Career Opportunities: |
Students often find internships and careers in diverse sectors, including financial services, business, marketing, management, education, public administration, and consumer and family advocacy. Visit the Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics website for more information.
Scholarships: |
FACS Scholarship information can be found at
Study Abroad: |
London Study Abroad Program; FACS Greece Study Abroad; UGA Cortona Study Abroad; Study Tour in Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Internships: |
Faculty work with students to arrange internships that meet students' needs. Students must take FHCE 5900 before applying for an internship and will learn more details about arranging an internship in that course.
Service Learning: |
Service-learning opportunities that meet UGA’s Experiential Learning requirement are available in several FHCE courses. Faculty also may work with students to design individual projects.
Student Organizations: |
Student Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Student Financial Planning Association
FACS Student Organizations Information can be found at
Available Graduate Programs: |
Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics, University of Georgia
Consumer Sciences, The Ohio State University
Consumer Sciences, University of Alabama
Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
Human Development and Social Policy, University of Utah