Course ID: | CRSS(GEOL) 4540/6540-4540L/6540L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. |
Course Title: | Pedology |
Course Description: | Soils as a natural component of the ecosystem, including morphology, landscape distribution, formation, identification of diagnostic horizons and features, and classification. |
Oasis Title: | PEDOLOGY |
Nontraditional Format: | A one-day trip to North Georgia and a two-day trip to the Coastal Plain will be required at student's expense. |
Prerequisite: | CRSS(FANR) 3060-3060L |
Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. |
Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
Course Objectives: | 1. To be able to describe, using proper terminology, the morphological
characteristics of soils as they are found in their natural setting.
2. To understand, use, and interpret Soil Taxonomy, the U.S. system of soil
3. To understand processes and factors important to the formation of soils.
4. To be able to apply objectives 1, 2, and 3 to understand and interpret soil
behavior and proper use and management. |
Topical Outline: | I. Introduction and rules of the road
II. Soil morphology
a. General terminology
b. Horizon properties
c. Horizon designations
d. Site characteristics
e. Interpretations
III. Geomorphology and soils
IV. Models of soil genesis
V. Soil Survey
VI. Soil Classification
a. History and rationale
b. Structure of Soil Taxonomy
c. Laboratory data as related to Soil Taxonomy
d. Genesis, properties, and global distribution of diagnostic horizons and features
e. Genesis, properties, and global distribution of the soil Orders
f. Lower categories of classification
i. Suborder
ii. Great Group
iii. Subgroup
iv. Family
v. Series
VII. Other soil classification systems |