1. Describe the influence of chemical, biological, and physical properties of soil and other growing media on nutrient availability to plants; 2. Identify soil (or growing media) fertility and plant nutrition problems and recommend proper corrective action; 3. Identify soil (or growing media) and nutrient management practices that maximize plant productivity and profitability while maintaining or enhancing environmental quality.
1. Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition 2. Basic Soil-Plant Relationships 3. Nutrient Transport in Plants 4. Soil Acidity and Alkalinity 5. Nitrogen in Soil and Plants 6. Phosphorous and Potassium in Soil 7. Phosphorus and Potassium in Plants 8. Sulfur, Calcium, and Magnesium in Soil 9. Sulfur, Calcium, and Magnesium in Plants 10. Micronutrients in Soil 11. Micronutrients in Plants 12. Evaluation of Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition 13. Nutrient Management 14. Nutrients and Environmental Quality
Objectives will be: 1) Evaluate soil fertility conditions in field situation. 2) Hands on tests that are conducted to determine soil fertility conditions. 3) Use computer packages that are used to make soil fertility recommendations.
Lab 1. Soil Fertility/Demonstration Plots (2 weeks) Lab 2. Exchangeable Cations and Cation Exchange Capacity Determination (1 week) Lab 3. pH and Buffering in Soils (1 week) Lab 4. Aluminium Reactions in Soils (1 week) Lab 5. Nitrogen Transformations (2 weeks) Lab 6. Phosphorous Reactions in Soils (2 weeks) Lab 7. Software Packages for Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management (1 week)
Students will be expected to follow University Honor Code.