I. Foundation Courses (9 hours)
II. Sciences (7-8 hours)
At least one of the physical science or life science courses must include a laboratory.
Physical Sciences (3-4 hours)
No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.
Life Sciences (3-4 hours)
No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.
III. Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 hours)
IV. World Languages and Global Culture, Humanities and the Arts (12 hours)
Note: Course credit received as a result of a score on a departmental foreign language placement test will not satisfy the General Education Core Curriculum requirements in Area IV, World Languages and Global Culture, Humanities and the Arts.
World Languages and Global Culture (9 hours)
No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.
Humanities and the Arts (3 hours)
V. Social Sciences (9 hours)
- Students who have not met the Georgia and U.S. Constitution requirement by examination should enroll in POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1101H.
- A passing grade on an examination on the history of the United States and Georgia is required to satisfy the United States and Georgia History Requirement for all persons receiving a baccalaureate degree from the University, unless exempted by one of the following courses: HIST 2111, HIST 2111E, HIST 2111H, HIST 2112, HIST 2112E, HIST 2112H, HIST 3080H. Examinations are given at University Testing Services. Reexamination is permitted. Contact University Testing Services at (706) 542-3183 for information.
Entrance Requirements
Students must meet the following application eligibility requirements to be considered eligible to apply. Meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the BBA Management Information Systems major. Eligible for current enrollment at UGAApplicants must be eligible for enrollment at the University of Georgia in the semester in which they apply to a Terry major. Minimum GPAsApplicants must be in "good academic standing" at UGA, meaning they must have a 2.0 or higher UGA GPA, or no UGA GPA for a new transfer student. Applicants must also have a 2.6 or higher earned overall GPA (transfer and UGA coursework combined). MATH 1113Applicants must have successfully completed or have earned an exemption for MATH 1113 or MATH 1113E or higher-level MATH course. A passing grade or exemption must be posted to your UGA academic record by the application deadline. ACCT 2101Applicants must have successfully completed ACCT 2101 or ACCT 2101E or ACCT 2101H. A passing grade or exemption must be posted to your UGA academic record by the application deadline. BUSN 3000 (formerly MSIT 3000)Applicants must have successfully completed or be currently enrolled in BUSN 3000 or BUSN 3000E or BUSN 3000H during the semester in which they are applying to their first Terry major. Other Curriculum RequirementsApplicants need to have completed or be in the process of completing the BBA General Education Core Curriculum Areas I-VI, ORApplicants need to have completed or be in the process of completing the BBA General Education Core Curriculum Area VI and have a minimum of 58 credit hours completed or in progress (not including P.E.). "Credits Applied" in DegreeWorks is the official indicator to determine eligibility based on credit hours. Note: In-progress coursework must be taken in the same semester in which students apply to their first Terry major (e.g., pre-registered summer coursework will not satisfy eligibility requirements for spring admissions).
IMPORTANT: If any of the above referenced coursework has not been posted to your UGA transcript, proof of coursework must be attached to the BBA application prior to the application deadline. Applicants who do not provide proof of coursework by the deadline will become ineligible.
There is no guarantee of acceptance to any major in the Terry College of Business. Applicants are evaluated on the High-Demand Major Selection Criteria listed below. Acceptance in the major is contingent on satisfactory completion of in-progress work. Students who withdraw from any of the above required courses are at risk of having their major admission rescinded.
High-Demand Major–Selection Criteria
- Grades in Accounting courses – Final course grades in (ACCT 2101 or ACCT 2101H or ACCT 2101E, or equivalent) and (ACCT 2102 or ACCT 2102H or ACCT 2102E, or equivalent). Applicants currently enrolled in ACCT 2102 will be evaluated based on the grade in ACCT 2101.
- Grades in Economics courses – Final course grades in (ECON 2105 or ECON 2105H or ECON 2105E) and/or (ECON 2106 or ECON 2106H or ECON 2106E) are considered. Applicants currently enrolled in one of these courses will be evaluated based on the grade in the completed course.
- Grades in Mathematics courses – Final course grades in (MATH 1113 or MATH 1113E), MATH 2200, (MATH 2250 or MATH 2250E) and MATH 2260 are considered.
- Standardized Testing – Students are required to submit ACT or SAT and sub-scores to the University prior to being considered for admission to a major in the Terry College. In addition to required ACT/SAT scores, students may also supplement their application by submitting a score from the ETS Proficiency Profile if they believe that their ACT/SAT scores do not represent their current performance level. The ETS Proficiency Profile is a standardized, multiple-choice assessment of the academic skills – reading, writing, critical thinking, and mathematics. Contact University Testing Services to schedule an appointment. The ETS may only be taken a maximum of three times total in your career as a UGA student, and only the highest score will be considered in a student’s application.
- Statement of Purpose – A brief essay (300-400 words) in which the applicant describes his/her interest in the major and his/her future goals.
- Grades in prefix courses – Grades in courses previously completed in the prefix of the major to which the applicant is applying can be considered, but are not required, for admission to the major. Grades in the College’s Foundation First courses (FINA 3000, MARK 3000, MGMT 3000), as well as BUSN 3000, can be considered for all majors if completed. Consideration of the Foundation First courses mainly applies to students seeking to change or add Terry majors. It is beneficial to take these Foundation First courses at UGA.
- Terry Direct – UGA students who are in good standing with the Honors Program and apply to the Terry College of Business will be guaranteed their first choice of a first (primary) major within the Terry College. This guarantee does not apply to second, double, or co-majors.
These requirements and criteria are subject to change in future academic calendar years.
Major Requirements
A baccalaureate degree program must require at least 21 semester hours of upper division courses in the major field and at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall.
Required Courses (36 hours)
Terry Foundations First Core (15 hours) BUSN 3000 or BUSN 3000E or BUSN 3000H (enroll prior to applying to a Terry major) BUSN 4000 or BUSN 4000E FINA 3000 or FINA 3000H or FINA 3000E MARK 3000 or MARK 3000H or MARK 3000E MGMT 3000 or MGMT 3000H or MGMT 3000E
Effective Fall 2024: MIST Major Required Courses (15 hours) See UGA Bulletin for prerequisites. Courses must be satisfied with a grade of "C" (2.0) or higher. MIST 4600* or MIST 4600E* MIST 4610 or MIST 4610E MIST 5740S (Prerequisite: Completion of MIST 4600 or MIST 4610 or MIST 5750 with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0) MIST 5750 or MIST 5750E
Choose one of the following courses (Note: the courses not selected may count as a Major Related Course below): MIST 4620S (Prerequisite: Completion of MIST 5740S; Pre- or Corequisite: MIST 4630) MIST 4630 (Prerequisite: Completion of MIST 4600 and MIST 4610) MIST 5640 (Prerequisite: Completion of MIST 4600 and MIST 4610 with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0))
Students who have only completed CSCI 1301-1301L (with a grade of "C" (2.0) or higher) are eligible to request an exemption for MIST 4600 pending satisfactory performance on an examination covering the material from this course. Students considering taking this examination shall make the request to the MIS Department Head at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which they plan to take classes that have MIST 4600 as prerequisite.
Students who receive an exemption for MIST 4600 must take an additional MIST prefix course from the list of "Major Related" course options appearing below. Prior to Fall 2024: MIST Major Required Courses (18 hours) See UGA Bulletin for prerequisites. Courses must be satisfied with a grade of "C" (2.0) or higher.
MIST 4600* or MIST 4600E* MIST 4610 or MIST 4610E MIST 4620S (Prerequisite: Completion of MIST 5740S; Pre- or Corequisite: MIST 4630 with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0)) MIST 4630 (Prerequisites: Completion of both MIST 4600 and MIST 4610 with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0)) MIST 5740S (Prerequisite: Completion of MIST 4600 or MIST 4610 or MIST 5750 with a minimum grade of "C" (2.0)) MIST 5750 or MIST 5750E
Students who have only completed CSCI 1301-1301L (with a grade of "C" (2.0) or higher) are eligible to request an exemption for MIST 4600 pending satisfactory performance on an examination covering the material from this course. Students considering taking this examination shall make the request to the MIS Department Head at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the semester in which they plan to take classes that have MIST 4600 as prerequisite.
Students who receive an exemption for MIST 4600 must take an additional MIST prefix course from the list of "Major Related" course options appearing below. Effective Fall 2024: MIST Major Related Courses (6 hours) See UGA Bulletin for prerequisites. Courses must be satisfied with a grade of "C" (2.0) or higher.
Choose two courses (6 hours) from the following:
Prior to Fall 2024: MIST Major Related Courses (3 hours) See UGA Bulletin for prerequisites. Courses must be satisfied with a grade of "C" (2.0) or higher.
Choose one course (3 hours) from the following:
MIST 5600 MIST 5620 or MIST 7700 MIST 5635/7635 MIST 5640 MIST 5670 MIST 5720 MIST 5730 or MIST 6380 MIST 5757/7757 MIST 5770 MIST 5775/7775
Area of Emphasis in Data Analytics (12 hours)
In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the BBA MIST major, students may specialize in the Data Analytics Area of Emphasis. The courses listed below satisfy both requirements for the major and the requirements for the Area of Emphasis.
The Area of Emphasis (AE) will recognize the completion of 12 credit hours in the following courses with a minimum grade of B- (B minus) in each course.
Required Course: MIST 4610
Additional Required Courses: Choose three courses from the following: MIST 4550/6550 MIST 4801 MIST 5620 or MIST 7770 MIST 5635/7635 MIST 5730 or MIST 6380 MIST 5757/7757 MIST 5775/7775
Other courses may be accepted, but permission of department must be obtained.
Completion of these requirements will result in recognition on the student's official transcript of an Area of Emphasis in Data Analytics.
OPTIONAL Area of Emphasis in Information Security (12 hours)
In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the BBA MIST major, students may specialize in the Information Security Area of Emphasis. The courses listed below satisfy both requirements for the major and the requirements for the Area of Emphasis.
The Area of Emphasis (AE) will recognize the completion of 12 credit hours in the following courses with a minimum grade of B- (B minus) in each course.
Required Course:
Additional Required Courses:Choose three courses from the following: MIST 4700Other courses may be accepted, but permission of department must be obtained.
Completion of these requirements will result in recognition on the student's official transcript of an Area of Emphasis in Information Security.
OPTIONAL Area of Emphasis in Business Analytics (12 hours) In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the BBA Management Information Systems major, students may specialize in the Business Analytics Area of Emphasis. The courses listed below satisfy both requirements for the major and the requirements for the Area of Emphasis.
The Area of Emphasis will recognize the completion of 12 credit hours in the following courses with a minimum grade of C (2.0) or S in each course.
Required Courses: BUSN 3000 or BUSN 3000E or BUSN 3000H BUSN 4000 or BUSN 4000E BUSN 5000 (this course will count as an Upper Division General Elective)
Note: BUSN 4000 and BUSN 5000 must be taken at UGA and completed with an average grade of 3.0
Additional Required Courses (3 hours): Choose two courses from the following options (these courses will count as Upper Division General Electives): BUSN 3020E BUSN 3030E BUSN 3040E BUSN 4030E (BUSN 3030E is a prerequisite/corequisite) BUSN 4040E (BUSN 3040E is a prerequisite/corequisite)
Completion of these requirements will result in recognition on the student's official transcript of an Area of Emphasis in Business Analytics.
General Electives (24 hours)
Upper Division General Electives (12 hours) Twelve hours are required.
Choose any 3000-level or above Terry College prefix course(s)* outside the Management Information Systems (MIST) prefix (exceptions: MIST 4800, MIST 4801, MIST 4802, or MIST 4803 may satisfy 3 hours of this requirement and a maximum of two courses (6 hours) of MIST prefix courses may be used with permission of the major advisor. Students may also transfer any 3000-level or above business prefix course(s), other than MIST, but a minimum of 3 hours must be satisfied with a Terry College prefix course in residence at UGA.
Students completing the Area of Emphasis in Business Analytics should select BUSN 5000 and two of the following courses: BUSN 3020E, BUSN 3030E, BUSN 3040E, BUSN 4030E, or BUSN 4040E.
In addition, students may also choose any 3000-level or above course(s) other than a Terry College prefix.
*Terry College prefixes include ACCT, BUSN, ECON, ENTR, FINA, ILAD, INTB, LEGL, MARK, MBUS, MGMT, MIST, REAL, or RMIN.
Arts and Sciences Electives (12 hours) Terry College majors are required to satisfy 12 hours (1000-5000 level) of Arts and Sciences Electives. Transfer coursework is accepted. Choose from the following prefixes: AFAM, AFST, AMHA, ANTH, ARAB, ARED, ARGD, ARHI, ARID, ARST, ARTI, ARTS, ASTR, BCMB, BENG, BINF, BIOL, CBIO, CHEM, CHNS, CLAS, CMLT, COMM, CSCI, DANC, ECON, ECOL, EMUS, ENGL, ENTO, FANR, FCID, FHCE, FILM, FREN, FRES, FYOS, GENE, GEOG, GEOL, GPST, GREK, GRMN, HEBR, HIST, HNDI, HONS, INDO, INTS, ITAL, INTL, JPNS, KREN, LACS, LATN, LING, MARS, MATH, MIBO, MNML, MUSI, NAMS, NMIX, PADP, PASH, PBIO, PERS, PHIL, PHYS, POLS, PORT, PSYC, PTSP, RELI, ROML, RUSS, SEMI, SCAN, SLAV, SOCI, SPAN, STAT, SWAH, THEA, TURK, URDU, VIET, WMST, YORB, ZULU. Additional courses that count as Arts and Sciences electives: AIRS 2001, AIRS 2001L, AIRS 2002, AIRS 2002L, AIRS 3001, AIRS 3001L, AIRS 3002, AIRS 3002L, AIRS 4001, AIRS 4001L, AIRS 4002, AIRS 4002L, MILS 3010, MILS 3010L, MILS 3020, MILS 3020L, MILS 4010, MILS 4010L, MILS 4020, MILS 4020L, MILS 5010, MILS 5020.
Additional Terry College Graduation Requirements Terry College Residency: 30 hours of Terry coursework satisfied at UGA
Terry Speech Requirement: BUSN 4900 or BUSN 4900E or COMM 1000 or COMM 1000E or COMM 1110 or COMM 2150H or COMM 1500 or COMM 1500E or COMM 2550H or COMM 3200 or COMM 3200E
Terry Economics Requirement: Any 3-hour course with the ECON prefix, including non-equivalent transfer courses (excluding ECON 2105 or ECON 2105H or ECON 2105E and ECON 2106 or ECON 2106H or ECON 2106E)
Precalculus Requirement: MATH 1113 or MATH 1113E or MATH 2110 or MATH 2110E or MATH 2200 or MATH 2250 or MATH 2250E or MATH 2260 or MATH 2260E
Terry GPA: 2.0 on all Terry prefix courses taken at UGA that are being applied towards the completion of the B.B.A. degree.
(This total does not include the 1-hour P.E. requirement)