A minor must contain 15 to 18 semester hours of course work, with at least 9 hours of upper division course work (numbered 3000 or above). Courses taken to satisfy Core Areas I through V may not be counted as course work in the minor. Courses taken in Core Area VI may be counted as course work in the minor. The intent of establishing minor fields of study is to offer students the opportunity to broaden their education through the minor field. The selection of a minor field of study should be made to fulfill this goal.

The department shall make available to students the requirements for the minor--the total number of hours required, along with the enumeration of any particular courses that are mandated or excluded, residency requirements (if any) for the minor courses, and grade requirements for minor courses if those requirements differ from the general University standard for credit (a D as the minimum passing grade).

A student may select a minor in consultation with his or her advisor. The student may then consult an advisor in the minor field who can inform the student of remaining requirements for the minor. When the student has met the requirements for the minor, the advisor in the minor field will then certify that fact to the student's dean. The completed minor will be recorded on the student's permanent transcript, but not on the diploma. For students completing a minor after graduation, the statement shall appear on the transcript in chronological order following the courses taken subsequent to graduation. A student must be enrolled at the time a minor is approved by the University Council, or subsequent to that date, to receive credit for the minor. A student may have more than one minor.

Select a Minor:

Majors Home - Minors Listing

Minor - African Studies

  • A minor must contain at least 9 hours of upper division course work.
  • Courses taken to satisfy Core Areas I through V may not be counted as course work in the minor.
  • Courses taken in Core Area VI may be counted as course work in the minor.

Program Description:
As the oldest and the most diverse continent in the world, Africa provides one of the best venues for the study of the human and nature relationships especially with the impact of issues such as urbanization, deforestation, soil erosion, climate change, and wildlife conservation. The diversity of the continent is highlighted in every aspect of life: the people, the languages, the vegetation, the political traditions, the economic practices, the belief systems, and world views. The Minor in African Studies will provide students an understanding of this unique and diverse continent. This will not only heighten students’ sensitivity to the changing nature of the world, but it will also improve comprehension of globalization and interrelationships of all human history and culture. A Minor in African Studies, through its curriculum, will enhance students’ abilities, options, and opportunities as they enter the global market place.

Required Courses (6 hours):
AFST 4200/6200 or INTL(AFST) 4355

Electives (Choose 12 hours):

AFST 4200/6200
AFST(RELI)(LACS) 4620/6620
ANTH 2120H
CMLT 3990
CMLT(AFST) 4880/6880
CMLT(AFST) 4890/6890
GEOG 4710/6710
GEOL 1121H
HIST(AFST) 4500/6500
HIST(AFST) 4540/6540
HIST(AFST) 4550/6550
LAND 4910/6910
LING(CMLT) 4870/6870
MUSI 3020
MUSI 4270/6270
REL 4310/6310
RELI(AFST) 4625/6625
SOCI 4900 or SOCI 4960R
THEA 4800/6800
TXMI 3010
TXMI(THEA) 4270/6270
TXMI 5710/7710

  • A minor in African Studies will not consist of more than 6 hours of African-related independent study or course work that is not on the list of courses endorsed by the African Studies Institute. Such course work must be petitioned and approved by the Director of the Institute.
  • At least three courses (9 hours) must be taken in residence.
  • It is not compulsory to study abroad to earn hours for the minor, but hours acquired in study abroad programs in Africa can be counted towards the minor.
  • All courses used to satisfy the minor must be passed with a grade of "C" (2.0) or better.

For more information about minor course work, contact:
            David Olali