Risk Management and Insurance - B.B.A.

General Information

Degree & Major: Risk Management and Insurance - B.B.A.
College Name: Terry College of Business
Department Name: Insurance, Legal Studies, and Real Estate
Courtney Gray
Academic Advisor II
(706) 542-2308
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Degree Requirements

College-wide Requirements

University-wide Requirements

Description: The major offers a unique program of study designed to give the student a broad understanding of the roles and functions of risk-bearing institutions, knowledge of basic principles necessary for adequately managing economic risk, and the opportunity for professional advancement in the field of risk management and insurance.

Career Opportunities: Potential career positions for the student with a major in Risk Management and Insurance include risk analyst, risk manager, underwriter, employee benefits analyst, insurance administrator, claims adjuster, agent, and loss control specialist, to name a few.

Visit the following link for more information: http://www.terry.uga.edu/academics/offices/risk-management-insurance
Scholarships: The Insurance Society and Gamma Iota Sigma sponsor scholarships each semester.
Internships: Internships may be completed for credit and are encouraged.
Student Organizations: All students are strongly encouraged to join the Insurance Society and Gamma Iota Sigma as soon as they become Risk Management majors. Membership in these Societies not only makes the student eligible for scholarship awards, but also entitles the student to free attendance at the Careers Day program and the Spring Awards Banquet. In addition, only members of the Insurance Society are entitled to submit resumes for inclusion in the departmental resume book.

For further information, please see: http://www.terry.uga.edu/academics/offices/risk-management-insurance

Available Graduate Programs: Law School and MBA Programs.