Course ID: | EMBA 7310. 3 hours. |
Course Title: | Operations Management |
Course Description: | How operational processes can be designed and managed to ensure
that goods and services are produced and delivered to customers
with the required cost and quality characteristics. Emphasis is
placed on decisions that determine how people, facilities,
inventories, and information can be utilized to maintain
competitive advantage. |
Oasis Title: | Operations Management |
Duplicate Credit: | Not open to students with credit in EMBA 7310E |
Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. |
Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
Course Objectives: | There are several objectives for this course. First, students
will be exposed to operating situations typically found in
different industries, and provided with a framework for
examining, evaluating, and improving the operations of the firm.
This exposure should also strengthen students' intuition about
how a new process should be designed for the market that it
supplies, or how a process must change as its market evolves. A
second objective is to familiarize students with the techniques
and models that exist for common operations problems, and to
examine the situations where these tools are appropriate. The
course also considers some of the new ideas and technologies
are reshaping the production of goods and services in an
increasingly competitive international marketplace. A final
objective is to examine the integration of operations with other
functional areas within the firm and to the environment outside
the firm. |
Topical Outline: | 1. Introduction
2. Process and Queuing Analysis
3. Competing on Service Operations
4. Competing on Response Time
5. Supply Chain Dynamics
6. Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Supply Chains
7. The Bullwhip Effect
8. MRP and Lean Operations
9. Process Reengineering
10. Competing on Quality
11. Process Control and Quality Management
12. Managing the Marketing/Operations Interface |
Honor Code Reference: | Students are expected to adhere strictly to the University Honor
and Academic Honesty Policy, and to follow generally accepted
standards of honesty in all assignments and examinations. |