Management Information Systems - B.B.A.

General Information

Degree & Major: Management Information Systems - B.B.A.
College Name: Terry College of Business
Department Name: Management Information Systems
Katherine Evans
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Degree Requirements

College-wide Requirements

University-wide Requirements

Description: The Department of Management Information Systems' undergraduate program is designed to educate future information systems professionals and managers. The program is not designed to train students to be computer scientists, programmers, or technicians. The emphasis is placed on the management of information systems so that graduates may ultimately assume managerial positions at the vice-presidential level. In some companies, information systems are of such strategic importance that managers with an MIS background are becoming chief executive officers.

The MIS coursework prepares students for a variety of jobs. The program is interdisciplinary in nature with specialized training in information systems, management, and information technology. It builds on the BBA common core, which includes coursework in accounting, economics, legal studies, mathematics, statistics, computer programming, finance, marketing, production, and management. The program’s educational objectives are realized through a variety of instructional methods, including hands-on computer experience; class lecture and discussion; textbook and article study; class assignments, laboratory projects, and applied team projects in the business community; demonstrations; field trips; and presentations by MIS practitioners.

Specifically, the MIS program requires 21 hours (7 courses) of major coursework beyond the BBA common core. Six courses (Data Management, Business Process Management, Computer Programming in Business, Project Management, Network-Based Application Development, and Systems Analysis and Design) are taken by all MIS majors. The remaining major course may be chosen from such areas as IS Leadership, IT Infrastructure, Business Intelligence, Advanced Data Management, Energy Informatics, Information Security Management, and Cyber Threat Intelligence.

Career Opportunities: The MIS field is widely recognized for its current and future career potential. Specific career opportunities depend on personal interests. Graduates may directly enter the MIS function and rise through the MIS ranks or become MIS specialists in a given functional area, such as production or finance, and serve as the liaison between MIS and that functional area. Employment opportunities exist with such organizations as hardware vendors, software vendors, and consulting firms that provide MIS products and services. Typical entry-level positions include consultant, systems analyst, and information analyst.
Scholarships: The various companies represented on the UGA-MIS Industry Advisory Board annually award scholarships to outstanding undergraduate MIS majors.
Study Abroad: UGA at Oxford:
Terry faculty-led Study Abroad programs
Student Organizations: Society for Management Information Systems (SMIS)

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