Course ID: | EMBA 7450. 3 hours. |
Course Title: | Information Technology and Strategy |
Course Description: | An exploration of the strategic use of Internet technology to
support organizational goals and increase organizational
performance. A guide to Internet technology and network
computing, as well as models for identifying strategic
opportunities. Issues important in creating and implementing an
Internet strategy. |
Oasis Title: | Information Tech Strategy |
Duplicate Credit: | Not open to students with credit in EMBA 7450E |
Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. |
Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
Course Objectives: | This course has both technical and strategic objectives. On
the technology side, students should recognize opportunities
to improve data management and data exchange in real
organizations, and be able to design simple relational and
multidimensional databases. They should also recognize the
transition of information technology to Web services,
understand the technology underlying the use of Web services,
and appreciate the importance of systems development.
On the strategy side, students should be able to outline a
design of a net-based organization, identify ways in which
information technology can enhance the performance of a
net-based organization, develop strategies for using networks
to change the relationship between the firm and other
stakeholders, and apply the principles of the new economy to
strategy formulation. |
Topical Outline: | 1. Introduction
2. Data Modeling
3. Relational and Multidimensional Databases
4. Accessing Information
5. Systems Development and Prototyping
6. Internet Technology
7. Web Development
8. Web Site Transaction Processing
9. Designing a Net-Base Organization
10. The Internet and Pricing Strategies
11. IT Issues in the New Economy |
Honor Code Reference: | Students are expected to adhere strictly to the University Honor
and Academic Honesty Policy, and to follow generally accepted
standards of honesty in all assignments and examinations. |