English - A.B.


Degree Requirements

Entrance Requirements for the Major

General Education Core Curriculum
(Selected with the advice of an academic advisor)

Area VI
Major Requirements
College-wide Requirements must be satisfied in order to graduate with this major


I. Foundation Courses (9 hours)

ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S 
ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H  
MATH 1101 or MATH 1113 or MATH 1113E or MATH 2200 or MATH 2250 or MATH 2250E or MATH 2300H or MATH 2400 or MATH 2400H or MATH 2410 or MATH 2410H or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E

II. Sciences (7-8 hours)

At least one of the physical science or life science courses must include a laboratory.
Physical Sciences (3-4 hours)
Preferred Course(s): Please consider the Franklin College's Physical Sciences requirement when selecting courses from the Core Curriculum. Some courses approved for the core curriculum do not satisfy the Franklin College requirement. 
Life Sciences (3-4 hours)
Preferred Course(s): Please consider the Franklin College's Biological Sciences requirement when selecting courses from the Core Curriculum. Some courses approved for the core curriculum do not satisfy the Franklin College requirement. 


III. Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 hours)

No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.


IV. World Languages and Global Culture, Humanities and the Arts (12 hours)

Note: Course credit received as a result of a score on a departmental foreign language placement test will not satisfy the General Education Core Curriculum requirements in Area IV, World Languages and Global Culture, Humanities and the Arts.
World Languages and Global Culture (9 hours)
Preferred Course(s): LING 2100 or LING 2100H (LING 2100H requires permission of Honors to enroll) 

Humanities and the Arts (3 hours)
Preferred Course(s): ENGL 2310 or ENGL 2320 or ENGL 2330 or ENGL 2340 or ENGL 2400 or ENGL 2350H or ENGL 2360H or ENGL 2370H or ENGL 2380H or ENGL 2390H
(ENGL 2350H,  ENGL 2360H, ENGL 2370H, ENGL 2380H, ENGL 2390H require permission of Honors to enroll) 


V. Social Sciences (9 hours)

  • Students who have not met the Georgia and U.S. Constitution requirement by examination should enroll in POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1101H.
  • A passing grade on an examination on the history of the United States and Georgia is required to satisfy the United States and Georgia History Requirement for all persons receiving a baccalaureate degree from the University, unless exempted by one of the following courses: HIST 2111, HIST 2111E, HIST 2111H, HIST 2112, HIST 2112E, HIST 2112H, HIST 3080H. Examinations are given at University Testing Services. Reexamination is permitted. Contact University Testing Services at (706) 542-3183 for information.
No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.


Area VI

Survey in British Literature (3 hours)
Choose one course from:
ENGL 2310 or ENGL 2310E or ENGL 2310W 
ENGL 2320
ENGL 2350H
ENGL 2360H*
*(ENGL 2350H and ENGL 2360H require permission of Honors to enroll)

Survey in American Literature (3 hours) 
Choose one course from: 
ENGL 2330
ENGL 2340
ENGL 2370H*
ENGL 2380H*
ENGL 2390H*
ENGL 2400
*(ENGL 2370H, ENGL 2380H, and ENGL 2390H require permission from Honors to enroll)

Related Coursework (12 hours)
Choose any combination of additional coursework from the following subjects: If any of the courses in Area VI have been used to satisfy Areas II-V of the Core Curriculum, General Electives may be taken here. (Refer to College-wide requirements when selecting General Electives.)

Note: English requires individual review of non-equivalent transfer courses before they can be used to satisfy Area VI and Major Requirements.

Major Requirements

A baccalaureate degree program must require at least 21 semester hours of upper division courses in the major field and at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall.
Students in the Franklin College must earn a grade of "C" (2.0) or better in major required courses.

Required Courses (15 hours)
A grade of "C" (2.0) or better must be achieved in all major courses. Seven of the ten major courses must be taken in residence. Six of the ten major courses must be taken at the 4000-level.

Courses that appear under two areas of upper-level coursework in the major (such as ENGL(LING) 4060/6060 or ENGL 4295/6295) may count towards either one area or the other; they will not count towards both.

British and American Literature Before 1800
Choose two courses from the following: 
(Each course must come from a different area of British and American Literature)

1A. Early Literature of the British Isles
ENGL(LING) 4060/6060ENGL 4295/6295
ENGL 4210/6210ENGL 4296
ENGL 4220/6220

1B. Medieval Literature
ENGL 4197ENGL 4240W
ENGL 4225/6225ENGL 4270
ENGL 4230ENGL 4290
ENGL 4230W
ENGL 4240/6240

1C. Early Modern British and American Literature
ENGL 4300/6300ENGL 4332W
ENGL 4300WENGL 4333E/6333E
ENGL 4310ENGL 4334/6334
ENGL 4320/6320ENGL 4334S/6334S
ENGL 4320E/6320EENGL 4334E
ENGL 4320WENGL 4335S/6335S
ENGL 4330*ENGL 4340/6340
ENGL 4330WENGL 4350/6350
ENGL 4331ENGL 4370
ENGL 4390
ENGL 4390W
* ENGL 4330 is repeatable for 6 credit hours, but may only be counted once towards the British and American Literature before 1800 requirement.

1D. Restoration and Eighteenth-century British and American Literature
ENGL 4400/6400ENGL 4460E
ENGL 4420/6420ENGL(AFAM) 4470
ENGL 4430ENGL 4480/6480
ENGL 4440/6440ENGL 4490
ENGL 4450ENGL 4491-4491L
ENGL 4460ENGL 4700

2. British, Irish, and Postcolonial Literature after 1800
Choose one course from the following:
ENGL 4500ENGL 4650
ENGL 4501ENGL 4660
ENGL 4505ENGL 4670
ENGL 4510ENGL 4675
ENGL 4520ENGL 4680
ENGL 4520WENGL 4685
ENGL 4525W ENGL 4690
ENGL 4530ENGL 4695 
ENGL 4540ENGL 4695S 
ENGL 4550ENGL 4698
ENGL 4590

3. American Literature after 1800
Choose one course from the following:
ENGL(AFAM) 4620ENGL 4760
ENGL(AFAM) 4630ENGL 4770
ENGL 4642/6642-4642L/6642LENGL 4780
ENGL 4710ENGL 4790
ENGL 4712ENGL 4791
ENGL 4720ENGL 4795
ENGL 4721ENGL 4860
ENGL 4723ENGL 4874
ENGL 4730ENGL(AFAM) 4880
ENGL 4750ENGL(AFAM) 4884

4. Language, Criticism, and Culture
Choose one course from the following:
ENGL(LING) 4005/6005ENGL 4833W 
ENGL(LING) 4010/6010ENGL 4835
ENGL(LING)(AFAM) 4040ENGL 4836W/6836W
ENGL(LING) 4060/6060ENGL 4837W/6837W
ENGL(LING) 4100/6100ENGL 4864 
ENGL 4865
ENGL 4170/6170ENGL 4866
ENGL(LING) 4190ENGL 4870
ENGL(LING) 4195/6195ENGL 4875
ENGL 4295/6295ENGL 4876
ENGL 4640ENGL 4877
ENGL 4802WENGL 4888
ENGL 4803W
ENGL 4804WENGL 4890
ENGL 4805ENGL 4891S/6891S 
ENGL 4810ENGL 4892/6892
ENGL 4820ENGL 4895
ENGL 4821ENGL 4896 
ENGL 4822ENGL 4897
ENGL 4823ENGL 4898
ENGL 4824ENGL 4899
ENGL 4825ENGL 4912S/6912S
ENGL(LING) 4826ENGL 4995W 
ENGL 4830W LING(AFAM)(ENGL) 4050/6050
ENGL 4831W LING(ENGL) 4080
ENGL 4832W 


Major Electives (15 hours)

Choose five 3-hour ENGL electives at the 3000/4000 levels, at least one course at the 4000 level

Only two of the following courses may satisfy Major Electives, if not taken above: ENGL 4800W, ENGL 4801W, ENGL 4802W, ENGL 4803W, ENGL 4804W. If any of these courses were taken to satisfy the Language, Criticism, and Culture requirement, only one additional course may be applied to Major Electives. Any additional courses will count towards General Electives.    

** Note that ENGL 4001, ENGL 4840, ENGL 4841, ENGL 4842ENGL 4843, ENGL 4844, and ENGL 4913/6913 cannot fulfill any English major requirements. Instead, each of these will count as a General Elective.

Students may choose to add an Area of Emphasis to their English Major. Please note that, depending on faculty availability, we may not be able to offer every Area of Emphasis in a given year. We advise students to check with the Undergraduate Office and with their advisors if they would like to add an Area of Emphasis.

I. Area of Emphasis: Medieval Literature
Required: ENGL(LING) 4060/6060

Choose three from the following:

ENGL 4210/6210ENGL 4240/6240
ENGL 4220/6220ENGL 4240W
ENGL 4225/6225ENGL 4270
ENGL 4197ENGL 4290
ENGL 4230ENGL 4296
ENGL 4230W

Students may petition through the Undergraduate Office to have other Medieval Literature courses count toward this area. Petitions will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Committee and the Medieval Literature Faculty.

II. Area of Emphasis: Studies in the Novel
Required: ENGL 4864  

One class in the novel before 1900:

ENGL 4430ENGL 4721
ENGL 4505ENGL 4723
ENGL 4520ENGL 4730 
ENGL 4520WENGL 4865 
ENGL 4525W

One class in the novel after 1900:
ENGL 4670ENGL 4760
ENGL 4675ENGL 4780
ENGL 4685ENGL 4795
ENGL 4690ENGL 4866
ENGL 4698

One other English class in the novel (including any of the following):
ENGL(AFAM) 4630ENGL 4720
ENGL 4640ENGL 4876
III. Area of Emphasis: Creative Writing
Required: ENGL 3800W or ENGL 3800H
Two of ENGL 4800W, ENGL 4801W, ENGL 4802W, ENGL 4803W, and ENGL 4804W

Choose one of the following:
ENGL 4660ENGL 4790
ENGL 4670ENGL 4860
ENGL 4675ENGL 4821
ENGL 4680ENGL 4864
ENGL 4690ENGL 4865
ENGL 4760ENGL 4866
ENGL 4770ENGL(AFAM) 4884
ENGL 4780

IV. Area of Emphasis: Humanities Computing
Choose four of the following:
ENGL 3410
ENGL 3590W
ENGL 4832W
ENGL 4837W/6837W
ENGL 4888
ENGL 4889

Students may petition for other upper-division ENGL courses with substantial digital assignments and content to count towards this area of emphasis. Petitions will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Committee and the Digital Humanities faculty. We also recommend that students supplement their ENGL coursework with DIGI courses and other classes outside English that are offered as part of the Digital Humanities Certificate program https://digi.uga.edu.

V. Area of Emphasis: Multicultural American Literature
Required: ENGL 2400 or ENGL(AFAM) 3230

Choose three of the following courses, reflecting at least two ethnic groups:
ENGL 3880S
ENGL 4685
ENGL 4695 or ENGL 4695S 
ENGL 4860

After consultation with your faculty advisor, choose one class with a Multicultural or Postcolonial focus in History, Comparative Literature, Religion, Education, Women’s Studies, or Political Science. Students are responsible for checking the prerequisites for courses outside the English Department to make sure that they are approved to take these classes for the Area of Emphasis in Multicultural American Literature:
AFAM 3880LING(CMLT)(WMST) 4870/6870
AFAM 4250LLED 5040/7040  
AFAM(SOCI) 4580LLED 5040E/7040E  
AFAM(ROML) 4860/6860POLS 4060
CMLT 3140POLS 4090
ETAP 5180/7180  POLS 4560
HIST 3050POLS 4660
HIST 3051POLS 4750
HIST 3060RELI 4072/6072
HIST 3085RELI 4107/6107
HIST 3086RELI(AFAM) 4201/6201
HIST(AFAM) 3101RELI(AFAM) 4202/6202
HIST(AFAM) 3102RELI(AFAM) 4203/6203
HIST 3240SOCI(AFAM) 3310
HIST 4035/6035SOCI(LACS) 4290
HIST(AFAM) 4055/6055SOCI(AFAM) 4370
HIST 4080/6080THEA(AFAM) 4480/6480 
HIST 4110/6110WMST 3110
HIST 4120/6120WMST 4070/6070 
HIST(LACS) 4200/6200 WMST(LACS) 4500/6500 
HIST 4220/6220

VI. Area of Emphasis: Rhetoric and Composition
At least three courses from the following list:
ENGL 3590WENGL 4831W
ENGL 3600WENGL 4832W
ENGL 3850SENGL 4833W
ENGL 3860WENGL 4836W/6836W
ENGL 4830WENGL 4837W/6837W

The fourth course may also come from the following list: 
ENGL 4170/6170
ENGL 4810
ENGL 4820
ENGL 4822
ENGL 4825
ENGL 4840 (requires prior approval)  
ENGL 4888
LLED 4450/6450
COMM 4200 
COMM 4220 

Students may petition the Undergraduate Office to have other courses count toward this area of emphasis. The petition will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Committee and the Rhetoric and Composition

VII. Area of Emphasis: English Language Studies
Required: ENGL(LING) 4005/6005

Choose 3 of the following:
ENGL 3030ENGL 4170/6170
ENGL(LING) 4010/6010ENGL(LING) 4190
ENGL(LING) 4060/6060
ENGL(LING) 4100/6100LING(AFAM)(ENGL) 4050/6050
VIII. Area of Emphasis: Advanced Studies in English
Required: ENGL 4820

Choose one of the following:
ENGL 4210/6210ENGL 4332W
ENGL 4220/6220ENGL 4333E/6333E
ENGL 4225/6225ENGL 4334/6334
ENGL 4230ENGL 4334E
ENGL 4230WENGL 4334S/6334S
ENGL 4240/6240ENGL 4340/6340
ENGL 4240WENGL 4350/6350
ENGL 4270ENGL 4370
ENGL 4290ENGL 4390
ENGL 4295/6295ENGL 4390W
ENGL 4296ENGL 4400/6400
ENGL 4300/6300ENGL 4420/6420
ENGL 4300WENGL 4430
ENGL 4320/6320ENGL 4440/6440
ENGL 4320WENGL 4450
ENGL 4320E/6320EENGL 4460
ENGL 4330ENGL 4460E
ENGL 4330WENGL 4480/6480
ENGL 4331ENGL 4490
ENGL 4332ENGL 4491-4491L
ENGL 4332EENGL 4700

This course does not count towards the requirements for the major in British Literature before 1800 but instead counts as an English elective.

Choose one of the following:
ENGL 3010
ENGL 3030ENGL 4170/6170
ENGL 3050ENGL(LING) 4190
ENGL 3050H*ENGL 4640
ENGL 3610ENGL 4821
ENGL 3610H*ENGL 4825
ENGL 3650ENGL(LING) 4886
ENGL 3650H*ENGL 4890
ENGL(LING) 4010/6010ENGL 4895
ENGL(LING) 4060/6060LING(AFAM)(ENGL) 4050/6050
ENGL(LING) 4100/6100

*ENGL 3050H, ENGL 3610H, and ENGL 3650H require permission of Honors to enroll.

Choose one of the following:
ENGL 4830W
ENGL 4831W
ENGL 4832W 
ENGL 4995W

IX. Area of Emphasis: Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies
Choose four of the following:
ENGL 4300/6300ENGL 4332W
ENGL 4300WENGL 4333E/6333E
ENGL 4310ENGL 4334/6334
ENGL 4320/6320ENGL 4334S/6334S
ENGL 4320WENGL 4334E
ENGL 4320E/6320EENGL 4340/6340
ENGL 4330ENGL 4350/6350
ENGL 4330WENGL 4370
ENGL 4331ENGL 4390
ENGL 4332ENGL 4390W
ENGL 4332E
Choose one of the following:
ENGL 4197ENGL 4240/6240
ENGL 4225/6225ENGL 4240W
ENGL 4230ENGL 4270
ENGL 4230WENGL 4290

AND one of the following:
ARHI 3020LATN 1001
ARHI 3030LATN 1002
ARHI 3035 LATN 2001
CLAS 4200/6200LATN 2002
CLAS 4210/6210LATN 3010
CLAS 4220/6220LATN 4020/6020
CLAS 4240/6240LATN 4060/6060
CMLT 4070/6070LATN 4070/6070
CMLT 4100/6100LATN 4200/6200
EDES 6550LATN 4220/6220
FREN 4050MUSI 4200/6200
FREN 4060MUSI 4830/6830
FREN 4350/6350PHIL 3000
GREK 1001PHIL 3010
GREK 1002PHIL 4020/6020
GREK 2001PHIL 4000/6000
GREK 2002PHIL 4010/6010
GREK 4010/6010RELI 4101/6101
GREK 4080/6080RELI 4001/6001
GREK 4200/6200RELI 4002/6002
HEBR 1001RELI 4040/6040
HEBR 1002RELI 4080/6080
HIST 3323SPAN 4040
HIST 3340THEA 5340/7340 
HIST 3371THEA 5560 
HIST 4372/6372TXMI(THEA) 4270/6270  
HIST 3443
Special topics from other departments may be eligible; students may petition for these
courses to be included. Petitions will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Committee and the
Renaissance Faculty.

Choose two courses from the list of courses outside of the English Department, below:
ARHI 3020LATN 1001
ARHI 3030LATN 1002
ARHI 3035LATN 2001
CLAS 4200/6200LATN 2002
CLAS 4210/6210LATN 3010
CLAS 4220/6220LATN 4020/6020
CLAS 4240/6240LATN 4060/6060
CMLT 4070/6070LATN 4070/6070
CMLT 4100/6100LATN 4200/6200
EDES 6550LATN 4220/6220
FREN 4050MUSI 4200/6200
FREN 4060MUSI 4830/6830
FREN 4350/6350PHIL 3000
GREK 1001PHIL 3010
GREK 1002PHIL 4020/6020
GREK 2001PHIL 4000/6000
GREK 2002PHIL 4010/6010
GREK 4010/6010RELI 4101/6101
GREK 4080/6080RELI 4001/6001
GREK 4200/6200RELI 4002/6002
HEBR 1001RELI 4040/6040
HEBR 1002RELI 4080/6080
HIST 3323SPAN 4040
HIST 3340THEA 5340/7340
HIST 3371THEA 5560
HIST 4372/6372TXMI(THEA) 4270/6270
HIST 3443

Special topics from other departments may be eligible; students may petition for these
courses to be included. Petitions will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Committee and the
Renaissance Faculty.

X. Area of Emphasis: American Literature

Required: Students should select one of the following 4000-level courses in American or Multicultural courses to satisfy the basic requirements for English (A.B.):
  ENGL(AFAM) 4620
  ENGL(AFAM) 4630
  ENGL 4642/6642-4642L/6642L
  ENGL 4700
  ENGL 4710
  ENGL 4712
  ENGL 4720
  ENGL 4721
  ENGL 4723
  ENGL 4730
  ENGL 4740
  ENGL 4750
  ENGL 4760
  ENGL 4770
  ENGL 4780
  ENGL 4790
  ENGL 4860
  ENGL 4874
  ENGL(AFAM) 4884

Students should also select four courses from the following (not previously taken) to complete the Area of Emphasis in American Literature:
  ENGL 4642/6642-4642L/6642L
  ENGL 4700
  ENGL 4710
  ENGL 4712
  ENGL 4720
  ENGL 4721
  ENGL 4723
  ENGL 4730
  ENGL 4740
  ENGL 4742
  ENGL 4745
  ENGL 4750
  ENGL 4760
  ENGL 4770
  ENGL 4780
  ENGL 4790
  ENGL 4860
  ENGL 4874
  ENGL(AFAM) 4884
XI. Area of Emphasis: Poetry and Poetics
Required: Choose one of the following: ENGL 4821, ENGL 4823, or ENGL 4824

Choose one of the following with a focus on Poetry before 1800:
  ENGL(LING) 4060/6060
  ENGL 4210/6210
  ENGL 4220/6220
  ENGL 4230
  ENGL 4230W
  ENGL 4240/6240
  ENGL 4240W
  ENGL 4270
  ENGL 4296
  ENGL 4300/6300
  ENGL 4300W
  ENGL 4320/6320
  ENGL 4320W
  ENGL 4330
  ENGL 4330W 
  ENGL 4335S/6335S
  ENGL 4340/6340
  ENGL 4350/6350
  ENGL 4370
  Topics course with a focus on poetry before 1800 

Choose one of the following with a focus on Poetry after 1800:
  ENGL 4540
  ENGL(AFAM) 4620
  ENGL 4660
  ENGL 4770
  Topics course with a focus on poetry after 1800 (including Romantic poetry)

Choose one of the following:
  Any additional course from the above lists of poetry courses before 1800 or poetry after 1800
  ENGL 3050
  ENGL 3050H
  ENGL 4800W (with a specified poetry or poetics focus)
  Topics course with a poetry or poetics focus

XII. Area of Emphasis: Eighteenth-Century Literature
Choose four courses from the following list:
ENGL 4333E/6333E
ENGL 4400/6400
ENGL 4420/6420
ENGL 4430
ENGL 4440/6440
ENGL 4450
ENGL 4480/6480
ENGL 4490
ENGL 4491-4491L
ENGL 4700 

General Electives (30 hours)
All electives are free unless Area VI requirements have not been satisfied.  At least  nine hours of  electives must be taken at the 3000/4000 level. 

**For students who are in the dual program of study in both English A.B. and English Education B.S.Ed., it is recommended that you review requirements found at http://bulletin.uga.edu/MajorSpecific.aspx?MajorId=213 which shows how courses and requirements in the two majors may overlap. 
(This total does not include the 1-hour P.E. requirement)
