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Course ID:ECOL 1000E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Ecological Basis of Environmental Issues
Ecological concepts that form the basis for understanding environmental issues confronting us; population growth, loss of diversity, resource limitation, pollution, and global climate change.
Athena Title:Ecological Basis Environ Issue
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ECOL 1000, ECOL 1000H
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online. Three PowerPoint lectures, multiple videos, open-source resources, and several assigned readings (which address current and ongoing environmental and ecological issues and concerns) will be the basis of weekly thematic learning modules. These will be posted on eLC. These lectures will have clearly stated learning objectives and review questions to aid in student learning. Students will interact within assigned sub-groups to reflect on assigned readings and will be required to compose brief personalized write-ups on select lectures and readings. These writings will be posted on a discussion board within eLC to allow students to share their thoughts and opinions with other students (likely with differing backgrounds and biases) in the class. Grading will be based on a combination of 1) these interactive student driven discussions and write-ups; 2) online quizzes and written responses based on readings and short videos; 3) an outside environmental investigation based on a student-chosen research topic; and 4) a written response to a current environmentally-themed book.
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)