Career Opportunities: |
People with communication skills who also understand scientific agriculture have numerous opportunities. Every land-grant university employs a staff of journalists to communicate its research, extension, and teaching programs. Several branches of the federal government—USDA, Department of State, Department of the Interior—employ agricultural journalists, as do similar departments in state governments. There are several hundred agriculture-related publications in the United States. Agribusinesses, chemical and machinery companies, advertising agencies, and agriculture associations employ people who are trained in writing, advertising, broadcasting, and public relations.
Expectations of Transfer Students: |
Transfer students must have a 2.5 or better overall grade point average to enter the program.
Special Requirements: |
A grade of "C" (2.0) or higher is required in journalism and agricultural courses which apply to major-related requirements.
Scholarships: |
Several scholarships are available to majors in the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. For more information, contact the Office of Academic Affairs in the College.
Internships: |
Students are encouraged, but not required, to complete an internship.
Other Learning Opportunities: |
Certificate in International Agriculture.
Student Organizations: |
Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (ACT/UGA).
Available Graduate Programs: |
Agricutural Leadership, Journalism/Mass media, Public Relations, Extension Education