Course ID: | MILS 3010. 3 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. |
Course Title: | Applied Leadership and Management I |
Course Description: | Cadets are challenged to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive
leadership skills as they are presented with the demands of the
ROTC Leader Development Assessment Course (LDAC). Challenging
scenarios related to small unit tactical operations are used to
develop self awareness and critical thinking skills. Cadets
receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership
abilities. |
Oasis Title: | APP LEADER MGMT I |
Prerequisite: | MILS 1010 and MILS 1020 and MILS 2010 and MILS 2020 and permission of department |
Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. |
Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
Course Objectives: | Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be
able to:
Apply Army Leadership Framework while leading teams.
Apply the Army Leadership Framework – values, attributes,
skills, and actions of the “BE, KNOW, and DO” model – in
tactical situations.
Compare and contrast different leadership styles and effects on
team dynamics.
Apply effective oral and written communication skills in Army
Counsel subordinates on performance.
Apply tactical principles and doctrine to Army Operations.
Conduct troop leading procedures.
Analyze terrain in practical situations.
Navigate from one point to another.
Apply principles of squad tactics in offensive and defensive
Conduct a risk assessment using 5 steps.
Analyze personal readiness to enter LDAC in key areas of
flexibility, character, adaptability, and fitness.
Conduct a self assessment in personal development areas.
Develop a readiness plan in preparation for LDAC.
Identify battle fatigue risk factors and leader actions to
offset them. |
Topical Outline: | Effective Communication: Written & Oral
Land Navigation I: Map Reading
Troop Leading Procedures
Battle Drills
Squad Tactics: Attack
Introduction to Leadership Styles
Stress Management
Warrior Ethos
Land Navigation II: Terrain Analysis
Squad Tactics: Movement to Contact
Squad Tactics: Defense
Squad Tactics: Capstone
Leadership Peer Evaluations |