Career Opportunities: |
Employment demand for engineers remains among the most favorable of all the professions. A particularly rapid increase in demand has occurred in the food, environmental, and therapeutic drug industries due to the recent development of processes and tools in biotechnology. Biological engineers will be essential to the solution of many process-development needs if the results from the efforts of life scientists are to be successfully transferred to full-scale production. Solving problems in biocatalysis, heat and mass transfer, efficient energy conversion and product recovery in biological processes requires an integration of the engineering and biological science disciplines.
The estimated number of job openings for biological engineers is about 2,500 per year for the next ten years. These positions include industrial fermentation, cell culture process engineering, filtration engineering, environmental consulting and regulation, and others. A B.S. in Biological Engineering will meet the educational qualifications for each of these positions. Graduates will also be highly qualified for employment in more traditional engineering positions.
Job Placement Service: We receive numerous requests for engineering graduates from potential employers. We pass these along to senior engineering students; however, the UGA Career Center acts in the role of job placement.
Expectations of Transfer Students: |
Transfer students must have a 2.7 overall GPA.
Special Requirements: |
All students must earn a grade of C or better in all required Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics courses and in the following engineering courses: ENGR 1120, 2110, 2120, 2140, 2170, 3140, 3150 and 3160. Except for those ENGR courses requiring a grade of C or better, a maximum of two ENGR courses with grades of D may be used to satisfy graduation requirements. Competency in a computer programming language is expected and may be satisfied with ENGR 1140.
Scholarships: |
The following scholarships are available for biological engineering majors in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department: Bruce E. Dixson Scholarship; Georgia Section ASAE Scholarship; Rudie Driftmier Scholarship; Goodloe Yancey Scholarships; B. Derrell McLendon Scholarship; Robert H. Brown Scholarship. In addition, many scholarships are available at the College and University levels.
For more information about scholarships offered by the College of Engineering, please visit the College of Engineering website or contact Patsy Adams (
Cooperative Education: |
The School offers its students an opportunity to integrate academic instruction and real-life applications through a cooperative plan of education. Usually beginning after the first year, the plan allows for alternating semesters of full-time, off-campus professional work experience in designated industries, agencies and laboratories arranged by the College. The student is considered by the University to be in an uninterrupted program of study since the student is enrolled for academic credit while on work-experience semesters. While co-op placement does not imply permanent employment of the student upon graduation, it does provide an extended period for mutual evaluation by the student and the cooperating industry enhancing the possibility of permanent employment.
Other Learning Opportunities: |
Undergraduate certificate programs in Informatics, Sustainability, and Coastal and Geographic Engineering are available to B.S.B.E. students. These certificates are jointly offered by the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Physics and Astronomy.