Electrical and Electronics Engineering - B.S.E.E.


Degree Requirements

Entrance Requirements for the Major

General Education Core Curriculum
(Selected with the advice of an academic advisor)

Area VI
Major Requirements
College-wide Requirements must be satisfied in order to graduate with this major


I. Foundation Courses (9 hours)

ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S 
ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H  

Note: MATH 2250 is required for this major.  

II. Sciences (7-8 hours)

At least one of the physical science or life science courses must include a laboratory.
Physical Sciences (3-4 hours)
Preferred Course(s):

Note: These courses are prerequisites for upper-division courses and are required for this major. 

Life Sciences (3-4 hours)
Preferred Course(s): (BIOL 1103, BIOL 1103L) or (BIOL 1103EBIOL 1103L) or (ECOL 1000ECOL 1000L) or (ECOL 1000EECOL 1000L) or (ECOL 1000HECOL 1000L) or FANR(MARS) 1100 or FANR 1100E or FANR(ECOL)(GEOG) 1200 or (MARS 1020MARS 1020L) or (MARS 1025HMARS 1020L)


III. Quantitative Reasoning (3-4 hours)

Preferred Course(s):

Note: This course is a prerequisite for upper-division courses and is required for this major.  


IV. World Languages and Global Culture, Humanities and the Arts (12 hours)

Note: Course credit received as a result of a score on a departmental foreign language placement test will not satisfy the General Education Core Curriculum requirements in Area IV, World Languages and Global Culture, Humanities and the Arts.
World Languages and Global Culture (9 hours)
No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.

Humanities and the Arts (3 hours)
Preferred Course(s):

Note: This course is required for this major.  


V. Social Sciences (9 hours)

  • Students who have not met the Georgia and U.S. Constitution requirement by examination should enroll in POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1101H.
  • A passing grade on an examination on the history of the United States and Georgia is required to satisfy the United States and Georgia History Requirement for all persons receiving a baccalaureate degree from the University, unless exempted by one of the following courses: HIST 2111, HIST 2111E, HIST 2111H, HIST 2112, HIST 2112E, HIST 2112H, HIST 3080H. Examinations are given at University Testing Services. Reexamination is permitted. Contact University Testing Services at (706) 542-3183 for information.
No preferred courses for this area. See Core Curriculum view.


Entrance Requirements


Entrance Requirements Effective Fall 2024:

Applicants are initially admitted as "Intended Electrical and Electronics Engineering” majors. To be admitted into the major, students must satisfy the following criteria:

- Completion of the following courses with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better: CSEE 2220ECSE 1100ECSE 2170-2170LENGL 1101MATH 2250MATH 2260, and (PHYS 1211-1211L or PHYS 1251)

- Minimum grade point average of 2.75 in the following courses: CSEE 2220ECSE 1100ECSE 2170-2170L

- Current resume

- Career Goals Statement describing the student’s career goals, strengths that help the student achieve their career goals, challenges that the student is/will be facing that hinder them from achieving their career goals, how the student plans to overcome the challenges to achieve their career goals, how the College may assist the student to overcome the challenges, and the student’s plan for participating in experiential learning outside of the classroom by time of graduation (internship, co-op, research, study away, other).


Entrance Requirements Prior to Fall 2024:

Applicants are admitted as "Intended Majors". There is no guarantee of acceptance into the Electrical and Electronics Engineering degree program. To be considered as a candidate for Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.), students must have completed, or be enrolled in, the following courses: 


High-Demand Major–Selection Criteria


Effective Fall 2024, there is no high-demand selection criteria for this major.


High-Demand Selection Criteria Prior to Fall 2024:

Selection of applicants is based on a review of student scores and achievements in the following three areas:

  • Entrance Requirement Coursework (30%)
  • Major Specific Coursework (40%)
  • Personal Statement of Purpose (30%)

Entrance Requirement Coursework
Entrance Requirement Coursework applies to all degree programs. Students must complete the following courses with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better:

Major Specific Coursework
To be considered as a candidate for Electrical and Electronics Engineering (B.S.E.E.), students must have completed the following courses with a grade of "C" or better:

Personal Statement of Purpose
In no more than two pages, provide your personal statement of purpose:
  • Explain your interest in engineering and describe your experience with engineering.
  • What is your ultimate career aspiration?
  • How will your chosen College of Engineering major(s) enable you to reach your career goals?

The above criteria are minimum application requirements and do not guarantee acceptance to any major in the College of Engineering.


Major Requirements

A baccalaureate degree program must require at least 21 semester hours of upper division courses in the major field and at least 39 semester hours of upper division work overall.

Required Courses (69 hours)

CSEE 4210
ECSE 2170-2170L* or ECSE 2170H*
ECSE 2920
ECSE 4230
ELEE 2040*
ELEE 2045
ELEE 3270
ELEE 4020
ELEE 4210/6210
ELEE 4220/6220
ELEE 4230/6230
ELEE 4270
ELEE 4710
ELEE 4750
ELEE 4910
ELEE 4911
ELEE 4590
ENGR 2090
ENGR 2110
ENGR 3140

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Electives
Choose at least four elective courses. At least one must be a 3000-level course or above from the CSEE, ECSE, ELEE, or INFO prefixes. The remaining courses should be 3000-level or above from the AENG, ARTI, ASTR, BCHE, BCMB, BINF, BIOE, BIOS, CBIO, CHEM, CSCI, CSEE, CURO, CVLE, ECOL, ECSE, ELEE, ENTO, ENVE, GENE, GEOL, GISC, INFO, MATH, MCHE, MIBO, MIST, PBIO, PHYS, or STAT prefixes.  

*NOTE: All students must earn a grade of "C" (2.0) or better on the following courses: CSEE 2220, (ECSE 2170-2170L or ECSE 2170H), (ELEE 1030 or ECSE 1100 or ECSE 1100H), ELEE 2040, MATH 2250, MATH 2260, MATH 2500, MATH 2700, (PHYS 1251 or PHYS 1211-1211L)  and (PHYS 1252 or PHYS 1212-1212L).

Except for those ENGR courses requiring a grade of C (2.0) or better, a maximum of two other courses with grades of D (1.0) for all courses with prefixes associated with the UGA College of Engineering (or courses for which a non-CENGR course is approved as a substitute in the program of study) may be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Competency in a computer programming language is expected.

The Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Exam is a graduation requirement for this degree program.
(This total does not include the 1-hour P.E. requirement)
