Classics - A.B.

General Information

Degree & Major: Classics - A.B.
College Name: Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Department Name: Classics
Dr. Mario Erasmo
Department Head
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Degree Requirements

College-wide Requirements

University-wide Requirements

Description: This program explores Greek and Roman culture (material, intellectual, religious) from Troy to Augustine; Classical languages and literatures (Greek, Latin, and in English translation); and the reception of Classical Antiquity. There are five available areas of emphasis. There are five available areas of emphasis: 1) Classical Culture, which does not require competency in Greek and/or Latin; 2) Classical Culture—Classical Archaeology, which concentrates on the material culture of Greece and Rome and requires competency in at least one of the ancient languages; 3) Classical Languages—Greek, which provides an opportunity to pursue studies in Greek literature, history, archaeology, art, philosophy, and religion while concentrating on the Greek language; 4) Classical Languages—Latin, which provides an opportunity to pursue studies in Roman literature, history, archaeology, art, philosophy, and religion while concentrating on the Latin language; and 5) Classical Languages—Greek and Latin, which provides an opportunity to pursue studies in Greek and Roman literature, history, archaeology, art, philosophy, and religion while concentrating on both Greek and Latin languages.

Career Opportunities: Many career paths are open to Classics majors and minors who acquire essential skills and abilities in research, critical thinking, communication, and human relations. The study of Classics provides future-ready skills to enhance careers in computer science; management information systems; finance and financial planning; engineering; statistics; biology; biochemistry; international affairs; political science; law; and training for careers in teaching, archaeology, historic preservation, and museum and art information. Pursuing a degree in Classics promotes the development of sharp analytical and critical thinking skills, along with a comprehensive understanding of language and an appreciation for art and culture. Research and writing skills are also paramount.
of Transfer Students:
Transfer students should have completed courses in world literature, as well as ancient history or classical culture, and preferably some work in Latin and/or Greek.
Scholarships: The Warlick-Mannion Scholarship (approximately $1,000 per year) is available to students in this major who pursue the study of the Classical Languages (Greek and/or Latin) at the University.
Study Abroad: UGA Classics in Rome and Europe: Unearthing the Past.
Distance Learning: CLAS 1030E, Medical Terminology, is currently available online.
Student Organizations: A chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the national collegiate honorary society for Classics majors, functions essentially as an undergraduate Classics club; contact the Undergraduate Coordinator at 542-9264;
Available Graduate Programs: Classics, classical archaeology (if Greek and/or Latin are taken), ancient history.