Course ID: | FINA 9130. 3 hours. |
Course Title: | Financial Research Methodology |
Course Description: | Econometric and empirical methodologies used in financial
research. Students gain experience in performing rigorous
empirical analyses using financial data. Covered topics include
methods relevant to both asset pricing and corporate finance. |
Oasis Title: | Financial Research Methodology |
Prerequisite: | FINA 9120 and ECON 8080 |
Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. |
Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
Course Objectives: | This course introduces students to econometric and empirical
methodologies used in financial research. The primary aim of
the course is to prepare students to conduct rigorous, original
empirical research in finance and related fields. The course
reviews relevant econometric methodology and incorporates
assignments and research projects involving application of
techniques to actual data. Students gain exposure to software
used to execute empirical analyses in finance. In addition to
standard methods, the course introduces a selected set of
recently developed, “cutting edge” techniques. Covered topics
include methods relevant to both asset pricing and corporate
finance. |
Topical Outline: | 1.Review of Key Econometrics Results
2.Financial Time Series and Linear Time Series Analysis
3.Volatility Modeling
4.Dynamic Regression Models and Predictive Regressions in
5.Multivariate Time Series Analysis and Financial Applications
6.State-space Models, Filtering, and Related Topics
7.Testing and Evaluating Asset Pricing Models
8.Linear Panel Data Models in Finance
9.Event Study Methodology
10.Endogeneity in Empirical Corporate Finance
11.Additional Selected Topics |