Women's Studies - A.B.

General Information

Degree & Major: Women's Studies - A.B.
College Name: Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Department Name: Institute for Women's Studies
Dr. Cecilia Herles
(706) 542-2846
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Degree Requirements

College-wide Requirements

University-wide Requirements

Description: Women's Studies is an emerging field of scholarship that provides interdisciplinary perspectives on women, gender, and sexual orientation. In the past 30 years, scholars in many fields have recovered lost works and have provided new perspectives on the diversity of women's experiences and accomplishments, thereby transforming and expanding traditional curricula. At UGA, women's studies courses are taught by ten faculty members with joint appointments in the Women's Studies Program and six other departments, and by other faculty from cooperating departments in several schools and colleges. Thus, students take courses with WMST and many other prefixes. (Because courses are not limited to those appearing in Athena with the WMST prefix, it is important that students check with the program advisor each term for the full range of approved courses.) Students enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences may major in women's studies. (Majors are recommended to minor or to double major in another field.) Students in any school or college may pursue a minor in women's studies. All women's studies students are encouraged to join the Women's Studies Student Organization (WSSO) which meets regularly for educational programs and social events. The annual Women's Studies Student Symposium draws participants from across campus. Planning for National Women's History Month in March provides undergraduates further opportunities for developing their organizational skills. The Friday Noon Speaker Series offers an additional extracurricular means for deepening understanding of women's issues, perspectives, and contributions.

Career Opportunities: The A.B. in Women's Studies is a liberal arts degree and therefore offers career opportunities in many areas, including law, women's health, education, counseling, public relations, politics, and business. It also offers a solid grounding for advanced work on the graduate level. A minor in Women's Studies complements and strengthens any academic major and opens opportunities in the above fields as well.

Job Placement Service
The program sponsors career workshops for its major in conjunction with the Career Center. The Women’s Studies Program has an e-mail listserv which periodically provides information about job positions—both academic and non-academic—as well as many resources which students could use in a job search. In addition, our library contains many resource books, including one on financial resources for women.
of Transfer Students:
Students seeking credit for courses taken at other colleges and universities must provide a syllabus for the course they wish to use and submit a petition form obtainable from the program advisor.

Preparation for the Major:
Any applicable prerequisites for approved upper division women’s studies courses the student anticipates taking in departments or programs other than women's studies. For example, Psychology of Women (PSYC 4600) requires Elementary Psychology (PSYC 1101).
Special Requirements: Students must achieve a grade of "C" (2.0) or better on all courses taken for the major, the certificate, and the minor.
Scholarships: The current issue of the Directory of Financial Aid for Women is available for student use in the Women's Studies Program library. This resource book contains information on scholarships, fellowships, loans, grants, awards, and internships set aside for women. Other opportunities are posted to the Women's Studies Program listserv and in the Women's Studies Program office as they are received.
Internships: With permission of the program, students may enroll in WMST 5000, Internship.
Student Organizations: Women’s Studies Student Organization. Visit web site: http://www.uga.edu/~wsso
Available Graduate Programs: Women’s Studies, Law, Journalism, Social Work, Business, Arts and Sciences