| Course ID: | FDST 2010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Issues and Choices | Course Description: | Scientific preservation of foods. Commercial food products will be viewed from historical, cultural, nutritional, chemical, microbiological, gustatory, and regulatory perspectives. Particular emphasis will be placed on food processes and packages designed to ensure safety and enhance quality. | Athena Title: | Food Issues and Choices | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDST 2010E | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 2010E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Issues and Choices | Course Description: | Scientific preservation of foods. Commercial food products will
be viewed from historical, cultural, nutritional, chemical,
microbiological, gustatory, and regulatory perspectives.
Particular emphasis will be placed on food processes and
packages designed to ensure safety and enhance quality. | Athena Title: | Food Issues and Choices | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDST 2010 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST(ALDR) 2050. 3 hours. | Course Title: | The Impact of Food on World History and Culture | Course Description: | It is impossible to fully understand a culture's history without
studying its food. Examination of the complex relationship
between food and cultures. Specifically, how people have
produced, prepared, and preserved food and the effects on
cultures, national and international politics, social
interactions, economics, and the environment. | Athena Title: | Food in History and Culture | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 3000. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introduction to Food Science and Technology | Course Description: | The sources of raw materials; the processing, storage, and handling of processed foods; and the problems involved in the processing of these products. | Athena Title: | Intro to Food Science and Tech | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PATH(HORT)(FDST) 3050. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Viticulture and Enology in the Mediterranean Region | Course Description: | An introduction to the historical and cultural significance of
wine production, botany and general culture of grapevines,
winemaking and enology, wine appreciation, and the health risks
and benefits associated with wine consumption. | Athena Title: | Viticulture Enology Mediterran | Nontraditional Format: | The course will be taught at the University of Georgia's Studies Abroad site in Cortona, Italy. Traditional lectures will be supplemented with presentations during tours of local vineyards and wine industry facilities. Required readings and other assignments will further supplement classroom instruction. Contact hours will be approximately 50 (5 hrs/day X 10 days). | Prerequisite: | HORT 2000 or (BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L) or BIOL 1107-1107L or PBIO 1210 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ADSC(FDST) 3650-3650L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Introductory Meat Science | Course Description: | Meat science focusing on the meat industry, role of muscle foods in the human diet, meat inspection, muscle structure and function, conversion of muscle to meat, anatomy, factors influencing meat quality, meat processing, and meat safety and quality control. | Athena Title: | INTROD MEAT SCI | Pre or Corequisite: | BIOL 1108-1108L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 3700E. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Survey of Food Processing | Course Description: | A brief overview of thermal processing of foods, terms used in processing industry, and regulations intended to bridge the knowledge gap scientists and engineers might be lacking. Students will complete certification for FDA regulated Better Process Control School. | Athena Title: | Survey of Food Processing | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 3910. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Science Internship | Course Description: | Provides a practical educational experience while working in an operational food industry plant or laboratory. | Athena Title: | FS INTERNSHIP | Nontraditional Format: | At least ten weeks of full-time employment in a food processing plant or laboratory is required. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4000. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Food Science Seminar | Course Description: | Seminar on topics in Food Science. | Athena Title: | FOOD SCI SEMINAR | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4011/6011-4011L/6011L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Processing I | Course Description: | Introduces the fundamentals of mass and energy balances, steam
use, mechanical energy balances, flow of fluids, mass transfer,
and heat transfer. Calculations associated with unit operations
such as pumping, drying, and evaporation. Fundamentals of
diffusion and mechanical properties of packaging materials. | Athena Title: | Food Processing I | Prerequisite: | [(CHEM 1212 and CHEM 1212L) or (CHEM 1312H and CHEM 1312L)] and [(MATH 2250 or MATH 2250E or MATH 2200 or MATH 2400 or MATH 2400H) and PHYS 1111-1111L] or permission of department | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 3000 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4012/6012-4012L/6012L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Processing II | Course Description: | Industrial processing and packaging of liquid foods, including
fruit juices and concentrates, dairy, sauces, and soups. Food
quality, physical, chemical, biochemical, and microbial changes
during processing. Mass balances, description of unit operations
such as pasteurization, canning, sterilization, and aseptic
packaging. Application of food engineering fundamentals learned
in Food Processing I. | Athena Title: | FOOD PROCESSING II | Prerequisite: | FDST 4011/6011-4011L/6011L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4013/6013-4013L/6013L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Processing III | Course Description: | Industrial processing and packaging of solid and semi-solid
foods, including fruits and vegetables, meat and seafood
products, ice cream, baked goods, confections, and snack foods.
Chemical and microbial changes that influence shelf-life.
Description of unit operations, including drying, freezing and
extrusion used to transform foods. | Athena Title: | FOOD PROCESSING III | Prerequisite: | (PHYS 1111-1111L or PHYS 1211-1211L or PHYS 1311-1311L) and FDST 4012/6012-4012L/6012L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST(MIBO) 4030/6030-4030L/6030L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Microbiology | Course Description: | Interactions of microorganisms with food and the implications of these interactions for food preservation, safety, and fermentations. Pathogenic microorganisms associated with food. Analysis of foods for the presence of microorganisms. | Athena Title: | Food Microbiology | Pre or Corequisite: | [(MIBO 2500 or MIBO 2500E) and MIBO 2500L)] or [(MIBO 3500 or MIBO 3500E or MIBO 3500H) and MIBO 3500L] | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L. 4 hours. 3 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Chemistry | Course Description: | Examines the chemical aspects and functionality of major food
components (water, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids), as well
as food acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, gels,
pigments/colorants, and flavors. Basic elements of molecules,
such as structure and reactive groups, are presented in regard
to how they affect the properties of foods. | Athena Title: | Food Chemistry | Prerequisite: | FDST 3000 and [(CHEM 2100 and CHEM 2100L) or (CHEM 2211 and CHEM 2211L) or (CHEM 2311H and CHEM 2311L)] | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | AAEC(FDST) 4051E/6051E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Law and Regulation | Course Description: | An introduction to the legal and political dimensions of food
law and policy. Examination of the development of major United
States laws that apply to food production, distribution, and
retail sale. In addition, the course will evaluate current
issues in food regulation and food safety. | Athena Title: | FOOD LAW & REG | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDST 4100/6100 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | Third-year standing | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4070/6070. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Nutritional Quality and the Effect of Technology | Course Description: | The nutritional properties of food and the effects of modern technology on nutritional quality. | Athena Title: | NUTRITIONAL QUALITY | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L or BCMB(BIOL)(CHEM) 3100 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4080/6080-4080L/6080L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Instrumental Methods of Food Analysis | Course Description: | Spectrophotometric, colorimetric, and chromatographic methods of
analysis as applied to food. Emphasis will be placed on
determining the most appropriate assay for the problem and then
interpreting the results. | Athena Title: | Instrum Methods Food Analysis | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4090/6090. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Food Quality Control | Course Description: | Designing and implementing food quality and process control
programs. Monitoring and controlling process specifications and
capabilities. Developing food attribute and variable control
charts. | Athena Title: | Food Quality Control | Prerequisite: | [FDST 3000 and (BIOS 2010 or BIOS 2010E or STAT 2000 or STAT 2000E or STAT 2100H)] or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4100/6100. 2 hours. | Course Title: | Governmental Regulation of Food Safety and Quality | Course Description: | Role of mandatory and optional food laws and regulations exercised by state, federal and international agencies on food quality, safety, wholesomeness, and nutrition. | Athena Title: | Regulation Food Safety Quality | Prerequisite: | FDST 3000 or NUTR 2100 or NUTR 2100E or NUTR 2100H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST(MIBO) 4120/6120-4120L/6120L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Fermentations | Course Description: | Microbial and technical aspects of dairy, vegetable, meat, grain, and fruit fermentations. Products studied include cheese, sausage, beer, wine, and soy sauce. | Athena Title: | Food Fermentations | Prerequisite: | FDST 3000 or MIBO 3500 or MIBO 3500E or MIBO 3500H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST(ADSC) 4140/6140-4140L/6140L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Advanced Meat Science | Course Description: | Meat processing and technology, scientific basis for meat as a food, USDA and FDA regulations governing meat processing, and the latest innovations in commercial meat processing. | Athena Title: | ADV MEAT PROC | Prerequisite: | FDST(MIBO) 4030/6030-4030L/6030L and FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4150/6150. 2 hours. | Course Title: | Coffee (El Grano de Oro): From Bean to Cup | Course Description: | A study abroad program at UGA Costa Rica offering an
introduction to the historical and cultural significance of
coffee production, the allure, impact, growing conditions,
quality characteristics, sensory properties, chemistry of
bioactives, health aspects, and technology of the second-most
widely traded commodity in the world. | Athena Title: | Coffee Bean to Cup | Nontraditional Format: | The course will be taught at the University of Georgia's campus in San Luis de Monteverde, Costa Rica. Traditional lectures will be supplemented with presentations during tours to local coffee farms/beneficios and industrial coffee processing facilities. Required readings and other assignments will further supplement classroom instruction. The class will meet at least 4 x 1 hour sessions before traveling to Costa Rica. The total contact hours for the course will be ~35 (based on the formula of 1 credit hour per 50 min lecture and 1 credit hour per 2-hour field trip). | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L) or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4160/6160. 2 hours. | Course Title: | Choco Rica: The Science, History, and Culture of Chocolate | Course Description: | A study abroad program at UGA Costa Rica that includes the
historical and cultural significance of cacao production, growing
conditions, socio-economic impact, hands-on manufacture of
chocolate from dry cocoa beans, experiential assessment of
quality characteristics and sensory properties, and their
relationship to the chemistry and biochemistry of cacao. | Athena Title: | Culture of Chocolate | Nontraditional Format: | The course will be taught at the University of Georgia's campus
in San Luis de Monteverde, Costa Rica. Traditional lectures will
be complemented with presentations during tours to cacao farms
in the Upala region north of the country, visits to artisanal
and industrial chocolate processing facilities, as well as with
a workshop on chocolate and truffle confection in Monteverde.
Students will also experience a hands-on workshop on chocolate
manufacture from bean to bar. Required readings and other
assignments will further supplement classroom instruction. The
class will meet at least two 50-minute sessions before traveling
to Costa Rica. The total contact hours for the course will be
approximately 35 (based on the formula of 1 credit hour per 50
minute lecture and 1 credit hour per 2-hour field trip). | Prerequisite: | (BIOL 1103 and BIOL 1103L) or (BIOL 1107 and BIOL 1107L) or (BIOL 1108 and BIOL 1108L) | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4180E/6180E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Brewing Science | Course Description: | Science and technology associated with brewing beer and related products from grains. A study of basic biochemical changes, microbiology of fermentation, engineering and processing considerations, and measurements of product quality. | Athena Title: | Brewing Science | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | (CHEM 1211 or CHEM 1311H or CHEM 1411) and (BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1107E or BIOL 2107H) | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4250/6250-4250L/6250L. 4 hours. 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Product Development | Course Description: | Provides a practical overview of all facets of new food product development. To prepare students for real-world challenges, this course uses a process similar to what is used in the food industry. Course includes project-based learning to foster a teamwork approach to solving problems, enhance critical thinking, and strengthen professional communication skills. Exploration of market trends, consumer behavior, sustainable sources of food ingredient/product development, and food packaging will be emphasized. | Athena Title: | Food Product Development | Prerequisite: | (FDST 4012/6012-4012L/6012L and FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | EHSC(FDST)(MIBO) 4310/6310-4310L/6310L. 4 hours. 2 hours lecture and 4 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Environmental Microbiology | Course Description: | Types of microorganisms in the environment; effect of environmental conditions on microbial existence; public health aspects of environmental microbiology; applications of microorganisms to solve environmental problems. | Athena Title: | Environmental Microbiology | Prerequisite: | MIBO 3000-3000L or MIBO 3500 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST(EHSC)(MIBO) 4320/6320-4320L/6320L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Safety Control Programs | Course Description: | Emphasis on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP),
Preventive Controls (PC) mandated by the Food Safety
Modernization Act (FSMA), and prerequisite programs (e.g., GAP,
GMP, SSOP) used to promote food safety in the food industry. Upon
completion of the course and passing an examination, the students
will receive HACCP certification. | Athena Title: | Food Safety Control Programs | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 3000 or BIOL 1107 or BIOL 1107E or BIOL 2107H or MIBO 3500 or MIBO 3500E or MIBO 3500H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4400. 3 hours. 1 hours lecture and 6 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Experiential Senior Project in Food Science | Course Description: | Students will integrate critical thinking technical, business,
and professional skills to solve problems related to a real or
realistic food industry-type situation. At least one scenario
will be provided to the class based on a prototype product or
process in a food company. | Athena Title: | Exper Senior Proj Food Science | Nontraditional Format: | This senior-level course deals with application of scientific,
technical, and critical skills in previous courses, internships,
etc. Student teams will lay out a critical path to address the
problem/scenario presented by the instructor and/or industry
advisor. Hence, most of the work will be done in a non-
traditional format. Periodic meetings with each student team
will serve to assess progress, provide feedback, cover lecture
topics, and, when necessary, fill knowledge gaps. | Prerequisite: | FDST 4012/6012-4012L/6012L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4800. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Special Problems in Food Science | Course Description: | Undergraduate research problems in food science. | Athena Title: | SPEC PROB IN FS | Nontraditional Format: | Individual study, reading, and/or laboratory projects under the direction of a project director. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POUL(FDST) 4860/6860-4860L/6860L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Poultry Processing | Course Description: | Basic principles and methods of processing poultry and eggs. Broiler harvesting, slaughter, evisceration, plant sanitation, microbiology, inspection, grading, regulations, water and waste water handling, quality control and HACCP plans, and further processing. | Athena Title: | Poultry Processing | Prerequisite: | POUL 2020-2020L or FDST 3000 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4910/6910. 3 hours. | Course Title: | China Food Development and Trade | Course Description: | Overview of food industry in China. Tea processing technology,
tea culture and serving demonstration, food culture and
art, ethnic and functional food products, modern food processing
and market structures, traditional fresh markets, food safety
issues, food regulatory agencies and trade associations. Course
includes a field trip. | Athena Title: | China Food Develop and Trade | Nontraditional Format: | Course is taught in China as part of a study abroad program. | Prerequisite: | FDST 2010 or FDST 3000 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4960R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research I | Nontraditional Format: | This course belongs to a progressive research course sequence to
promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability.
This course requires the close supervision of a faculty member
as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4970R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research II | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4980R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and to
present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research III | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 4990R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project) | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data.
Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional
capstone product, such as a report or portfolio that describes
their systematic and in-depth inquiry. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Thesis | Nontraditional Format: | This is a capstone course under the direct supervision of a
faculty member. This course may be the culmination of the 4960R-
4980R sequence. Students will write a thesis or other
professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio,
that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry into an
unknown, fundamental, or applied problem. The thesis or capstone
product is written in close collaboration with the faculty
member and must be approved by that faculty member and/or the
department. The student will apply understanding of the
discipline to identify or shape the research question and apply
skills and techniques learned to complete the research project.
The student will have gathered data, synthesized relevant
literature and materials, analyzed, and interpreted data. The
student will demonstrate in writing the contribution of their
work to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge
significant to their field of study. The student will have
presented results in the form of a properly formatted,
professionally rigorous thesis document or other appropriate
professional capstone product and through the formal
presentation of the thesis or product to faculty and peers
during an approved event. The student will receive feedback from
the faculty member on the overall execution of their thesis
project, the written thesis, and their presentation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ADSC(FDST) 6170-6170L. 3 hours. 6 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Experimental Techniques in Meat Science and Muscle Biology | Course Description: | Basic methods in laboratory techniques in meat science. Experiments will familiarize students from a wide variety of backgrounds with a number of laboratory techniques, including lipogenesis, muscle histology, enzyme kinetics, and muscle metabolism. | Athena Title: | EXP TEC IN MEAT SCI | Prerequisite: | BCMB(BIOL)(CHEM) 3100 or STAT 4220 or STAT 6220 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 6500. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Proseminar in Food Science | Course Description: | Seminar on research methods with an emphasis on presentation and instructional techniques; required of all new Food Science graduate students. | Athena Title: | PROSEMINAR FOOD SCI | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7000. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 200 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a master's degree under direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | Master's Research | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7001. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 60 hours credit. | Course Title: | Project-Funded Masters Research | Course Description: | This course is for students enrolled for an MS degree who,
under the direction of a faculty member, perform sponsored
research specifically devoted to completing project
deliverables important to the sponsor but not directly related
to their MS thesis research. | Athena Title: | PROJ-FUNDED MS RES | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7005. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Graduate Student Seminar | Course Description: | Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This
course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of
study. | Athena Title: | GRAD STUDENT SEM | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7007E. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 30 hours credit. | Course Title: | Directed Project in Food Science | Course Description: | Supervised advanced analysis of literature of an applied topic
in food science. | Athena Title: | Directed Project Food Science | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7010E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Formulation and Preservation | Course Description: | Processing of food commodities by chilling, freezing,
fermentation, canning, and dehydration. Formulation of food
products and interactions of food ingredients. Applications of
principles to experiments in food science. | Athena Title: | Food Formulation and Preservat | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7020E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Integration of Multidisciplinary Topics in Foods | Course Description: | Role of food processing on physico-chemical and functional
properties and safety of foods and ingredients. Course will
integrate the multi-disciplinary role of processing methods,
control of microbial activity and chemical reactions affecting
shelf life, and quality of foods. | Athena Title: | Multidisciplinary Topics Foods | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7030E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Biochemical Reactions | Course Description: | Biochemistry and functionality of food constituents; structure
and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and water in
foods that influence color, flavor, texture, stability, and
shelf life of complex food systems. Role of metabolism,
fermentation reactions, recombinant DNA technology, and
genetically engineered foods to food quality and quantity. | Athena Title: | Food Biochemical Reactions | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7060E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Microbial Hazards in Food: Assessment and Control | Course Description: | Common infectious agents and toxins associated with food.
Potential for these agents to enter the food supply, strategies
for control, the development of microbiological criteria,
sampling strategies, and interpretation of data will be
discussed. This course will provide microbiological background
for the development and implementation of HACCP programs. | Athena Title: | Microbial Hazards in Food | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7070E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Functional Foods | Course Description: | Biochemistry and physiological effects of functional food
components and their roles as beneficial dietary components,
sources for innovative foods, and regulatory problems. | Athena Title: | Functional Foods | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDST 7070 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7080E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Contemporary Advances and Issues in Food Packaging Technology | Course Description: | In-depth critical examination of contemporary food packaging
advances to facilitate objective assessments of the objectives
and issues in implementation. | Athena Title: | Advanced Food Packaging Tech | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7090E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Innovations in Food Processing | Course Description: | A comprehensive overview of newly commercial, near-commercial,
and development of food processing technologies that might be
applicable to presentation, enhancement, production, and
packaging of food products within the next ten years. | Athena Title: | Innovations in Food Processing | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7100E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Culinary Essentials for the Food Scientist and Technologist | Course Description: | The role that culinary arts plays in effective new food product
development. A combination of lecture and practical application
of the basic skills and procedures required of a chef in the
food processing and food product development environment. | Athena Title: | Culinary Essentials for FDST | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDST 7100 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7110E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Safety Programs | Course Description: | Understanding food safety hazards, with emphasis on Hazard
Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP), the Food Safety
Modernization Act’s mandated Preventive Controls, and
prerequisite programs used to promote food safety. | Athena Title: | Food Safety Programs | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7120E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Fermentation Technology | Course Description: | Technology and quality control aspects of lactic acid and
alcoholic fermented foods with emphasis on preparation of
cultures, fermentation control, shelf life, formation of flavor
compounds, and control over physical properties.
Characteristics of probiotic cultures and prebiotic food
additives will also be covered. | Athena Title: | Food Fermentation Technology | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7130E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Shelf Life of Packaged Foods and Beverages | Course Description: | Provides an in-depth understanding of shelf life of packaged
foods. Students will learn factors affecting shelf life and
strategies for extending shelf life which include chemical and
microbial kinetics to quantify food deteriorative reactions,
mass transfer theories to quantify the movement of gases and
vapors through the package, and development of predictive
models. | Athena Title: | Shelf Life of Packaged Foods | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7140E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Regulation and Policy | Course Description: | Exploration of different forces that are involved in developing
food policy, laws, and regulations that insure a safe,
wholesome, and nutritious food supply. Both domestic and
international regulatory policies will be included. | Athena Title: | Food Regulation and Policy | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7150E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Ingredients and Function | Course Description: | Major food ingredients used in processed foods for specific
functionalities are described, with a focus is on ingredients
to prepare foods that have desirable quality attributes of
taste, cost, and convenience for consumers and are health and
healthy weight promoting. | Athena Title: | Food Ingredients and Function | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7160E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sensory Evaluation for Food Professionals | Course Description: | Sensory analysis of food for appearance, texture, aroma, flavor;
physiology of sensory receptors; trained and consumer sensory
panels; interpretation of sensory data, with emphasis on
applications for food professionals. | Athena Title: | Sensory Eval for Food Prof | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDNS 4647, FDST 4647, FDNS 6647, FDST 6647 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7180E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Marketing of Value-Added Foods | Course Description: | Increasing the value to consumers of foods from agricultural commodities into ready-to-eat and/or ready-to-heat-and-eat products. Quantifying the need and translating them into augmented products. Ensuring safety and retaining quality throughout the food distribution chain. Communicating the desirable attributes to all channel members and especially consumers. Concept of holistic hurdles to enhance the user benefits of food products. | Athena Title: | Marketing of Value-Added Foods | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7250E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Product Development | Course Description: | New food product development technology. Basics of new product
development process; establishment and management of a product
development project; techniques used for product development,
including team approach method, focus group, optimization, up-
scaling, sensory evaluation, shelf life and stability testing,
nutritional labeling, and HACCP plan; ingredient technology:
function and selection; functionality of food components;
innovations protection. | Athena Title: | Food Product Development | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in FDST 7250 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7300. 1-10 hours. Repeatable for maximum 30 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Thesis | Course Description: | Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | Master's Thesis | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and thesis preparation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7700E. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Special Problems in Food Technology | Course Description: | Selected problems associated with food science will be studied
to develop greater facility in the application of scientific
methods to the solution of problems in food technology. The
student will work closely with a faculty advisor to plan and
complete a research project. | Athena Title: | Spec Prob in Food Technology | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 7020E or permission of department. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 7900E. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Topics in Food Technology | Course Description: | Analysis of emerging issues and developing trends in Food
Technology. | Athena Title: | Topics in Food Technology | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Pre or Corequisite: | FDST 7020E or permision of department. | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Lipids | Course Description: | Structure, composition, preservation, deterioration, analysis, nutritional qualities, functional properties, and biotechnological modification of lipids. Fat substitutes in foods. | Athena Title: | FOOD LIPIDS | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L or BCMB(BIOL)(CHEM) 3100 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8020-8020L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Flavor Chemistry and Evaluation | Course Description: | Sensory methods of evaluating flavor and physical or chemical methods of measuring flavor components; the flavor characteristics of various chemicals, especially as influenced by concentration and interaction with other compounds; flavor formulation; and the stability of flavor substances during processing and storage. | Athena Title: | Flavor Chemistry and Eval | Prerequisite: | (STAT 4210 or STAT 6210) and CHEM 2100 and CHEM 2100L | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8050. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Foodborne Pathogens and Toxins | Course Description: | Principles and problems in evaluating the wholesomeness and
safety of foods, food components, and intentional or incidental
additives. Consideration of foodborne bacterial, viral, and
parasitic pathogens, chemical toxicity and detoxification
mechanisms, basic concepts and techniques of food safety
evaluation, interpretation of biological data. | Athena Title: | FOOD PATHOGEN/TOXIN | Prerequisite: | FDST(MIBO) 4030/6030-4030L/6030L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8060-8060L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Advanced Food Processes | Course Description: | The principles and basis for recently developed food processes. Analysis of equipment requirements and cost comparisons with conventional systems. Production of novel foods and ingredients using advanced technology. Plant simulation and optimization of processes. | Athena Title: | ADV FOOD PROCESS | Prerequisite: | FDST 4050-4050L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8070. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Proteins and Enzymes | Course Description: | Biochemistry of structure and function of proteins and enzymes important in food applications and as food ingredients. | Athena Title: | PROTEINS/ENZYMES | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L or BCMB 4010/6010 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8080-8080L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 2 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Texture | Course Description: | Food texture and rheology. Viscoelastic models of food systems. Instrumental and sensory methods of analysis. Factors affecting food texture. Texture of specific systems including liquids, gels, emulsions, and solids. | Athena Title: | Food Texture | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L and FDST 4011/6011-4011L/6011L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8090. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Advanced Food Microbiology | Course Description: | Physiology and biochemistry of food-borne microorganisms; microbial control in food systems; advanced analytical techniques in food microbiology. | Athena Title: | ADV FOOD MICROBIOL | Prerequisite: | FDST(MIBO) 4030/6030-4030L/6030L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8100. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Carbohydrates | Course Description: | The classes, structure, composition, properties, reactions, uses in food, biotechnological modification and analysis of carbohydrates. | Athena Title: | FOOD CARBOHYDRATES | Prerequisite: | BCMB(BIOL)(CHEM) 3100 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8110E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Research and the Scientific Method | Course Description: | Research is a systematic process for developing and transforming ideas into new accessible knowledge. Aspects covered include idea generation, hypothesis formation, problem definition, critical review of literature, method selection, designing experiments, data collection and analysis, and knowledge dissemination. Additional aspects include research ethics, prospectus development, research planning, and writing. | Athena Title: | Food Research Scientifi Method | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | Permission of major | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8120-8120L. 3 hours. 2 hours lecture and 3 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Food Structure and Properties | Course Description: | Structural and microstructural aspects of foods. Methods for analyzing food structure. Food polymer and colloid systems. Aspects of structure which determine mechanical, thermal, and dielectric properties of foods. | Athena Title: | Food Structure and Properties | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L and FDST 4011/6011-4011L/6011L | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8140. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals | Course Description: | In-depth research literature pertaining to functional foods and
nutraceuticals derived from plant, animal, and microbial
origins as they relate to human health. Chemistry/biochemistry
and the physiological effects of bioactive compounds from
source materials, their efficacy and safety, global regulatory
issues, health claims, value-added food production and
marketing challenges of these products will be discussed. | Athena Title: | FUNCT FDS & NUTRA | Prerequisite: | FDST 4040/6040-4040L/6040L or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST(NUTR) 8150. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food and Nutritional Biochemistry | Course Description: | Advanced nutrition and food metabolism in relation to the
biochemistry and physiology of the human body. Details of
enzymology, macronutrient metabolic pathways, genetic function,
with special emphasis on hormonal, allosteric, and
transcriptional regulation of enzymes. | Athena Title: | Food and Nutritional Biochem | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8160. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Functional Properties of Food Ingredients | Course Description: | Exploration of the functionality of food ingredients used to
create desirable flavor, color, texture, and other properties.
Special attention is given to the relationships between structure
and function, practical, legal and/or regulatory issues, real-
world examples, and methods of analyzing the effectiveness of
ingredients. | Athena Title: | Food Ingredients | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PATH(FDST) 8330. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Population Genetics of Plant-Associated Microbes | Course Description: | Principles of population genetics of microbial pathogens focusing on plant-associated microbes. Emphasis is on how pathogens evolve, providing fundamental understanding of pathogen population structure and genetic variation at the population level, and concepts applicable to genetic/genomics studies, including phylogeographic analysis, disease epidemiology, and conservation genetics. | Athena Title: | Pop Genetics Plant Assoc Micro | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8500. 1 hour. Repeatable for maximum 2 hours credit. | Course Title: | Food Science Seminar | Course Description: | Discussion of selected topics in food science. | Athena Title: | Food Science Seminar | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8800. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Special Problems in Food Science | Course Description: | Selected problems associated with food science will be studied to develop greater facility in the application of scientific methods to the solution of problems. The student will work closely with an advisor to plan and complete a research project. | Athena Title: | SPEC PROB IN FD SCI | Nontraditional Format: | Research in an area of interest under the direction of a faculty member. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8900. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Topics in Food Science | Course Description: | Analysis of emerging issues and developing technologies in Food Science. | Athena Title: | TOPICS IN FS | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 8910. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Food Science Internship | Course Description: | Supervised on-site, hands-on experience in the food industry or in governmental agencies that regulate food. | Athena Title: | FD SCI INTERNSHIP | Nontraditional Format: | Student will be a full-time intern in operational food industry or governmental agency for a semester. | Prerequisite: | FDST 6500 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 9000. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 200 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | Doctoral Research | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 9001. 1-18 hours. Repeatable for maximum 60 hours credit. | Course Title: | Project-Funded Doctoral Research | Course Description: | This course is for students enrolled in the Ph.D. degree
program who, under the direction of a faculty member, perform
sponsored research specifically devoted to completing project
deliverables important to the sponsor but not directly related
to their Ph.D. dissertation research. | Athena Title: | PROJ-FUNDED PHD RES | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Ph.D. student standing | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | FDST 9300. 1-10 hours. Repeatable for maximum 50 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Course Description: | Dissertation writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |