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Course ID:HIST 3115. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Reacting to the Past: Selected Topics in American History
Focuses on selected important episodes in American history from the sixteenth century to the present. The instructor introduces the historical period and pertinent texts and then, as gamemaster, assigns individual roles with victory objectives. In order to achieve their objectives, students must speak persuasively in group forums, using provided texts and independent research and their own writing. Students run sessions, with the instructor guiding and grading oral and written work.
Athena Title:React to the Past: Amer Hist
Nontraditional Format:Through role-playing, students investigate large questions of historical causation and deepen their understanding of critical episodes and vital ideological and social currents in American history from the earliest periods of European contact to the present. The class is constructed as a set of games that unfold unpredictably. Assignments include primary and secondary sources and interpretive essays. Students run all game sessions; instructors advise factions and grade oral and written work.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)