Division
of Biology. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester. | Athena Title: | Advanced Topics in Plant Biol | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and 1108L) or (BIOL 2107H and BIOL 2107L) or (BIOL 2108H and BIOL 2108L) or (PBIO 1210 and PBIO 1210L) or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3900. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Readings in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Individual or small group directed readings from scientific
journals in a selected area of Plant Biology. | Athena Title: | Readings in Plant Biology | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 3900H. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Readings in Plant Biology (Honors) | Course Description: | Individual or small group directed readings from scientific
journals in a selected area of Plant Biology. | Athena Title: | Readings in Plant Biology Hon | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 3900 | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research. | Prerequisite: | Permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | BTEC(BCMB)(PBIO) 4000L. 4 hours. 8 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Methods in Biotechnology | Course Description: | Laboratory instruction in the methods for manipulation of plants,
microbes, and animals for biotechnological purposes. | Athena Title: | Methods in Biotechnology | Prerequisite: | BCMB 3100 or BCMB 3100E or BCMB 3100H | Pre or Corequisite: | BIOL 3110L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | BINF(PBIO) 4040/6040. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Essential Biology for Quantitative Scientists | Course Description: | The essential elements of biology necessary for a scientist with
a background in the quantitative sciences to begin working in
the biological sciences. Core biological concepts will be
presented with the goal of getting computer scientists,
physicists, and mathematicians started in understanding
biology and finding productive areas of research inquiry. | Athena Title: | BIOL FOR QUANT SCI | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | CHEM 1211 or CHEM 1411 or CHEM 1311H or permission of department | Graduate Prerequisite: | CHEM 1211 or CHEM 1411 or CHEM 1311H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | MARS(PBIO) 4160-4160L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Life and Death in the Salt Marsh | Course Description: | Exploration of the diversity, adaptations, and interacting
functional roles of estuarine plants, animals, and
microorganisms. | Athena Title: | SALT MARSH ECOLOGY | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in BTNY 4160 | Nontraditional Format: | This course includes both a lecture and a laboratory
component. Lectures are primarily concentrated during the
first week of the class, after which students spend 10 days at
the UGA Marine Institute on Sapelo Island doing a combination
of laboratory and field work. (Students are required to spend
8-10 hours in class during this period.) The final week focuses
on data analysis and interpretation of independent research,
and includes discussion and synthesis sessions. | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1104 and BIOL 1104L) or BIOL 1108-1108L or PBIO 1220-1220L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PATH(PBIO) 4200/6200-4200L/6200L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Mycology | Course Description: | The biology, ecology, genetics, morphology, and taxonomy of
fungi. Groups of organisms traditionally classified with the
fungi will also be discussed. Students will learn how to
collect, isolate, culture, and identify fungi. | Athena Title: | MYCOLOGY | Prerequisite: | (PBIO 1210 and PBIO 1210L and PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) or (BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L and BIOL 1104 and BIOL 1104L) or (BIOL 1107-1107L and BIOL 1108-1108L) | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOG(PBIO) 4220/6220. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Ecological Biogeography | Course Description: | Patterns of plant distribution in contemporary landscapes and underlying processes, including vegetation dynamics, disturbance ecology, biogeomorphology, dendrochronology, and environmental history. | Athena Title: | ECOLOG BIOGEOG | Prerequisite: | GEOG 1111 or ECOL(BIOL) 3500-3500L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | GEOG(PBIO) 4240/6240. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Geography | Course Description: | Biogeography and ecology of the world's main terrestrial biomes. Includes world bioclimatic zonation, plant-geographic processes, other physical environmental factors, plant functional roles and types, vegetation dynamics, response to disturbance, and potential natural vegetation. Emphasis on global scale, with secondary emphasis on North America. | Athena Title: | Plant Geography | Prerequisite: | GEOG 3210 or ECOL(BIOL) 3500-3500L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ANTH(BIOL)(ECOL)(ENTO)(PBIO) 4260/6260-4260L/6260L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Natural History Collections Management | Course Description: | Theories, policies, and operational procedures in the management of natural history collections, including higher category classification, identification, field collecting, accessioning, preparation, curation, and data management. | Athena Title: | NAT HIST COLL MGMT | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ANTH(PBIO) 4300/6300-4300L/6300L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Ethnobotany | Course Description: | Ethnobotanical research, with focus on knowledge and utilization of the plant world in traditional societies. Comparisons of societies in tropical forest ecosystems and evaluation of issues relating to intellectual property rights and traditional peoples' knowledge of plant species with potential economic value. | Athena Title: | Ethnobotany | Prerequisite: | ANTH 1102 or permission of major | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(CRSS) 4500/6500. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introduction to Gene Technology | Course Description: | Methods and applications of molecular biology and gene
technology. These will include PCR, gene isolation strategies
and various host-plasmid systems, cDNA and genomic cloning,
bioinformatics and searching DNA database, genome projects,
recombinant protein and stem cell therapeutics, animal cloning
and engineering, microarray and medicine, plant biotechnologies
(bio-FUEL). Metabolomic and proteomic. | Athena Title: | Intro to Gene Technology | Prerequisite: | BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1107E or BIOL 1108 or BIOL 2107H or BIOL 2108H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(GENE)(PATH)(BINF) 4510/6510. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Genome Evolution Across the Tree of Life | Course Description: | Survey of the wealth of information arising from genomic research
conducted on diverse species across the tree of life. Students
will explore the evolutionary diversification of genomes in
phylogenetically remote organisms and refine critical thinking
and technical writing skills through analysis of publications
drawn from the recent literature. | Athena Title: | Genome Evolution | Prerequisite: | GENE(BIOL) 3200 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(ECOL) 4520/6520. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Plant-Animal Interactions | Course Description: | Examination of the diversity of plant-animal interactions from
an ecological (population, community), evolutionary (phylogeny,
adaptation), and mechanistic (structure-function, interaction
dynamics, development) perspective. | Athena Title: | Plant Animal Interactions | Prerequisite: | ECOL 3500-3500L or ECOL 3505H-3505L or PBIO 3650-3650L or GENE 3000-3000D or GENE 3000H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | BINF(PBIO) 4550/6550. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Concepts in Bioinformatics and Omics | Course Description: | Designed for students to learn how modern problems in medicine,
agriculture, and biology are solved using big data “omics.”
Topics include comparative gene and genome sequence analyses,
transcriptomics, metabolomics, phylogenomics, and application of
these approaches in medical, agricultural, and environmental
sciences. No prior computational experience required. | Athena Title: | Bioinformatics and Omics | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | CBIO(PBIO) 4600L/6600L. 1 hour. 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Biology of Protists Laboratory | Course Description: | Examination and identification of protists in samples from
nature, methods of isolating and culturing protists, and
experimental investigations of protists. | Athena Title: | BIOL OF PROTIST LAB | Prerequisite: | BIOL 1104L or BIOL 1108L or BIOL 2108L or PBIO(BIOL) 1220L | Corequisite: | CBIO(PBIO) 4600/6600 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | CBIO(PBIO) 4600/6600. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Biology of Protists | Course Description: | Organismal biology of protists (algae, protozoa, and zoosporic
fungi) with an emphasis on cellular and developmental biology,
evolution, phylogenetic relationships, life histories,
physiology, and ecology. | Athena Title: | BIOL OF PROTISTS | Prerequisite: | BIOL 1104 or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or BIOL 2108L or (PBIO(BIOL) 1220 and PBIO(BIOL) 1220L) | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4640/6640-4640L/6640L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Botanical Illustration | Course Description: | This course, an introduction to botanical illustration, includes
instruction in plant morphology and associated terminology.
Students sharpen their observation skills by examining plants,
macroscopically and microscopically, via hands-on drawing
exercises with live material. By creating their own
illustrations, students also learn how to fully appreciate and
properly evaluate published illustrations. | Athena Title: | BOT ILLUS | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L) or (BIOL 1104 and BIOL 1104L) or BIOL 1108-1108L or PBIO 1210 or PBIO 1220 or permission of department | Graduate Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L) or (BIOL 1104 and BIOL 1104L) or BIOL 1108-1108L or PBIO 1210 or PBIO 1220 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4650/6650-4650L/6650L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Taxonomy | Course Description: | History of taxonomy, nomenclature, characters, identification principles, classification, taxonomic relationships, taxonomic literature, species biology, collecting and herbarium, floristic studies. | Athena Title: | Plant Taxonomy | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1104 and BIOL 1104L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(BINF)(FANR) 4700H. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Computational Plant Science (Honors) | Course Description: | Introduces computational techniques to explore plant biology for students that are new to programming or do not regularly program. In doing so, the course introduces basic techniques that allow the simulation of plant growth from the cellular to the organismal level and the imaging analysis of plant morphology. | Athena Title: | Comp Plant Science Honors | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4700, BINF 4700, FANR 4700, PBIO 6700, BINF 6700, FANR 6700 | Pre or Corequisite: | (UNIV 1108 or BIOS 2010 or BIOS 2010E or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E or STAT 2100H or permission of department) and permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(BINF)(FANR) 4700/6700. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Computational Plant Science | Course Description: | Introduces computational techniques to explore plant biology for students that are new to programming or do not regularly program. In doing so, the course introduces basic techniques that allow the simulation of plant growth from the cellular to the organismal level and the imaging analysis of plant morphology. | Athena Title: | Computational Plant Science | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4700H, BINF 4700H, FANR 4700H | Pre or Corequisite: | UNIV 1108 or BIOS 2010 or BIOS 2010E or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E or STAT 2100H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4720. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Variation and Evolution | Course Description: | Variation and evolution in plants, genotypic and phenotypic patterns, genetic diversity, adaptation, breeding systems, polyploidy, hybridization, apomixis, empirical data in population genetics and evolution, literature, experimental design, population sampling, variation analysis, breeding techniques, data presentation, population analysis, and molecular evolution. | Athena Title: | Plant Variation and Evolution | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1108 or BIOL 2108H) and (GENE 3000-3000D or GENE 3000E or GENE 3000H) | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(ECOL) 4750/6750. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Tropical Ecology and Conservation | Course Description: | Patterns and processes in the origin, maintenance, and loss of the high biological diversity in the tropics, emphasizing particular communities and ecosystems, including tropical rainforest, tropical savannas, tropical islands, and coral reefs. | Athena Title: | Tropical Ecology and Conserv | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L ) or (BIOL 2108H and BIOL 2108L) or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) | Graduate Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L ) or (BIOL 2108H and BIOL 2108L) or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4940. 3-4 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Internship in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Supervised work experience with public agencies, private
industry, or non-profit organizations in the area of the
biological sciences. Examples of work experience include
traineeships in scientific investigation, environmental impact
assessment, floristic surveys, plant growth management, and
informatics. | Athena Title: | Internship in Plant Biology | Nontraditional Format: | Students will be engaged in supervised work experience with
public agencies, private industry, or non-profit organizations
in the area of the biological sciences. After completing the
internship, students must turn in a final report explaining
their experience and results. The internship supervisor must
certify that the student completed the internship
satisfactorily and, in consultation with the faculty
coordinator, agree on a grade. | Prerequisite: | [(BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 2107H and BIOL 2017L) or (PBIO 1210 and PBIO 1210L)] and [(BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) or (BIOL 2108H and BIOL 2108L) or (PBIO 1220 and PBIO 1220L)] | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4950. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 2 hours credit. | Course Title: | Capstone Skills in Plant Biology | Course Description: | A capstone seminar for Plant Biology majors and minors, aimed at students finishing their coursework. Faculty will lead students in a precis of science communication (both with scientists and the public), a review of interpretation and evaluation of primary literature, and discussion of how to respond to science misinformation. | Athena Title: | Capstone Skills in Plant Bio | Pre or Corequisite: | [(BIOL 1108 or BIOL 2108H) and BIOL 2108L] or GENE 3000-3000D or GENE 3200-3200D or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E or STAT 2100H or BIOS 2010 or BIOS 2010E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4960R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research I | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4960 | Nontraditional Format: | This course belongs to a progressive research course sequence to
promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability.
This course requires the close supervision of a faculty member
as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4960. 4 hours. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit. | Course Title: | Independent Research in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Independent research and research participation in a selected
area of Plant Biology. | Athena Title: | Indepen Research Plant Biology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4960R | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4970R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research II | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4970 | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4970. 1-4 hours. | Course Title: | Independent Research in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Independent research and research participation for students in
a selected area of Plant Biology. | Athena Title: | Independent Research PBIO | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4970R | Nontraditional Format: | Students will meet with faculty members on a regular basis. | Prerequisite: | PBIO 4960 or PBIO 4960R or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4980. 1-4 hours. | Course Title: | Independent Research in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Independent research and research participation for students in
a selected area of Plant Biology. | Athena Title: | Independent Research PBIO | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4980R | Nontraditional Format: | Students will meet with faculty members on a regular basis. | Prerequisite: | PBIO 4970 or PBIO 4970R or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4980R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research III | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4980 | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4990R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project) | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data.
Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional
capstone product, such as a report or portfolio that describes
their systematic and in-depth inquiry. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Thesis | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4990 | Nontraditional Format: | This is a capstone course under the direct supervision of a
faculty member. This course may be the culmination of the 4960R-
4980R sequence. Students will write a thesis or other
professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio,
that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry into an
unknown, fundamental, or applied problem. The thesis or capstone
product is written in close collaboration with the faculty
member and must be approved by that faculty member and/or the
department. The student will apply understanding of the
discipline to identify or shape the research question and apply
skills and techniques learned to complete the research project.
The student will have gathered data, synthesized relevant
literature and materials, analyzed, and interpreted data. The
student will demonstrate in writing the contribution of their
work to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge
significant to their field of study. The student will have
presented results in the form of a properly formatted,
professionally rigorous thesis document or other appropriate
professional capstone product and through the formal
presentation of the thesis or product to faculty and peers
during an approved event. The student will receive feedback from
the faculty member on the overall execution of their thesis
project, the written thesis, and their presentation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 4990. 1-4 hours. | Course Title: | Thesis | Course Description: | Independent research and research participation for students in
a selected area of Plant Biology. | Athena Title: | Thesis | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in PBIO 4990R | Nontraditional Format: | Students will meet with faculty members on a regular basis. | Prerequisite: | PBIO 4980 or PBIO 4980R or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 6720. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Variation and Evolution | Course Description: | Variation and evolution in plants, genotypic and phenotypic
patterns, genetic diversity, adaptation, breeding systems,
polyploidy, hybridization, apomixis, empirical data in
population genetics and evolution, literature, experimental
design, population sampling, variation analysis, breeding
techniques, data presentation, population analysis, molecular
evolution. | Athena Title: | Plant Variation and Evolution | Nontraditional Format: | The course is scheduled as three 1-hour lectures per week and a
2-hour discussion section. | Prerequisite: | Permission of major | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 7000. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 100 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a master's degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | Master's Research | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 7005. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Graduate Student Seminar | Course Description: | Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This
course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of
study. | Athena Title: | GRAD STUDENT SEM | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBGG(CRSS)(PBIO)(HORT)(PATH) 7100. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Metamorphosis: Life Skills for a Career in Plant Science Research | Course Description: | Students will receive training and develop skills necessary to obtain and fulfill job expectations in a professional position in the plant science industry, academia, and non-profit institutions. Students will build custom job applications and research proposals as an active learning component. | Athena Title: | Prof Dev Grad Students | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 7300. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Thesis | Course Description: | Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | Master's Thesis | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and thesis preparation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 7360. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 10 hours credit. 1-2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Teaching Internship in Biological Sciences | Course Description: | Classroom teaching experience in undergraduate courses under the direct supervision of a faculty member. | Athena Title: | Teaching Intern Biol Sciences | Prerequisite: | GRSC 7770 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 7500. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Mentoring in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Graduate students will instruct undergraduates in laboratory or
field techniques, help them evaluate and interpret data, and help
them prepare results for publication or public presentation.
Graduate students will serve an important role in teaching
undergraduates modern methods in biological research in a
hands-on manner. | Athena Title: | MENTORING | Nontraditional Format: | Assessment will involve regular meetings between supervisor,
graduate student and undergraduate. Progress will be gauged
according to realistic expectations and research plan/procedures. | Prerequisite: | GRSC 7770 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 7510. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. 2-6 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Special Teaching Projects in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Graduate student initiated special projects in teaching methods
in plant biology and biology. | Athena Title: | TEACHING PROJECT | Nontraditional Format: | Assessment will involve regular meetings between the graduate
student and supervisor(s). Supervisors will measure progress
according to a preliminary plan of study/research, plus regular
reports from the student. | Prerequisite: | GRSC 7770 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8010. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Seminar in Teaching Biology | Course Description: | Designed for graduate students and post-docs interested in
learning how to teach biology effectively in their own courses
rather than as teaching assistants. | Athena Title: | Seminar in Teaching Biology | Prerequisite: | GRSC 7770 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8040. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. 3-9 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Botanical Research | Course Description: | Faculty-directed, laboratory, or literature research of a botanical problem. Not for thesis or dissertation research. | Athena Title: | Botanical Research | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8100. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Genetics | Course Description: | Principles and experimental methods in plant genetics, gene expression, and gene evolution. Topics are interrelated with those of Plant Cellular Biology and Plant Development. | Athena Title: | Plant Genetics | Prerequisite: | GENE 3200 or PBIO(CRSS) 4500/6500 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ECOL(PBIO) 8120-8120L. 4 hours. 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Reproductive Ecology | Course Description: | Pollination ecology, breeding systems, patterns of gene flow via pollen and seed dispersal, flower arrangement and phenology, and implications of reproductive biology for demography. Group and individual laboratory projects. | Athena Title: | PLT REPRO ECOL | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(ECOL) 8130. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Macroecology Seminar | Course Description: | Macroecology is a rapidly emerging field focused on understanding
ecological and evolutionary patterns and processes on large
spatial and temporal scales. Macroecology lies at the interface
of ecology, conservation biology, biogeography, phylogeography,
and paleobiology. The course format is a combination of lectures
and graduate seminar on current literature. | Athena Title: | MACROECOLOGY SEM | Prerequisite: | BIOL 1104 | Pre or Corequisite: | ECOL 4000/6000 | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ENTO(ECOL)(PBIO)(FANR) 8150L. 1 hour. 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Wetland Ecology Laboratory | Course Description: | Techniques for the study of marine and freshwater wetlands. Optional weekend field trips will explore distant wetland sites. | Athena Title: | Wetland Ecology Laboratory | Prerequisite: | ENTO(ECOL)(PBIO)(FANR) 8150 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ENTO(ECOL)(PBIO)(FANR) 8150. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Wetland Ecology | Course Description: | Principles of ecology, elemental cycling, hydrology, policy and management of marine and freshwater wetlands. | Athena Title: | Wetland Ecology | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8160. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 4 hours credit. | Course Title: | Orchid Biology and Evolution | Course Description: | Seminar on current research topics in orchid biology and
evolution. | Athena Title: | ORCHID BIOL & EVOL | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8200. 2 hours. | Course Title: | Grant Writing with a Focus on Plants and Microbes | Course Description: | The fundamentals of research grant proposal writing through
preparation of a dissertation proposal; provides insight into
the submission and review process. The course is aimed at second
year graduate students conducting research on the ecology and
genetics of plants, fungi, and microbes. | Athena Title: | Grant Writing | Nontraditional Format: | Lecture/discussion hours are fewer than the credit hours because
the students will be devoting a considerable amount of time
preparing and editing their proposals and reviewing proposals
from fellow students. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(PATH) 8250. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Experimental Design and Analysis in Field Plant Biology | Course Description: | Students will learn how to design effective, informed, experimental, and observational studies for field plant biology. The course will also cover statistical analyses and software to interpret and visualize those data. | Athena Title: | Exp Design Field Plant Bio | Prerequisite: | One undergraduate-level Statistics course | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ECOL(PBIO)(WILD) 8310. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Population Ecology | Course Description: | Advanced ecological theory to biological populations. Mathematical and evolutionary treatment of population growth and regulation, niche theory, foraging theory, predator-prey theory, habitat selection, and competition. | Athena Title: | Population Ecology | Prerequisite: | ECOL 3500-3500L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(BINF) 8350-8350L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | Course Description: | Students will be introduced to a variety of comparative
approaches for elucidating the evolution of species,
populations, and molecules. Methods for phylogenetic,
population genetic, and molecular evolutionary analyses will be
covered with examples drawn from the primary literature.
Computer labs will train students in the use of state-of-the-
art analysis software. | Athena Title: | Molecular Phylo and Evolution | Prerequisite: | Permission of major or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8360. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Fungal Ecology | Course Description: | The role of fungi in the environment. Topics include fungal populations; biotic interactions with plants, insects, and other fungi; decomposition and nutrient cycling; fungal biomass and productivity; fungi in extreme environments. | Athena Title: | Fungal Ecology | Prerequisite: | PATH(PBIO) 4200/6200-4200L/6200L | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(WILD)(ECOL) 8410. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Population and Community Ecology | Course Description: | The dynamics of plant populations and communities, emphasizing practical tools for data analysis and ecological modeling in R. Topics include population growth; stochasticity; metapopulations and fragmentation; dispersal; distribution and range limits; competitive interactions; herbivory; mutualisms; coexistence; succession and disturbance; biodiversity; and global change ecology. | Athena Title: | Plant Populat Community Ecol | Nontraditional Format: | Consists of a mix of lectures, discussions, and field and
computational labs. | Prerequisite: | Permission of major | Pre or Corequisite: | PBIO(PATH) 8250 or FANR 6750-6750D or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8700. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 15 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Population and Biology Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on current research topics in plant population biology. | Athena Title: | Plant Population Biology Sem | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(FORS)(ECOL) 8770. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Communities and Ecosystems | Course Description: | Advanced synthesis of physiological, population, community, and ecosystem studies in the major terrestrial plant associations of the world. | Athena Title: | Communities and Ecosystems | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8800. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Systematics and Evolution Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on current botanical research topics. | Athena Title: | Plant Systematics and Evol Sem | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8810. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 15 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Mycology Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on current botanical research topics. | Athena Title: | Mycology Seminar | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8820. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 15 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on current topics in plant genetics, molecular biology,
and related areas. | Athena Title: | Plant Genetics Molecular Biol | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8830. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 12 hours credit. | Course Title: | Plant Biology Seminar | Course Description: | Participation and review of topics related to seminars delivered
by invited guest speakers at departmental seminars. Students are
required to attend all department weekly seminars. Each week,
students will prepare an overview and summary of the guest
speaker's topic for distribution to the rest of the department. | Athena Title: | PLANT BIOL SEMINAR | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8840. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 18 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Ecology Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on current plant ecology and related research topics. | Athena Title: | Plant Ecology Seminar | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | ECOL(PBIO)(CRSS)(FORS) 8850-8850L. 4 hours. 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Terrestrial Biogeochemical Cycling | Course Description: | Plant processes which mediate biogeochemical cycling on land. Includes survey of global element cycling, functions of essential elements, element acquisition, translocation and loss by plants, litter decomposition, and methods of estimating standing stocks of elements in and transfer rates of elements between ecosystem components. | Athena Title: | Terrestrial Biogeochem Cycling | Prerequisite: | ECOL 3500-3500L or STAT 4210 or STAT 4220 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8860. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. 2-6 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Plant Cellular and Developmental Biology Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on current topics in plant cellular and developmental
biology and related areas. | Athena Title: | Plant Cell Develop Biol Sem | Pre or Corequisite: | PBIO 8800 | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8890-8890D. 4 hours. | Course Title: | Plant Reproductive and Physiological Ecology | Course Description: | Principles of plant reproductive and physiological ecology as
they relate to plant ecological and evolutionary success,
including pollination ecology, breeding systems, patterns of
gene flow via pollen and seed dispersal, flower arrangement and
phenology, water relations, photosynthesis, mineral nutrition,
stress physiology, growth and adaptations. | Athena Title: | Plant Reprod and Physiol Ecol | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in ECOL 8120, PBIO 8120 | Prerequisite: | Permission of major | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8920. 2-3 hours. | Course Title: | Explaining Your Science | Course Description: | Designed to teach students how to communicate their science to different audiences. Being able to effectively communicate one's own research and other important new research findings to a broad diversity of audiences is a key skill for scientists. Students will learn how to communicate the relevance of their research to different target audiences in a variety of formats, including elevator speeches, press releases, and social media. Students will also learn how to promote their research, including talking to journalists and making science videos. | Athena Title: | Explaining Your Science | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8930. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Science Writing for General Audiences | Course Description: | Covers basics of good writing and genres of science writing. Includes guest lectures by professional science writers. Students read and discuss science pieces from the popular press, write and critique their own pieces, and pursue special projects. Includes examination of how scientists can better communicate with a general audience. | Athena Title: | SCI WRITING | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in BTNY 8930 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO(GENE)(PATH)(BCMB)(MIBO) 8960. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Genetics of Yeast and Filamentous Fungi | Course Description: | Classical genetics and molecular biology of budding yeast, fission yeast, and model filamentous fungi. Includes life cycle, cell cycle, cytoskeleton, mating types, morphogenesis, pathogenesis, mutant screens, and cloning strategies. | Athena Title: | GENETICS OF FUNGI | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8970. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 15 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Current Topics in Research | Course Description: | Subjects of current interest in plant research. Current literature and modern analysis of research results. Course is designed to meet the specific research needs of the student. | Athena Title: | Current Topics in Research | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 8980. 1-2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 18 hours credit. 2-4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Special Topics in Plant Biology | Course Description: | Discussion of selected topics in plant biology. | Athena Title: | Special Topics Plant Biology | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A/S (A-F or S/U) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 9000. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 230 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | Doctoral Research | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 9005. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Graduate Student Seminar | Course Description: | Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This
course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of
study. | Athena Title: | DOC GRAD STU SEM | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | PBIO 9300. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Course Description: | Dissertation writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |