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Course ID:POLS 4605H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Politics of Congressional Elections (Honors)
Broad survey course of congressional elections. Topics discussed include the incumbency advantage, the role of strategic politicians, the impact of money in congressional elections, the effects of local and national tides on congressional races, and differences between House and Senate races.
Athena Title:Politic Congressional Elec Hon
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in POLS 4605
Nontraditional Format:This course will involve greater levels of participation and more writing among the students. In particular, the course will be conducted more like a seminar where the Honors students are responsible for presenting weekly readings after the initial weeks of class. Also, the students will be required to write several shorter papers along with a final research paper to justify Honors credit for the course. Overall, it will not involve traditional lectures like the non-Honors version of the course, but instead more direct participation where the Honors students will learn from each other in addition to input from the instructor.
Prerequisite:(POLS 1101 or POLS 1105H or POLS 1101E) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)