Area VI
CBIO 2200-2200L
(CHEM 1212-1212D, CHEM 1212L) or (CHEM 1312H, CHEM 1312L)
(CHEM 2211, CHEM 2211L) or (CHEM 2311H, CHEM 2311L)
FHCE 2100 or FHCE 2100H or FHCE 2100E or HDFS 2100 or HDFS 2100H or HDFS 2100E or HDFS 2200
NUTR 2100 or NUTR 2100E or NUTR 2100H
If any of the courses in Area VI have been used to satisfy Areas II-V of the Core Curriculum, General Electives may be taken here. (Refer to College-wide requirements when selecting General Electives)
Note: Dietetics requires individual review of non-equivalent transfer courses before they can be used to satisfy Area VI and Major Requirements.