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Syllabus information is only available for a single course. Enter a specific course number or select a specific course ID from the drop down list, to view syllabus information.
Course ID:ENGL 1050H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Composition and Literature (Honors)
Close analysis of literary works as the basis of effective critical writing.
Athena Title:Composition and Lit Honors
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1060H, ENGL 1102, ENGL 1102E, ENGL 1102S, ENGL 1103
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1060H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Composition and Multicultural Literature (Honors)
Close analysis of multicultural literary works as the basis of effective critical writing.
Athena Title:Comp and Multicul Lit Honors
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1050H, ENGL 1102, ENGL 1102E, ENGL 1102S, ENGL 1103
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1101. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Composition I
Expository themes on both general and literary topics developed by basic rhetorical methods.
Athena Title:English Composition I
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1101E, ENGL 1101S
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1101E. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Composition I
Expository themes on both general and literary topics developed by basic rhetorical methods.
Athena Title:English Composition I
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1101, ENGL 1101S
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1101S. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Composition I: Service-Learning
Expository themes on both general and literary topics developed by basic rhetorical methods, with a focus on writing for non-profit and service organizations.
Athena Title:English Composition I SL
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1101, ENGL 1101E
Nontraditional Format:Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom. Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for approximately 25-50% of overall instructional time.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1102E. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Composition II
Themes on fiction, poetry, and drama.
Athena Title:English Composition II
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1050H, ENGL 1060H, ENGL 1102, ENGL 1102S, ENGL 1103
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1102S. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Composition II - Service Learning
Course is centered around writing critically about literature. The choice and sequence of topics will vary from instructor to instructor and semester to semester. Students in this course will practice the skills of analytical writing and argumentation in regard to the topic of writing for nonprofits and service organizations. Students will also practice the skills of reflective writing in response to the service learning experience.
Athena Title:English Composition II SL
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1050H, ENGL 1060H, ENGL 1102, ENGL 1102E, ENGL 1103
Prerequisite:ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1102. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Composition II
Themes on fiction, poetry, and drama.
Athena Title:English Composition II
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1050H, ENGL 1060H, ENGL 1102E, ENGL 1102S, ENGL 1103
Prerequisite:ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 1103. 3 hours.
Course Title:Multicultural English Composition
Themes on fiction, poetry, and drama using multicultural literature.
Athena Title:Multicultural English Comp
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 1050H, ENGL 1060H, ENGL 1102, ENGL 1102E, ENGL 1102S
Prerequisite:ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2310. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Literature from the Beginnings to 1700
Writers typically include the Beowulf poet, Gawain poet, Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Donne, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Milton.
Athena Title:ENG LIT TO 1700
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2310E, ENGL 2310W, ENGL 2350H
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2310E. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Literature from the Beginnings to 1700
Writers typically include the Beowulf poet, Gawain poet, Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Donne, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Milton.
Athena Title:English Lit from Beg to 1700
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2310, ENGL 2310W, ENGL 2350H
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2310W. 3 hours.
Course Title:British Literature from the Beginnings to 1700
Writers typically include the Beowulf poet, Gawain poet, Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Donne, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Milton.
Athena Title:British Lit from Beg to 1700
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2310, ENGL 2310E, ENGL 2350H
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2320. 3 hours.
Course Title:British and Irish Literature from 1700 to the Present
Writers typically include Pope, Swift, Johnson, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Tennyson, Arnold, Browning, one or two nineteenth-century novelists, Yeats, Woolf, and Joyce.
Athena Title:British Irish Lit Since 1700
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2360H
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1102S
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2330. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Literature from the Beginnings to 1914
Significant work by writers in America from the pre-Columbian era to World War I. Writers may include Anne Bradstreet, Benjamin Franklin, Washington Irving, Jane Johnston Schoolcraft, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frederick Douglass, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Henry James, Charles Chesnutt, Frances Harper, Henry James, and Edith Wharton.
Athena Title:American Literature to 1914
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2370H
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2340. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Literature from 1914 to the Present
Significant work by American writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Writers may include William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Langston Hughes, T.S. Eliot, Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, Elizabeth Bishop, Saul Bellow, Toni Morrison, George Saunders, Ted Chiang, and Adrienne Rich.
Athena Title:American Literature from 1914
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2380H
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2350H. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Literature from the Beginnings to 1700 (Honors)
Writers typically include the Beowulf poet, Gawain poet, Chaucer, Spenser, Sidney, Marlowe, Donne, Jonson, Shakespeare, and Milton.
Athena Title:English Lit from Beg to 1700 H
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2310, ENGL 2310E, ENGL 2310W
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2360H. 3 hours.
Course Title:British and Irish Literature from 1700 to the Present (Honors)
Writers typically include Pope, Swift, Johnson, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Tennyson, Arnold, Browning, one or two nineteenth-century novelists, Yeats, Woolf, and Joyce.
Athena Title:British Irish Lit Since 1700 H
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2320
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1102S) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2370H. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Literature from the Beginnings to 1914 (Honors)
Significant work by writers in America from the pre-Columbian era to World War I. Writers may include Anne Bradstreet, Benjamin Franklin, Washington Irving, Jane Johnston Schoolcraft, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Frederick Douglass, Herman Melville, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Emily Dickinson, Mark Twain, Henry James, Charles Chesnutt, Frances Harper, and Edith Wharton.
Athena Title:American Literature to 1914 H
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2330
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2380H. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Literature from 1914 to the Present (Honors)
Significant work by American writers of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Writers may include William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Langston Hughes, T.S. Eliot, Zora Neale Hurston, Richard Wright, Elizabeth Bishop, Saul Bellow, Toni Morrison, George Saunders, Ted Chiang, and Adrienne Rich.
Athena Title:American Lit Since 1914 H
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2340
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2390H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Multicultural Literature in America (Honors)
Important writers and movements in the mosaic of American culture and literature with special attention to African American, Native American, Hispanic American, and Asian American literatures.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2400
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 2400. 3 hours.
Course Title:Multicultural Literature in America
Important writers and movements in the mosaic of American culture and literature with special attention to African American, Native American, Hispanic American, and Asian American literatures.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 2390H
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3007. 3 hours.
Course Title:Spy Fiction
Studying authors from Conrad and Buchan to Fleming and Le Carre, this class will trace the emergence of a modern fictional genre in its literary and historical contexts from late-Victorian imperialism to the 21st-century surveillance state.
Athena Title:Spy Fiction
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3010. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Folklore
The discipline of folklore, its aims, methods, and subject matter. The major genres of verbal folklore--folk speech, proverbs, riddles, rhymes, legends, folktales, ballads, and folksong--along with folk customs, festivals, and material culture.
Athena Title:Introduction to Folklore
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3030. 3 hours.
Course Title:World Englishes: Language, Literature, Pedagogy
The forms and functions of varieties of Englishes in diverse cultural contexts. World Englishes, or the English of Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the Americas, has a scope that integrates theory, methodology, and the empirical study of English in global, linguistic, and literary contexts.
Athena Title:World Englishes
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3050. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Poetry
Formal and thematic traditions of poetry in English, with emphasis on techniques of reading and of writing critical essays.
Athena Title:Introduction to Poetry
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3050H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Poetry (Honors)
Formal and thematic traditions of poetry in English, with emphasis on techniques of reading and of writing critical essays.
Athena Title:Introduction to Poetry Honors
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3055. 3 hours.
Course Title:Poetry and Popular Song
An investigation of the connection between poetry and popular song in Great Britain and America, either in focus on songwriters/poets or on the relationship between popular musical forms and poetry or on the lyrics of English and American popular song from ballads to Broadway to the Beatles and beyond.
Athena Title:Poetry and Popular Song
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(HIST) 3100. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to British and Irish Culture I
This course considers the British Isles from a variety of perspectives: artistic, historical, political, environmental, and social, equipping students to pursue more sophisticated studies in British and Irish history, literature, and culture.
Athena Title:Intro to Brit Irish Culture I
Nontraditional Format:You can expect to read a considerable number of short pieces of writing, to look at many images, to listen to much music, and to become familiar with maps and dates and poems, with sheep and castles and trades unions, with loughs and lochs and Locke. The texts covered – from the fields of history, literature, religion, and culture – will range from the Roman occupation of Britain (c. 55 B.C.) to the present day. English 3100 also serves as the gateway course for the certificate in British and Irish Studies.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1102S or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 3230. 3 hours.
Course Title:Development of African American Literature
African American literature since 1773, particularly 1830 to the present: Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Zora Neale Hurston, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, Dorothy West, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Alice Childress, Lorraine Hansberry, Amiri Baraka, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, and August Wilson, including diverse voices rooted in the folk origins for literary forms.
Athena Title:Develop African American Lit
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LACS) 3250. 3 hours.
Course Title:Latinx Literature
A survey of Latinx literature and key topics in Latinx literary studies. Students will explore how Latino/as have imaginatively dramatized issues such as barrio life, exilic nostalgia, internal colonialism, historic traumas, border crossings, Spanglish, mestizaje, machismo, and new notions of the American Dream.
Athena Title:Latinx Literature
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3300. 3 hours.
Course Title:Women in Literature
Reading and analysis of works in British and American literature by and about women.
Athena Title:Women in Literature
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3320. 3 hours.
Course Title:Shakespeare and His World
The plays and poems of Shakespeare, their historical and cultural background, and their continuing significance in interpretation, appropriation, and performance. Intended to help students become informed and intelligent readers and viewers of Shakespeare.
Athena Title:Shakespeare and His World
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3330H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Human Rights (Honors)
Introduces students to a wide range of texts by writers who have responded to human rights violations around the globe: what responsibilities do these authors have towards their subject- matter/audience as they tell their stories? How do these stories relate to cultural and aesthetic forms? In what way do they resolve the tension between cultural and universal forms and ethics?
Athena Title:Lit and Human Rights Honors
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3330
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3330. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Human Rights
Investigates the way in which literary studies have contributed to the understanding of human rights (with an emphasis on human dignity, equality, liberty, and progress), and interrogates whether “human rights” can be accepted as a universal code, considering that mores vary from culture to culture.
Athena Title:Literature and Human Rights
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3330H
Pre or Corequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3340. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Crime
Examining authors from Poe and Dostoevsky to Christie, Hammett, and beyond, the course studies literature centered on crime, detection, and mystery within its literary and historical contexts. It considers developments from the 19th century through the “golden age” and hardboiled novels to contemporary procedurals and thrillers, reading them as literary endeavors.
Athena Title:Lit and Crime
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1102S or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3400. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Evolution
A consideration of literary works that serve as background to, expressions of, and commentary on the theory of evolution and its supporting sciences such as molecular genetics. In addition to Darwin, authors studied may include Mary Shelley, Thomas Huxley, H. G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, James Watson, Richard Powers, and Margaret Atwood.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3410. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Media
Literature in English in relation to forms of media, past or present, to media environments, and to media change. Depending on the instructor, the course may concentrate on literature in the changing media ecology of the twenty-first century, or on historical interactions between literature and other media.
Athena Title:Literature and Media
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3420. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and the Mind
Cognitive approaches to literature and a broad introduction to cognitive poetics. Designed to familiarize students with key concepts in cognitive science and to demonstrate how knowledge of those topics can help to inform readings of literary texts.
Athena Title:Literature and the Mind
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3430. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Childhood
Literature in English in relation to children and childhood. Depending on the instructor, the course may concentrate on critical approaches to literature for children or on the representation of childhood or focalization through child characters in works marketed primarily to adults.
Athena Title:Literature and Childhood
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3440. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Philosophy
Exploration of the relationship between literature and philosophy. Depending on the instructor, the emphasis may be philosophical readings of literary texts or the literary treatment of philosophical texts.
Athena Title:Literature and Philosophy
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3450. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and War
An introduction to the literature and literary representation of war. Novels, poetry, memoirs, and film will be read closely for technique and in order to analyze the capacity of stories and different genres to convey the lived reality and effects of war on bodies, psyches, political culture, and national identity.
Athena Title:Literature and War
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3460. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Utopia
A survey of utopian and dystopian literature and criticism. Students will explore the genre's literary profiles, its critical and speculative capacities, and its ethical and philosophical implications.
Athena Title:Literature and Utopia
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3470. 3 hours.
Course Title:Contemporary World Literature in English
Contemporary literature written in English by writers from former British colonies in Africa, the Caribbean, the Indian subcontinent, and the Pacific region. Students will explore cultural, historical, and political issues raised by these texts, examining how they approach questions of political resistance, nation-building, and collective identity.
Athena Title:Contemp World Lit in English
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 3480. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and the Black Atlantic
A survey of literature related to the long history of the Black Atlantic, with an emphasis on issues of slavery, the slave trade, race, empire, colonialism, and postcolonialism.
Athena Title:Literature and Black Atlantic
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3490. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literature and Revolution
A survey of historic revolutions in the literary imagination. Draws on historical novels, novelistic histories, memoirs, poetry, film, and the arts. Cases may include any number of historic revolutions, from the paradigmatic French, American, and Russian revolutions to others of the twentieth and twentieth-first centuries.
Athena Title:Literature and Revolution
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1102S or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3500. 3 hours.
Course Title:Jane Austen's World
An introduction to the literature and culture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
Athena Title:Jane Austen's World
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3530W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Victorian Studies
An introduction to the literature and culture of the British Victorian period, from the first Reform Bill (1832) to the death of Queen Victoria (1901).
Athena Title:Intro to Victorian Studies
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3530
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback, and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3530. 3 hours.
Course Title:Victorian Studies
An introduction to the literature and culture of the British Victorian period, from the first Reform Bill (1832) to the death of Queen Victoria (1901).
Athena Title:Victorian Studies
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3530W
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3590W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Technical and Professional Communication
Writing in the professional domains, with an emphasis on research methods, clear and accurate presentation of ideas and data, and computer-mediated communication.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3590
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3600W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Advanced Composition
Writing as a process, with an emphasis on the conventions of discourse situations, invention, revision, editorial skills, and document design.
Athena Title:Advanced Composition
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3600E
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3600E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Advanced Composition
Investigation of writing as a process, dialogue, and artifact. During investigations, the class will discuss histories, theories, practices, forms, design, and the future of composition. During studio sessions, students will actively engage in writing and writing process activities, including brainstorming, drafting, peer review, revising, editing, and reflecting.
Athena Title:Advanced Composition
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3600W
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S) and (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103)
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3610H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Fiction (Honors)
Short fiction in English, with some attention to historical development of the genre, narrative techniques, and the development of critical strategies for reading and writing.
Athena Title:Introduction to Fiction Honors
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3610. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Fiction
Short fiction in English, with some attention to historical development of the genre, narrative techniques, and the development of critical strategies for reading and writing.
Athena Title:Introduction to Fiction
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3650. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Drama
Drama in English. Focus may be historical development of the genre, representative themes, the relation between theory and practice, or the relation between text and performance. The course will include critical writing.
Athena Title:Introduction to Drama
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3650H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Drama (Honors)
Drama in English. Focus may be historical development of the genre, representative themes, the relation between theory and practice, or the relation between text and performance. The course will include critical writing.
Athena Title:Introduction to Drama Honors
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3650
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3700W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Writing in the Disciplines
An introduction to the principles and practices of writing in the disciplines. In the lecture, students will investigate academic, professional, and public genres. In discussion, students will evaluate writing in specific contexts and develop expertise in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, peer review, and revision.
Athena Title:Writing in the Disciplines
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3700, ENGL 3700D
Nontraditional Format:The W suffix is used for courses taught as writing intensive, which means that the course includes substantial and ongoing writing assignments that: a) facilitate learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; c) support writing as a process; and d) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. Writing instruction and assignments are integral to the class’s learning objectives, and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in supporting students as writers. More specifically, writing-intensive classes: • involve students in informal writing assignments that promote course learning; • stage and sequence assignments to encourage writing as a process of creating and communicating knowledge; • maximize opportunities for guidance, feedback, and revision; • teach the writing conventions that are inseparable from modes of inquiry in a discipline; • make writing a substantive component of the overall course grade to underscore the value of writing to the course, the discipline, and student learning.
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S) and (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3700-3700D. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Writing in the Disciplines
An introduction to the principles and practices of writing in the disciplines. In lecture, students will investigate academic, professional, and public genres. In discussion, students will evaluate writing in specific contexts and develop expertise in critical reading, rhetorical analysis, peer review, and revision.
Athena Title:Writing in the Disciplines
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3700W
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S) and (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3800H. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Creative Writing (Honors)
Elements of writing poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction through selected readings and discussion of student writing for Honors students.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3800
Prerequisite:(ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M) and permission of Honors
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3800W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Introduction to Creative Writing
Elements of writing poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction through selected readings and discussion of student writing.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3800
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3801W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Intermediate Creative Writing: Topics
Intermediate study in creative writing, limited to a single genre, such as short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, the novel, performative writing, hypertext, and hybrid form. Focus varies according to professor.
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 3801
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:[ENGL 1101 and (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102M) and ENGL 3800] or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3820W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Critical Approaches to Literature
Introduction to literary criticism, emphasizing major critical approaches to literature.
Athena Title:Critical Approaches to Lit
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3850S. 3 hours.
Course Title:Writing and Community
Study of how writing functions in the formation and maintenance of communities and the role of written communication in addressing community needs and concerns.
Athena Title:Writing and Community
Nontraditional Format:Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom. Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for approximately 25-50% of overall instructional time.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3860W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Science Writing for General Audiences
A writing-intensive introduction to reading and writing about scientific research in order to bring scientific information to the general public.
Athena Title:Science Writing General Audien
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline-for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1101E or ENGL 1101S and (ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103)
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 3880S. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Modern Civil Rights Movement in Literature and Culture
Literature, film, and photography from and about the American Civil Rights Movement, from the desegregation campaigns of World War II through 1972’s National Black Political Convention. Students will participate in an experiential learning project assisting local communities in preserving or memorializing movement histories and stories.
Athena Title:Civil Rights Lit and Culture
Nontraditional Format:Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom. Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for approximately 25-50% of overall instructional time.
Prerequisite:ENGL 1102 or ENGL 1102E or ENGL 1103 or ENGL 1050H or ENGL 1060H
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4001. 1 hour.
Course Title:Careers for English Majors
Exploration of potential careers for English majors and preparing students to apply for jobs using rhetorically-targeted application materials.
Athena Title:Careers for English Majors
Nontraditional Format:Students will attend workshops and career fairs sponsored by the UGA Career Center and will also participate in the UGA Mentorship Program outside of class time.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 4005/6005. 3 hours.
Course Title:History of the English Language
The development of present English through the stages of Old English, Middle English, and early Modern English. Study of elementary phonetics, phonemics, sound change, and dialect variation.
Athena Title:HIST ENG LANG
Prerequisite:LING 2100 or ENGL(LING) 3030 or CMLT 2111 or CMLT 2210 or CMLT 2212 or CMLT 2220 or CMLT 2500 or ENGL 2310 or ENGL 2320 or ENGL 2330 or ENGL 2340 or ENGL 2400
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 4010/6010. 3 hours.
Course Title:American English
The history, present status, and future prospects of American English, including standards and internal variation.
Undergraduate Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 3030 or ENGL(LING) 4005/6005 or LING 2100
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING)(AFAM) 4040. 3 hours.
Course Title:Language Use in the African American Community
History and structure of the speech and language styles used in the African American community; examination of linguistic and cultural issues that confront the majority of African Americans; the role of the vernacular language of African Americans in society.
Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 3030 or ENGL(LING) 4005/6005 or LING 2100
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:LING(AFAM)(ENGL) 4050/6050. 3 hours.
Course Title:Structure of African American English
Discussion and analysis of the phonological, morphological, lexical, discourse, and syntactic structures of African American English and their interaction as the grammatical system of language use in the African American community.
Prerequisite:LING 2100
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 4060/6060. 3 hours.
Course Title:Old English
The language and literature of England before the Norman Conquest, with reading of selected texts.
Athena Title:Old English
Prerequisite:LING 2100 or LING 2100E or LING 2100H or ENGL 3030 or two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:LING(ENGL) 4080. 3 hours.
Course Title:Language and Complex Systems
Introduction to the study and theory of language as it is actually used by people in speech and writing. Regional and social language variation and variation in text corpora will both be considered, as will the relationship of language variation to language change.
Athena Title:Language and Complex Systems
Prerequisite:LING 2100 or LING 2100H or LING 2100E or permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 4100/6100. 3 hours.
Course Title:Lexicography
Principles and methods of dictionary making with emphasis on monolingual English and bilingual dictionaries. Topics may include typology of dictionaries and dictionary users, the history of lexicography, the collection and selection of headwords and examples; the definition style, pronunciation, labeling, translation equivalents, etymology, illustrations, and encyclopedic information.
Undergraduate Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 3030 or ENGL(LING) 4005/6005 or LING 2100
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4110/6110. 3 hours.
Course Title:English Grammar
English grammar as represented in alternative modern approaches, including terms and concepts from traditional and structural grammar.
Athena Title:English Grammar
Undergraduate Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 3030 or ENGL(LING) 4005/6005 or LING 2100
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4170/6170. 3 hours.
Course Title:Second Language Acquisition
Linguistic theories of second language acquisition, with emphasis on the acquisition of English. Topics include order of acquisition, sociocultural factors with linguistic bases, and neurolinguistic models.
Athena Title:Second Language Acquisition
Prerequisite:ENGL 3030 or ENGL 4110/6110 or LING 2100
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 4190. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in the English Language
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4210/6210. 3 hours.
Course Title:Old English Literature
Prose and poetry of the Old English period, exclusive of Beowulf, with emphasis on poetry. Works will be read in Old English, with supplementary translations.
Undergraduate Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 4060/6060 and two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4220/6220. 3 hours.
Course Title:Beowulf
The poem in the original Old English, with attention to important critical studies.
Athena Title:BEOWULF
Undergraduate Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 4060/6060 and two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4230. 3 hours.
Course Title:Medieval Literature
Masterpieces of medieval literature, exclusive of Chaucer. Some works will be read in Modern English translation.
Athena Title:Medieval Literature
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4230W
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4230W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Medieval Literature
Masterpieces of medieval literature, exclusive of Chaucer. Some works will be read in Modern English translation.
Athena Title:Medieval Literature
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4230
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4240W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Chaucer
Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, and minor poems.
Athena Title:Chaucer
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4240, ENGL 6240
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4240/6240. 3 hours.
Course Title:Chaucer
Canterbury Tales, Troilus and Criseyde, and minor poems.
Athena Title:Chaucer
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4240W
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4270. 3 hours.
Course Title:Medieval Romance
Development of the Romance form (verse and prose) during the high middle ages and reasons for its historical and continuing appeal. Materials may include: Arthurian romance, the Grail Quest, English and Breton lais, and the matters of France, Rome, and Britain. Some works may be read in modern English translation.
Athena Title:Medieval Romance
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4290. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Medieval Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Topics in Medieval Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4300/6300. 3 hours.
Course Title:Elizabethan Poetry
Poetry of the earlier English Renaissance, such as works by Wyatt, Surrey, Sidney, Spenser, and Marlowe, and the sonnets of Shakespeare.
Athena Title:Elizabethan Poetry
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4300W
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4300W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Elizabethan Poetry
Poetry of the earlier English Renaissance, such as works by Wyatt, Surrey, Sidney, Spenser, and Marlowe, and the sonnets of Shakespeare.
Athena Title:Elizabethan Poetry
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4300, ENGL 6300
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4310. 3 hours.
Course Title:Tudor Literature
A survey of Tudor literature, from the time of Henry VII to Elizabeth I. The course will attend to the verse, prose, and drama of the period in their cultural contexts.
Athena Title:Tudor Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4320W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Shakespeare I: Selected Works
A survey of literature written by Shakespeare throughout his career.
Athena Title:Shakespeare I: Selected Works
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4320, ENGL 6320, ENGL 4320E, ENGL 6320E
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4320E/6320E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Shakespeare I: Selected Works
A survey of literature written by Shakespeare throughout his career.
Athena Title:Shakespeare I: Selected Works
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4320, ENGL 4320W or ENGL 6320
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4320/6320. 3 hours.
Course Title:Shakespeare I: Selected Works
A survey of literature written by Shakespeare throughout his career.
Athena Title:Shakespeare I: Selected Works
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4320E, ENGL 4320W or ENGL 6320E
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4330. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Shakespeare II: Special Topics
Special topics related to Shakespeare.
Athena Title:Shakespeare II: Special Topics
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4330W
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4330W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Shakespeare II: Special Topics
Special topics related to Shakespeare.
Athena Title:Shakespeare II: Special Topics
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4330
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4340/6340. 3 hours.
Course Title:Renaissance Drama
English drama from 1576 to 1642, exclusive of Shakespeare, emphasizing dramatists such as Marlowe, Jonson, Webster, and Middleton.
Athena Title:Renaissance Drama
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4350/6350. 3 hours.
Course Title:Seventeenth-Century Poetry
Major English poets of the period, such as Donne, Jonson, Herbert, and Marvell.
Athena Title:17th Century Poetry
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4370. 3 hours.
Course Title:Milton
The works and times of John Milton.
Athena Title:Milton
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:HIST(ENGL) 4380. 3 hours.
Course Title:London in the Age of Shakespeare
In England, attitudes to political authority and social identity were challenged and transformed during the early modern period, as is evident, if somewhat nebulously, in Shakespeare's works. This course examines the city of London, 1590-1610, where such works were shaped and performed, as a crucial context for understanding these developments.
Athena Title:City of London, 1590-1610
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4390W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Topics in Renaissance Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Topics in Renaissance Lit
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4390
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4390. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Renaissance Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Topics in Renaissance Lit
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4390W
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4400/6400. 3 hours.
Course Title:Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Drama
Outstanding dramatists of the period: Dryden, Wycherley, Addison, Goldsmith, Sheridan, and others.
Athena Title:Restoration 18th Century Drama
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4420/6420. 3 hours.
Course Title:Early Eighteenth-Century Prose and Poetry
Poetry and prose of the earlier eighteenth century, emphasizing Addison, Steele, Defoe, Swift, and Pope.
Athena Title:Early 18th Century Lit
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4430. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Eighteenth-Century English Novel
The English novel from Defoe to 1800, including novels by Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne, the Gothic novel, and the novel of purpose.
Athena Title:18th Century English Novel
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 6430
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4440/6440. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Age of Johnson
English literature of the late eighteenth century, emphasizing the works of Samuel Johnson, James Boswell, and other writers of the time.
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4450. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Global Eighteenth Century
An examination of eighteenth-century British literature with an emphasis on texts that attend to issues of empire, race, travel, colonialism, transatlanticism, and multiculturalism in the period.
Athena Title:The Global Eighteenth Century
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 6451
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4460. 3 hours.
Course Title:Women in the Eighteenth Century
An examination of eighteenth-century British literature with an emphasis on texts that represent women and investigate themes of gender, the feminine literary marketplace, and the history of women.
Athena Title:Women in Eighteenth Century
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4460E
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4460E. 3 hours.
Course Title:Women in the Eighteenth Century
An examination of eighteenth-century British literature with an emphasis on texts that represent women and investigate themes of gender, the feminine literary marketplace, and the history of women.
Athena Title:Women in Eighteenth Century
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4460
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 4470. 3 hours.
Course Title:Eighteenth Century Literature and the Black Atlantic
An examination of eighteenth-century British literature with an emphasis on issues of slavery, race, empire, colonialism, and multiculturalism in the Atlantic world. Authors will likely include Olaudah Equiano, Phillis Wheatley Peters, Mary Prince, Daniel Defoe, Alexander Pope, Samuel Johnson, Hannah More, and William Blake.
Athena Title:18th Cent Lit Black Atlantic
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4480/6480. 3 hours.
Course Title:Scottish Literature of the Eighteenth Century
A survey of eighteenth-century Scottish literature with an emphasis on its variety. The canon includes the nonfictional narratives of James Boswell; the poetry and song of James Thomson; James MacPherson and Robert Burns; the novels of Walter Scott, Tobias Smollett, Elizabeth Hamilton, and James Hogg.
Athena Title:18TH-C SCOTTISH LIT
Undergraduate Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Graduate Prerequisite:Permission of department
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4490. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Eighteenth-Century Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Topics 18-Century Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4500. 3 hours.
Course Title:Romantic Literature
British literature, 1785-1832. An introduction to genres, themes, and contexts of the Romantic period. Authors studied may include Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Mary and Percy Shelley.
Athena Title:Romantic Literature
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 6500
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4501. 3 hours.
Course Title:Romantic Circles
Romantic-era literature (1780-1830) focusing on a particular circle of writers who knew and wrote in relation to one another. Possible circles include, but are not limited to, Coleridge and the Wordsworths, Byron and the Shelleys, and the Keats-Hunt circle.
Athena Title:Romantic Circles
Prerequisite:(Two 2000-level ENGL courses) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4505. 3 hours.
Course Title:Single Author Study: Jane Austen
Jane Austen's writing in historical and biographical context, including correspondence and juvenilia. Adaptations of auste, including prequels and sequels and cinematic renderings of Austen's life and work.
Athena Title:Jane Austen
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4510. 3 hours.
Course Title:Nineteenth-Century British Prose
British non-fiction prose from the Romantic period to the death of Queen Victoria (1901), with emphasis on the works of writers such as Wollstonecraft, Coleridge, De Quincey, Hazlitt, Lamb, Carlyle, Newman, Mill, Ruskin, Darwin, Arnold, Pater, and Wilde.
Athena Title:19TH-CEN BRIT PROSE
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4530
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4520. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Nineteenth-Century British Novel
The development of the British novel in the nineteenth century.
Athena Title:Nineteenth-Century Brit Novel
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4520W
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4520W. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Nineteenth-Century British Novel
The development of the British novel in the nineteenth century.
Athena Title:Nineteenth-Century Brit Novel
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4520
Nontraditional Format:This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4530. 3 hours.
Course Title:Victorian Literature
British literature from the first Reform Bill (1832) to the death of Queen Victoria (1901), with emphasis on the poetry and non-fiction prose of writers such as Tennyson, Elizabeth and Robert Browning, Arnold, Carlyle, Mill, Ruskin, and Christina and Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Athena Title:Victorian Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4540. 3 hours.
Course Title:Victorian Poetry
British poetry from the first Reform Bill (1832) to the death of Queen Victoria (1901), with emphasis on the works of writers such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Tennyson, Emily Bronte, Gabriel Rossetti, Christina Rossetti, Arnold, Clough, Meredith, Swinburne, Webster, Hopkins, Levy, Field, Yeats, and Hardy.
Athena Title:Victorian Poetry
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4550. 3 hours.
Course Title:Britain, Empire, and the Global Nineteenth Century
Examination of nineteenth-century writing from the British Isles, the British Empire, and elsewhere, with an emphasis on Anglophone literature that attends to issues of travel, colonialism, race, imperialism, transatlanticism, multiculturalism, nation, and internationalism in the period.
Athena Title:Britain Emp Global 19th Cent
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4590. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Nineteenth-Century British Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Nineteenth-Century British Lit
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 4620. 3 hours.
Course Title:African American Poetry
African American poetry from the colonial period to the present, including slave and folk songs of the mid-nineteenth century, the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920's, and contemporary poetry. Emphasis on such figures as Langston Hughes, Margaret Walker, Gwendolyn Brooks, Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka, Yusef Komunyakaa, Rita Dove, Kevin Young, and others.
Athena Title:African American Poetry
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 4630. 3 hours.
Course Title:African American Fiction
Important African American stories and novels from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, including works by such authors as Frances Harper, Jean Toomer, Ralph Ellison, James Baldwin, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison.
Athena Title:African American Fiction
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4640. 3 hours.
Course Title:Film as Literature
The interpretation of films, with emphasis on the relationships between motion pictures and British and American literature.
Athena Title:Film as Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4650. 3 hours.
Course Title:Modern Drama
The drama of Europe and America from the realism of Ibsen and Strindberg to the present.
Athena Title:Modern Drama
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4660. 3 hours.
Course Title:Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry
British and Irish poetry since the 1890s.
Athena Title:20th Cent British Irish Poetry
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4670. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Twentieth-Century British and Irish Novel
Fiction of such representative British and Irish novelists of the twentieth century as Bowen, Conrad, Forster, Joyce, Lawrence, Waugh, Woolf, and Greene.
Athena Title:20th Cent Brit and Irish Novel
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4680. 3 hours.
Course Title:Modern Irish Literature
Fiction, poetry, and drama of the Irish Renaissance and after.
Athena Title:Modern Irish Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4690. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Twentieth-Century British and Irish Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:20th Century Brit & Irish Lit
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4700. 3 hours.
Course Title:Early American Literature
Examines the literature of the colonial and early national periods in transatlantic, hemispheric, and multicultural perspectives, emphasizing the study of imperialism, colonialism, and independence movements from the beginnings to 1830. Students may study Mayan and Aztec texts, and the writings of Columbus, Rowlandson, Edwards, Equiano, Wheatley, and Jefferson.
Athena Title:Early American Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4710. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Renaissance
American poetry, fiction, and prose written between 1820 and 1865. Writers may include Cooper, Poe, Caroline Kirkland, Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, Stowe, Harriet Jacobs, Douglass, Melville, Whitman, and Dickinson.
Athena Title:American Renaissance
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4720. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Realism and Naturalism
Regionalism, realism, and naturalism from 1865 to 1918 with attention to the themes of ethical conflict, determinism, urbanization, the New Woman, and the contributions of ethnic minorities. Writers may include Twain, James, Wharton, Jewett, Dunbar-Nelson, Zitkala-Sa, Chopin, Chesnutt, Crane, Howells, Dreiser, and Sui Sin Far.
Athena Title:Amer Realism and Naturalism
Nontraditional Format:The writing will consist of two essays examinations and a research paper on one writer studied for the course.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4730. 3 hours.
Course Title:The American Novel to 1900
The growth of the novel in America from its inception in the Romantic to the development of the Realistic novel. Writers may include Cooper, Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, Simms, James, Howells, Stowe, Chesnutt, Dreiser, Norris, and Crane.
Athena Title:The American Novel to 1900
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4740. 3 hours.
Course Title:Southern Literature
The literature of the South from its roots through the modern renaissance. Writers may include Byrd, Cooke, Longstreet, Simms, Poe, Timrod, Lanier, Chopin, Twain, the Agrarians, Toomer, Roberts, Faulkner, Hurston, Welty, Porter, O'Connor, Wolfe, Percy, Crews, Berry, Kenan, Tyler, Dickey, Chappell, Alice Walker, and McCarthy.
Athena Title:Southern Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4750. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Modernism
The fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction prose that expresses the literary experimentation and social transformations of the period from 1918 to 1960. Writers may include Eliot, Pound, Stein, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulkner, Toomer, Miller, O'Neill, Williams, Larsen, Steinbeck, Salinger, and O'Connor.
Athena Title:American Modernism
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4760. 3 hours.
Course Title:Contemporary American Literature
Various aspects of American fiction, poetry, drama, or non-fiction prose since 1960. The emphasis will vary from semester to semester following new developments in literature.
Athena Title:Contemporary American Lit
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4770. 3 hours.
Course Title:Twentieth-Century American Poetry
Ideas and forms in American poetry in the twentieth century. Writers may include Eliot, Pound, H.D., Stein, Stevens, Rich, Sexton, Roethke, Harjo, Lorde, Perlman, Howe, Ashbery, Lowell, Moore, Williams, and Frost.
Athena Title:Twentieth-Century Amer Poetry
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4780. 3 hours.
Course Title:Twentieth-Century American Novel
The development of the American novel from Naturalism through Modernism and Post-Modernism. Writers may include Cather, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Wright, Steinbeck, Faulkner, Porter, O'Connor, Ellison, Heller, Morrison, and Percy.
Athena Title:Twentieth-Century Amer Novel
Nontraditional Format:Writing assignments will normally consist of two essay examinations and a research paper exploring criticism of one of the major novels.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4790. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in American Literature
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Topics in American Literature
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4800W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction
Students develop skills in fiction writing with a focus on the elements of narrative including plot, point of view, character development, dialogue, and voice. Students complete their own stories, analyze works of literature and one another’s drafts, and complete short writing exercises.
Athena Title:Creative Writing Fiction
Nontraditional Format:The W suffix is used for courses taught as writing intensive, which means that the course includes substantial and ongoing writing assignments that: a) facilitate learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; c) support writing as a process; and d) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. Writing instruction and assignments are integral to the class’s learning objectives, and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in supporting students as writers. More specifically, writing-intensive classes: • involve students in informal writing assignments that promote course learning; • stage and sequence assignments to encourage writing as a process of creating and communicating knowledge; • maximize opportunities for guidance, feedback, and revision; • teach the writing conventions that are inseparable from modes of inquiry in a discipline; • make writing a substantive component of the overall course grade to underscore the value of writing to the course, the discipline, and student learning.
Prerequisite:ENGL 3800W or ENGL 3800H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4801W. 3 hours.
Course Title:Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry
Students develop skills in poetry writing with a special focus on the elements of the genre including line, syntax, diction, and rhetoric, as well as rhythmic and formal constraints. Students complete their own poems, analyze poems by established poets and each other, and complete short writing exercises.
Athena Title:Creative Writing Poetry
Nontraditional Format:The W suffix is used for courses taught as writing intensive, which means that the course includes substantial and ongoing writing assignments that: a) facilitate learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; c) support writing as a process; and d) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. Writing instruction and assignments are integral to the class’s learning objectives, and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in supporting students as writers. More specifically, writing-intensive classes: • involve students in informal writing assignments that promote course learning; • stage and sequence assignments to encourage writing as a process of creating and communicating knowledge; • maximize opportunities for guidance, feedback, and revision; • teach the writing conventions that are inseparable from modes of inquiry in a discipline; make writing a substantive component of the overall course grade to underscore the value of writing to the course, the discipline, and student learning.
Prerequisite:ENGL 3800W or ENGL 3800H
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4802W. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Advanced Creative Writing: Fiction
In this course, students already experienced in writing original fiction will not only create and revise individual stories or novel chapters but also learn strategies for developing and revising a longer fiction manuscript. Student assignments include sharing and critiquing one another’s drafts, completing short writing exercises, reading the work of established fiction writers, attending campus literary events, and completing a short story or novel chapter.
Athena Title:Creative Writing Adv Fiction
Nontraditional Format:The W suffix is used for courses taught as writing intensive, which means that the course includes substantial and ongoing writing assignments that: a) facilitate learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; c) support writing as a process; and d) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. Writing instruction and assignments are integral to the class’s learning objectives, and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in supporting students as writers. More specifically, writing-intensive classes: • involve students in informal writing assignments that promote course learning; • stage and sequence assignments to encourage writing as a process of creating and communicating knowledge; • maximize opportunities for guidance, feedback, and revision; • teach the writing conventions that are inseparable from modes of inquiry in a discipline; make writing a substantive component of the overall course grade to underscore the value of writing to the course, the discipline, and student learning.
Prerequisite:ENGL 4800W
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4803W. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry
In this course, students already experienced in writing original poetry will not only create and revise individual poems but also learn strategies for developing and revising a poetry manuscript. Student assignments include sharing and critiquing one another’s drafts, completing short writing exercises, reading the work of established poets, attending campus poetry events, and completing a collection of original poetry.
Athena Title:Creative Writing Adv Poetry
Nontraditional Format:The W suffix is used for courses taught as writing intensive, which means that the course includes substantial and ongoing writing assignments that: a) facilitate learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; c) support writing as a process; and d) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. Writing instruction and assignments are integral to the class’s learning objectives, and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in supporting students as writers. More specifically, writing-intensive classes: • involve students in informal writing assignments that promote course learning; • stage and sequence assignments to encourage writing as a process of creating and communicating knowledge; • maximize opportunities for guidance, feedback, and revision; • teach the writing conventions that are inseparable from modes of inquiry in a discipline; make writing a substantive component of the overall course grade to underscore the value of writing to the course, the discipline, and student learning.
Prerequisite:ENGL 4801W
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4804W. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Advanced Creative Writing
This advanced creative writing course offers students the opportunity to work outside of the developmental course sequences in poetry or fiction. The focus of this course may be a single genre not covered by other course work, such as creative non-fiction or dramatic writing; may explore cross-genre writing or a particular subgenre of poetry or fiction, such as documentary poetry or science fiction; or it may take a thematic approach to multiple genres.
Athena Title:Creative Writing Special Topic
Nontraditional Format:The W suffix is used for courses taught as writing intensive, which means that the course includes substantial and ongoing writing assignments that: a) facilitate learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; c) support writing as a process; and d) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. Writing instruction and assignments are integral to the class’s learning objectives, and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in supporting students as writers. More specifically, writing-intensive classes: • involve students in informal writing assignments that promote course learning; • stage and sequence assignments to encourage writing as a process of creating and communicating knowledge; • maximize opportunities for guidance, feedback, and revision; • teach the writing conventions that are inseparable from modes of inquiry in a discipline; make writing a substantive component of the overall course grade to underscore the value of writing to the course, the discipline, and student learning.
Prerequisite:ENGL 3800W or ENGL 3800H
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4805. 3 hours.
Course Title:Editing and Publishing
Students will learn about the publishing industry--including its structure and economics--and will practice some of the varied tasks performed by editors, from copy-editing and critique to thinking about larger issues such as audiences, markets, formats, and media.
Athena Title:Editing and Publishing
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4810. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literary Magazine Editing and Publishing
Students will engage in all aspects of editing and producing a literary magazine or scholarly journal while learning about literary and academic culture through theoretical, aesthetic, critical, and practical components.
Athena Title:Literary Mag Edit and Publish
Prerequisite:Any two 2000-level ENGL courses) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4820. 3 hours.
Course Title:Literary Theory
Representative texts from Aristotle to Derrida and beyond, exemplifying a range of contemporary critical approaches and providing a historical context for current theoretical debates.
Athena Title:Literary Theory
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4830W. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Advanced Studies in Writing
Advanced study of writing as process and product, focusing on particular discourse situations or kinds of texts. Topics might typically be advanced technical communication, academic writing for literary scholars, or text and hypertext.
Athena Title:Advanced Studies in Writing
Nontraditional Format:This course is writing intensive, which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive revision.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4840. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 4 hours credit.
Course Title:Internship in Literary Media
An internship with a literary arts or media venue of the student's choice, with departmental approval and under the direction of the Undergraduate English Program Office and onsite internship advisor. Internship work may include publishing, editing, and arts administration. The internship will culminate with a final academic project.
Athena Title:Internship in Literary Media
Nontraditional Format:Students receiving one credit hour will work six to ten hours a week at a literary media venue and turn in short weekly work logs and a short final paper summarizing their experiences. Students receiving three credit hours will work six hours a week at a literary arts venue, will perform research under the direction of a faculty mentor and will produce a substantial academic project.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
Course ID:ENGL 4860. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Multicultural Topics in American Literature
Topics in multicultural studies, with primary focus on literature by members of one or more traditionally marginalized cultural groups within the United States and with attention to historical context and theoretical aspects.
Athena Title:Multicultural American Lit
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4870. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Folklore Studies
One or more folk groups, folklore genres, or topics concerning folklore.
Athena Title:Folklore Studies
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 4880. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in African American Literature
Selected topics in African American literature such as African American autobiography, Harlem Renaissance, Gwendolyn Brooks and Richard Wright, and Black American literature and aesthetics.
Athena Title:Topics in African American Lit
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4880E, AFAM 4880E
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 4880E. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in African American Literature
Selected topics in African American literature, such as African American autobiography, Harlem Renaissance, Gwendolyn Brooks and Richard Wright, and Black American literature and aesthetics.
Athena Title:Topics in African American Lit
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4880, AFAM 4880
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4890. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Criticism and Culture
A special topic not otherwise offered in the English curriculum. Topics and instructors vary from semester to semester.
Athena Title:Criticism and Culture
Prerequisite:Two 2000-level ENGL courses or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 3000-level ENGL course) or (one 2000-level ENGL course and one 2000-level CMLT course)
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4960R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit.
Course Title:Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Research I
Nontraditional Format:This course belongs to a progressive research course sequence to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. This course requires the close supervision of a faculty member as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the student will work collaboratively as part of a research team. The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret data. The student will present results in writing or through participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work per credit hour per semester is required.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4970R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Research II
Nontraditional Format:These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the student will work collaboratively as part of a research team. The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret data. The student will present results in writing or through participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work per credit hour per semester is required.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4980R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and to present results in writing and other relevant communication formats.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Research III
Nontraditional Format:These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability. The courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the student will work collaboratively as part of a research team. The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret data. The student will present results in writing or through participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work per credit hour per semester is required.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 4990R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit.
Course Title:Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project)
Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data. Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry.
Athena Title:Undergraduate Thesis
Nontraditional Format:This is a capstone course under the direct supervision of a faculty member. This course may be the culmination of the 4960R- 4980R sequence. Students will write a thesis or other professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio, that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry into an unknown, fundamental, or applied problem. The thesis or capstone product is written in close collaboration with the faculty member and must be approved by that faculty member and/or the department. The student will apply understanding of the discipline to identify or shape the research question and apply skills and techniques learned to complete the research project. The student will have gathered data, synthesized relevant literature and materials, analyzed, and interpreted data. The student will demonstrate in writing the contribution of their work to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge significant to their field of study. The student will have presented results in the form of a properly formatted, professionally rigorous thesis document or other appropriate professional capstone product and through the formal presentation of the thesis or product to faculty and peers during an approved event. The student will receive feedback from the faculty member on the overall execution of their thesis project, the written thesis, and their presentation.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM)(LING) 6040. 3 hours.
Course Title:Language Use in the African American Community
History and structure of the speech and language styles used in the African American community; examination of linguistic and cultural issues that confront the majority of African Americans; the role of the vernacular language of African Americans in society.
Athena Title:AFR AM LANG USE
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 6070. 3 hours.
Course Title:Middle English
The English language of the Middle English period, including the development of the language from the end of the Old English period through the transition to Modern English.
Prerequisite:ENGL(LING) 4000/6000 or ENGL(LING) 4060/6060 or permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:LING(ENGL) 6080. 3 hours.
Course Title:Language and Complex Systems
Introduction to the study and theory of language as it is actually used by people in speech and writing. Regional and social language variation and variation in text corpora will both be considered, as will the relationship of language variation to language change.
Athena Title:Language and Complex Systems
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(LING) 6190. 3 hours.
Course Title:Study of the English Language
The nature, structure, and varieties of the English language in vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and semantics.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6250. 3 hours.
Course Title:Medieval Drama
English drama from its beginnings to the opening of the public theater in 1576.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year. Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6260. 3 hours.
Course Title:Middle English Literature
English literature of the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth centuries, exclusive of Chaucer and the drama.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6290. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Medieval Literature
Special topics in Medieval literature to 1500.
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6310. 3 hours.
Course Title:Spenser
A study of The Faerie Queene, The Shepheardes Calender, and the Amoretti, with attention to Spenser's other works and his literary context.
Athena Title:SPENSER
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6330. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Shakespeare: Special Topics
Encourages students to investigate a topic within the discipline of Shakespeare Studies at greater length than in a survey class. Considers a few plays in detail.
Athena Title:Shakespeare Special Topics
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 6330E
Semester Course
Offered fall and spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6330E. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Shakespeare: Special Topics
Encourages students to investigate a topic within the discipline of Shakespeare Studies at greater length than in a survey class. Considers a few plays in detail.
Athena Title:Shakespeare Special Topics
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 6330
Nontraditional Format:This course will be taught 95% or more online.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6370. 3 hours.
Course Title:Milton
The works and times of John Milton.
Athena Title:MILTON
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6430. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Eighteenth-Century English Novel
The English novel from Defoe to 1800, including novels by Richardson, Fielding, Smollet, and Sterne, the Gothic novel, and the novel of purpose.
Athena Title:18th Century English Novel
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4430
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6450. 3 hours.
Course Title:William Blake
The works, times, and critical heritage of William Blake.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6500. 3 hours.
Course Title:Romantic Literature
British literature, 1785-1832. An overview of the literature, genres, themes, and contexts of the Romantic period. Authors studied may include Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Keats, Mary and Percy Shelley.
Athena Title:Romantic Literature
Equivalent Courses:Not open to students with credit in ENGL 4500
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6520. 3-6 hours.
Course Title:The Nineteenth-Century British Novel
The development of the British novel in the nineteenth century.
Athena Title:19TH C BRIT NOVEL
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6530. 3 hours.
Course Title:Victorian Literature I
Selected prose and poetry of the early nineteenth century.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6540. 3 hours.
Course Title:Victorian Literature II
Selected prose and poetry of the later nineteenth century.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6600. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Issues in Feminist Theory and Criticism
Study of topics and approaches in feminist criticism.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6640. 3 hours.
Course Title:Film as Literature
The interpretation of films, with emphasis on the relationships between motion pictures and British and American literature.
Athena Title:FILM AS LIT
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6650. 3 hours.
Course Title:Modern Drama
The drama of Europe and America from the realism of Ibsen and Strindberg to the present.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Not offered on a regular basis.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6660. 3 hours.
Course Title:Twentieth-Century British Poetry
British poetry since the 1890's.
Athena Title:20TH C BRIT POETRY
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6670. 3 hours.
Course Title:The Twentieth-Century British Novel
Fiction of such representative British novelists for the twentieth century as Bowen, Conrad, Forster, Joyce, Lawrence, Waugh, Woolf, and Greene.
Athena Title:20TH C BRIT NOVEL
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6680. 3 hours.
Course Title:Modern Irish Literature
Fiction, poetry and drama of the Irish Renaissance and after.
Athena Title:MOD IRISH LIT
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6700. 3 hours.
Course Title:Imperfect Unions: American Writing to 1820
Literature of British North America and the new United States from William Bradford through the early work of Irving and Cooper. Writers may include Rowlandson, Bradstreet, Mather, Byrd, Woolman, Jefferson, Franklin, Equiano, Paine, Bartram, and Brown.
Athena Title:AM WRITING TO 1820
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6710. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Writing 1820-1865
The writing that represents the achievement of American literature in the decades before the Civil War. Writers may include Emerson, Thoreau, Poe, Hawthorne, Stowe, Douglass, Melville, Whitman, and Dickinson.
Athena Title:AM WRITING 1820-65
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6720. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Writing 1865-1918
The major fiction and poetry of the period, with some attention to literary movements as well as the impact of the Civil War on American literature. Writers may include Whitman, Dickinson, James, Twain, Chesnutt, Crane, Norris, Wharton, and Chopin.
Athena Title:AM WRITING TO 1918
Nontraditional Format:A major paper is required involving extensive library research.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6730. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Fiction 1918-1960
The development of ideas and forms in American fiction from the end of World War I to 1960. Writers may include Cather, Hemingway, Faulkner, Fitzgerald, Wright, Steinbeck, Porter, and Baldwin.
Athena Title:AM FICT 1918-1960
Nontraditional Format:A major research paper is required exploring the background and criticism of one of the novels being discussed.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6740. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Poetry 1918-1960
Ideas and forms in American poetry from 1918 to 1960. Among the writers to be considered may be Eliot, Pound, H.D., Stein, Stevens, Moore, Williams, and Frost.
Athena Title:AM POETRY 1918-1960
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6750. 3 hours.
Course Title:American Writing After 1960
The ideas and artistic expression of contemporary American prose and poetry. Writers may include Heller, Morrison, O'Brien, Kincaid, Erdrich, Lowell, Plath, Sexton, Rich, Roethke, Forche, Harjo, Howe, Ashbery, Lorde, and Perlman.
Athena Title:AM WRITING 1960
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL(AFAM) 6770. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in African American Literature
Selected topics in African American literature, such as autobiography, the Harlem Renaissance, Gwendolyn Brooks and Richard Wright, Black American literature and aesthetics.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered spring semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6780. 3 hours.
Course Title:Southern Writing
The literary legacy of the American South. Writers may include Byrd, Poe, Simms, Cable, Chesnutt, Glasgow, Toomer, Faulkner, Porter, Hurston, Welty, O'Connor, Percy, Chappell, Crews, Cormac McCarthy, and Larry Brown.
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every even-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6790. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in American Literature
Themes, literary traditions, and genres in American writing.
Athena Title:AM LIT TOPICS
Prerequisite:Permission of department
Semester Course
Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year.
Grading System:A-F (Traditional)
Course ID:ENGL 6800. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit.
Course Title:Topics in Forms and Craft
Topics in and issues around the act of writing. Sample courses include The Art of Translation, The Art of the Book, The Novel Form, and Publishing and Editing.