Spanish - A.B.

General Information

Degree & Major: Spanish - A.B.
College Name: Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Department Name: Romance Languages
Dr. Alicia Arribas
Spanish Advisor
(706) 542-1075
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Degree Requirements

College-wide Requirements

University-wide Requirements

Description: Students majoring in Spanish engage with the vast cultural and linguistic variety of this global language in small and interactive classes. The program provides cross-cultural experience for all majors, while guiding them to sharpen skills in writing, oral presentation, analytical reading and active listening. Students often participate in a study abroad program in Latin America, the Caribbean, or Spain; work with the growing Spanish-speaking communities in the Athens, Georgia area through service learning classes; live in the Spanish Language Community at Mary Lyndon Residential Hall; or devise their own original research project supervised by a faculty mentor for the CURO program. Graduates are proficient in Spanish, which opens the door to rewarding professions and careers that require bilingual communicators who possess solid cultural knowledge. Recent graduates have become Fulbright scholars; have entered top-tier graduate programs or professional schools of medicine and law; and have taken positions at companies such as Equifax, Law & Moran, Publicis Media, KLC Studio and State Farm. Visit for further information.

Career Opportunities: The Spanish major is a gateway to employment, professional school in medicine and law, or graduate school. Faculty consider the goal of each student to provide personalized mentoring to suit their career objectives. Students often choose a double major, combining their study of language with a complementary field in Arts and Sciences, Public and International Affairs, Journalism, Education or Business. There are a multitude of ways to acquire unique combinations of experience and knowledge. Interdisciplinary certificate programs can highlight students' distinctive interest and are often used, along with internships and short-term work abroad, to customize a student’s entry into a desired career in areas such as media and content creation; management and administration; international trade; tourism and culture industries; government service; as well as primary, secondary, and higher education.
of Transfer Students:
Four semester courses or 14 semester hours of beginning and intermediate Spanish language course work - equivalent to UGA SPAN 1001-2002 - are expected. Study abroad courses can be used to fulfill part or all of these prerequisites with permission of advisors in the department.
Special Requirements: A minimum grade of "C" (2.0) is required in course work for this major.

No student may receive credit for any course which is a prerequisite to a course for which college credit has already been received. Exceptions may be made only by the head of the department.

Certain courses in the Department of Romance Languages are not open to native speakers of that language, understood as a person who graduated from a secondary school in which the language of that course was the language of instruction.
Scholarships: Travel and related assistance for study abroad.
Study Abroad: The Department of Romance Languages encourages all Spanish majors to participate in an accredited study abroad program for an academic year, a semester, or the summer. Contact the Department of Romance Languages for information about programs in Buenos Aires, Valencia, Madrid, Cadiz, Seville, and the Peru Medical Maymester. See department website for more information:
Student Organizations: Sigma Delta Pi National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society
Available Graduate Programs: The Spanish A.B. prepares students for a wide range of competitive postgraduate degree programs, including the M.A. and Ph.D. with specializations in Literature, Cultural Studies, and Linguistics.