Course ID: | EMBA 7550. 3 hours. |
Course Title: | Strategic Management |
Course Description: | Traditional corporate strategy combined with principles of
large-scale organizational change to produce an overview of
strategic management as a process for adapting the firm to its
changing environment. Topics include practical issues related to
mental frameworks and human behavior, environmental and
competitor analysis, and change implementation. |
Oasis Title: | STRATEGIC MGT |
Duplicate Credit: | Not open to students with credit in EMBA 8550 |
Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. |
Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
Course Objectives: | The course seeks to develop students' capacity to think
strategically about a company, its business position, how it can
gain sustainable competitive advantage, and how its strategy can
be implemented and executed successfully. It also builds
students' skills in conducting strategic analysis in a variety of
industries and competitive situations, and provides a strong
understanding of the competitive challenges of a global market
environment. The course gives students hands-on experience in
crafting business strategy, reasoning carefully about strategic
options, using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives,
and making strategic decisions that can be implemented
successfully. The course should also improve students' ability to
manage the organizational processes by which strategies get
formed and executed, and build confidence in being able to
perform the tasks of a strategy-maker and strategy-implementer.
Finally, the course hones managerial judgment in assessing
business risks, and improves students' ability to create
results-oriented action plans. |
Topical Outline: | 1. The Strategic Management Process
2. Establishing Company Direction
3. Industry and Competitive Analysis
4. Evaluating Company Resources and Competitive Capabilities
5. Strategy and Competitive Advantage
6. Strategies for Competing in Global Markets
7. Business Models and Strategies in the Internet Era
8. Tailoring Strategy to Fit Industry and Company Situations
9. Strategy and Competitive Advantage in Diversified Companies
10. Evaluating the Strategies of Diversified Companies
11. Building Resource Strengths and Organizational Capabilities
12. Managing the Organization to Promote Strategy Execution
13. Corporate Culture and Leadership |
Honor Code Reference: | Students are expected to adhere strictly to the University Honor
and Academic Honesty Policy, and to follow generally accepted
standards of honesty in all assignments and examinations. |