Statistics - B.S.

General Information

Degree & Major: Statistics - B.S.
College Name: Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Department Name: Statistics
Abhyuday Mandal
Undergraduate Coordinator
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Degree Requirements

College-wide Requirements

University-wide Requirements

Description: The Bachelor of Science degree program trains students in data analysis, statistical theory, computing, and communication—the tools and skills needed to extract knowledge from data. Students who graduate with a major in statistics are well prepared for a wide variety of careers in which quantitative skills and analytical reasoning are valued or for further study at the graduate level in the field of Statistics or a related discipline. The curriculum for the B.S. in Statistics follows guidelines established by the American Statistical Association.

Career Opportunities: Employment opportunities exist in business and industry (e.g., information technology, financial services, insurance, marketing, quality control, forestry and agriculture), health and medicine (e.g., pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, public health, medical research, veterinary medicine), and government (e.g., in such agencies as the Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture). Many students with a bachelor's degree in Statistics work as insurance actuaries, data analysts, and statistical consultants.
of Transfer Students:
Transfer students are welcome but will be expected to meet the entrance requirements.