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Course ID:DIGI 2000. 1 hour.
Course Title:Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the Digital Humanities
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has become an integral tool in digital humanities research. This course will introduce the theory and concepts of GIS, particularly as they related to the humanities, and allow students to evaluate and gain hands-on introductory-level experience with a variety of open-source and fee-based GIS resources and software.
Athena Title:Introduction to GIS
Nontraditional Format:To practice analysis of archival documents in order to learn how to properly contextualize and handle these kinds of materials. • To learn how to digitize documents and other objects using industry standards and metadata. • To achieve proficiency in the use of Omeka to build online exhibitions. • To explore issues related to the creation of content for the web such as fair use and copyright.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)