| Course ID: | SOCI 1101. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introductory Sociology | Course Description: | Basic concepts, theoretical approaches, and methods of sociology, with an emphasis on culture, socialization, social organizations, and major institutions. | Athena Title: | Introductory Sociology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 1101E, SOCI 1101H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 1101H. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introductory Sociology (Honors) | Course Description: | Basic concepts, theoretical approaches, and methods of sociology, with an emphasis on culture, socialization, social organization, and major institutions. | Athena Title: | Introductory Sociology Honors | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 1101, SOCI 1101E | Prerequisite: | Permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 1101E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introductory Sociology | Course Description: | Basic concepts, theoretical approaches, and methods of sociology,
with an emphasis on culture, socialization, social organizations,
and major institutions. | Athena Title: | Introductory Sociology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 1101, SOCI 1101H | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 2020. 3 hours. | Course Title: | African American Society | Course Description: | The class, status, and power relations of African Americans as part of both the United States social structure and the African diaspora. | Athena Title: | AFRICAN AM SOCIETY | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | AFST(ANTH)(CMLT)(GEOG)(SOCI)(RELI) 2100. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introduction to Africa | Course Description: | The history, physical environment (landforms, vegetation, and climate), and sociocultural environment (artistic, political, and social development) of Africa. | Athena Title: | Introduction to Africa | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in AFST 2100E | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 2200. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Challenges Facing College Students | Course Description: | Key topics that affect the lives of college students. The topics
reflect dynamics of the modern university in interaction with
broader society. The topics range from alcohol and drug use,
mental health, gender and race relations, to college costs,
student debt, and the transition from college to work. | Athena Title: | Challenges Facing College Stu | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 2420. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Class, Status, and Power | Course Description: | Modern social status systems, with a focus on the United States. The use of prestige, occupational skills, and economic assets to create classes; the impact of class on life chances; and the interaction of class with race, gender, and belief systems to shape individual earnings, wealth, and power. | Athena Title: | CLASS STATUS POWER | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 2470. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Deviance and Social Control | Course Description: | The nature, extent, and correlates of deviance and its control by social institutions and agencies; theories of deviance and societal reactions to deviance. | Athena Title: | DEVIANCE & SOC CNTL | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 2600. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Problems | Course Description: | The causes, consequences, and social construction of American social problems, including poverty, crime and delinquency, environmental degradation, and race and ethnic relations. | Athena Title: | SOCIAL PROBLEMS | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 1600 | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 2730. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Interaction | Course Description: | The relationship between individuals and groups, as it shapes the development of social competence, personality, self-concept, motivation, attitudes and cognition. | Athena Title: | SOC INTERACTION | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 2820. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Race and Ethnicity in America | Course Description: | The causes and consequences of race and ethnic discrimination in America, with a focus on ethnic competition and conflict. | Athena Title: | Race and Ethnicity in America | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 2820H, AFAM 2820H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 2820H. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Race and Ethnicity in America (Honors) | Course Description: | The causes and consequences of race and ethnic discrimination in America, with a focus on ethnic competition and conflict. | Athena Title: | Race and Ethnicity America Hon | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 2820, AFAM 2820 | Prerequisite: | Permission of Honors | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3000. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology in Film | Course Description: | Popular Hollywood films as they illustrate culture, social class, race, gender, identity, and other sociological concepts. The ideological and utopian aspects of film are emphasized. | Athena Title: | Sociology in Film | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3000W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3000W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology in Film | Course Description: | Popular Hollywood films as they illustrate culture, social
class, race, gender, identity, and other sociological concepts.
The ideological and utopian aspects of film are emphasized. | Athena Title: | Sociology in Film | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3000 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline, for example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of
written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and
the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the
course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 3005. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Race, Technology, and the Body | Course Description: | This course uses sociological approaches and popular films to examine theories and concepts relating to race, technology, and the body. Topics include beauty, reproduction, work, labor, sports, surveillance, policing, and new media. | Athena Title: | Race Technology and the Body | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Culture | Course Description: | Recent trends in American culture, focusing on traditions, practices, and products, including books, music, and film. Organizing themes are culture as both a source of social integration and an arena of strife, and the reciprocal effects of culture and human agency. | Athena Title: | SOC OF CULTURE | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3020. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Lives in Time and Place | Course Description: | Examines the sociological study of lives: socialization over
the life span, the stratification of lives, cross-cultural
comparisons of aging and human development, family patterns
across time, careers in crime, health across life, religious
expression in lives, and lifetime consequences of education. | Athena Title: | Lives in Time and Place | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3030. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Religion | Course Description: | The relationship between social phenomena and religious
practices. Topics include classic perspectives on religion;
secularization; religious resurgence; religion and health;
religion, race and ethnicity; religion and politics; religion
and social mobilization; religion and immigration;
globalization and religion. | Athena Title: | SOCIO RELIGION | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3060W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Education | Course Description: | Overview of teachers and teaching of students and learning.
Focuses on the structure and culture of schools, socialization,
stratification, gender and schooling, as well as special problems
areas as reflected in society. Materials are based on all levels
of schooling, but emphasis is on higher education. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Education | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3060 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline, for example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of
written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and
the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the
course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3060. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Education | Course Description: | Overview of teachers and teaching of students and learning. Focuses on the structure and culture of schools; socialization; stratification; gender and schooling; as well as special problems areas as reflected in society. Materials based on all levels of schooling, but emphasis is on higher education. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Education | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3060W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3070. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Juvenile Delinquency | Course Description: | The juvenile justice system, including the measurement of delinquency, contexts of adolescent socialization, and techniques of evaluation research. | Athena Title: | Juvenile Delinquency | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3070S | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3070S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Juvenile Delinquency | Course Description: | The juvenile justice system, including the measurement of
delinquency, contexts of adolescent socialization, and
techniques of evaluation research. | Athena Title: | JUV DELINQUENCY | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3070 | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester
that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or
teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives.
Student engagement in the service-learning component will be up
to 25% of overall instruction time. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3080. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Youth Subcultures | Course Description: | Theoretical and empirical work on youth subcultures in terms
of deviance, gender, identity, media, societal reaction, and
style. Various subcultures considered: Cybercultures, Deadheads,
Gay/Lesbian, Goth, Hackers, Motorcyclists, Punk/Hardcore, Riot
Girls, Skinheads, and Straightedgers. | Athena Title: | YOUTH SUBCULTURES | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3090. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Youth Subcultures in Global Perspective | Course Description: | A cross-national perspective to understand youths’ attraction to deviance, through a focus on youth subcultures that emerged in the United Kingdom. Course begins with an overview of deviance, followed by a focus on youth who participate in subcultures, and how youth identity forms within these groups. | Athena Title: | Global Youth Subcultures | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 3810 or SOCI 3810E or SOCI 3810W or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3100. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Medical Sociology | Course Description: | An exploration of topics such as the social sources of illness,
the social distribution of illness and health conditions, the
social meanings of illness, and the increasing use of medical
frameworks to understand and cope with what used to be
considered non-medical, everyday experiences. | Athena Title: | Medical Sociology | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3105. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Rural Health | Course Description: | A sociological consideration of rural health in the contemporary United States and Georgia. Attention is paid to both the provision of health care, such as the challenges facing health care facilities and the recruitment and retention of healthcare providers, and the distinctive health risks, conditions, and needs of rural populations. | Athena Title: | Rural Health | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3110. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Health Care | Course Description: | Topics include doctor-patient interactions; complementary and
alternative medicine; the training and work of physicians; the
work of allied health fields (e.g., nurses); hospitals, assisted
living facilities, and nursing homes; the problem of pricing
health care and the role of markets; and efforts to reform
health care in the United States. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Health Care | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3140. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Control of Crime | Course Description: | The nature of responses to crime by victims, criminal justice agencies, and other institutions; theories explaining reactions to crime. | Athena Title: | SOC CNTL OF CRIME | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3150. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Criminal Punishment and Society | Course Description: | The relationship between society and the nature and extent of American punishment over time; theories of and justifications for punishment. | Athena Title: | Criminal Punishment Society | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3150E | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3150E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Criminal Punishment and Society | Course Description: | The relationship between society and the nature and extent of
American punishment over time. Theories of and justifications
for punishment. | Athena Title: | Criminal Punishment Society | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3150 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3170. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Collective Behavior | Course Description: | Examination of sociological theories and research about
non-routine collective behavior such as panics, riots, crazes,
cults, fashions, fads, legends, rumors, protests, disasters,
and social movements. It examines the role of resources,
emotions, identities, social networks, and technology in
shaping non-institutionalized collective action. | Athena Title: | Collective Behavior | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or PSYC 1101 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3220W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Development of Sociological Theory | Course Description: | Pivotal sociological theorists from classic theorists such as
Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to the present. | Athena Title: | Develop of Sociological Theory | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3220 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline for
example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and
format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their
academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life.
The written assignments will result in a significant and
diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or
25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant
assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student
writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive
revision. (This is an example of the range and kinds of writing
assignments.) | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3220. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Development of Sociological Theory | Course Description: | Pivotal sociological theorists from classic theorists such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to the present. | Athena Title: | DEV OF SOC THEORY | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(NAMS) 3240. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Native American Social Politics | Course Description: | An overview of social and political issues confronted by Native
American nations in the contemporary U.S. The primary objectives
of the course include recognizing the diversity of experiences
among Native American nations and understanding and applying
central analytical frames to explain Native American and
indigenous realities. | Athena Title: | Native American Social Politic | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or RELI(NAMS) 1100 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3250. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Protest and Social Movements | Course Description: | The main approaches to social movement studies; collective
behavior and resource mobilization theories, political process
theory, new social movement theory, collective action framing
and culture, and contentious politics. Discussion of how
emotions, organizations, resources, politics, discourses, and
symbols facilitate and/or hinder protests and social movements. | Athena Title: | Protest and Social Movements | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3260W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | College and Social Life | Course Description: | Overview of higher education as an institution. Focuses on
students, faculty, and the organizational characteristics of
colleges and universities. Topics cover the structure and
culture of higher education and range from socialization and
stratification to achievement, attrition, and athletics. | Athena Title: | College and Social Life | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3260 | Nontraditional Format: | Writing intensive. This course requires a significant amount of
writing and provides students with feedback on their writing. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3260. 3 hours. | Course Title: | College and Social Life | Course Description: | Overview of higher education as an institution. Focuses on
students, faculty, and the organizational characteristics of
colleges and universities. Topics cover the structure and
culture of higher education and range from socialization and
stratification to achievement, attrition, and athletics. | Athena Title: | College and Social Life | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3260W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3270. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Personality and Social Structure | Course Description: | The social factors that shape behavior and self-concept; theories such as behaviorism, symbolic interactionism, Freudian psychology, cognitive social psychology, and critical approaches. Topics include emotions, human development, and authenticity and sincerity in the postmodern age. | Athena Title: | PERS & SOCL STRUCT | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3280. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Gender | Course Description: | Feminist theories and methodologies on gender, with an emphasis on contemporary American society and the intersection of gender, race, and class. Topics include socialization, sexual orientation, reproduction, violence, family and household, work and global restructuring, and politics. | Athena Title: | SOC OF GENDER | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3290. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Gender and Work | Course Description: | Research and theories on the role of gender in shaping labor market opportunities, experiences, and rewards; remedies for enduring problems, including those applied in United States workplaces; and new research directions. | Athena Title: | GENDER & WORK | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4270 | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 3300. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Global Perspectives on Racism and Sexism | Course Description: | Race and gender relations and discrimination around the globe; the origins and practice of race and gender domination and empowerment in the Americas, Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Pacific Rim. | Athena Title: | GLOBL RACISM/SEXISM | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 3310. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Race and Culture | Course Description: | Evolution of cultures among racial groups as part of, and in contrast to, Western civilization. Particular attention is given to the ways race and culture intersect to provide styles, practices, and patterns of living for individuals in contemporary society. | Athena Title: | RACE AND CULTURE | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3320. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Urban Life | Course Description: | The use of urban areas by individuals and institutions. Topics include urban ecology, crime, residential segregation, and poverty. | Athena Title: | SOC OF URBAN LIFE | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3330. 3 hours. | Course Title: | On the Road: Tourists, Travelers, Vacationers, Pilgrims, and Adventurers | Course Description: | The common experience of travel, particularly that associated with tourism, pilgrimages, and migration. Analysis of travel motifs, including cultural tours; nature/wilderness tours; local social worlds; the lure of cities; and encounters with roadside attractions and amusement parks. | Athena Title: | ON THE ROAD | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3340. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Psychology of Race, Racism, and Discrimination | Course Description: | A social psychological understanding of race and racism, with a
particular emphasis on the experience of black Americans in the
United States. The primary objective is to examine the interplay
between interpersonal processes and the institutions through
which racial boundaries and hierarchies are created and
maintained. | Athena Title: | Social Psychology Race Racism | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or PSYC 1101 or PSYC 1101E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3360. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Cultural Diversity in Families | Course Description: | A focus on data, methods, and theories used in the study of race
and family as well as the structural factors impacting families,
including economic, demographic, and historical trends which
provide insight regarding similarities and distinctions among
and within various racial/ethnic groups (e.g., African American,
Latino American, Asian American, Native American). | Athena Title: | Cultural Diversity in Families | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(ANTH) 3400. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Environmental Sociology | Course Description: | The social causes and consequences of resource scarcity and environmental depletion. Topics include world population growth, pollution, depletion of energy sources, species extinction, and environmental movements. | Athena Title: | Environmental Sociology | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3460. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Political Sociology | Course Description: | Theoretical approaches to the state; the formation and legitimation of nations; collective action, social movements, and revolutions. Focus will be on issues of class, gender, and race. | Athena Title: | POLITICAL SOC | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3580. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Research Methods in Sociology | Course Description: | An introduction to the main research methods used in sociology
and the other social sciences. Exploration of surveys,
experiments, qualitative interviews, fieldwork, and mixed-
methods approaches. Emphasis is placed on basic logic, general
strengths and weaknesses, and a critical analysis of
applications of each method in published sociological research. | Athena Title: | Sociology Methods | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3600 | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3590. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Qualitative Methods of Social Research | Course Description: | Qualitative sociological analysis that emphasizes participant observation, intensive interviewing, and analysis of text; examples of field work studies; the design and completion of an independent field research project. | Athena Title: | Qualitative Methods | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3610. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Quantitative Methods of Social Research | Course Description: | An introduction to the logic, interpretation, and estimation of
quantitative methods as they are commonly used in sociology and
the other social sciences. The course begins with hypotheses and
measurement and ends with correlation and regression analysis.
Emphasis is on interpretation, application, and the hands-on use
of statistical software. | Athena Title: | Quantitative Methods | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM)(WMST) 3650. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Colorism and Hairism in Communities of Color | Course Description: | We will use empirical data to analyze how inter- and intra-racial discrimination based on skin color and hairstyles are forms of discrimination apparent in virtually every social institution, such as marriage rates, media, imprisonment, holding political office, educational attainment, wages, and more. | Athena Title: | Colorism and Hairism | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POLS(SOCI) 3700W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Research Methods in Criminal Justice | Course Description: | Fundamental principles of social science research and related
research design. Structured to develop students' abilities to
think clearly, critically, and logically about social science
issues through the scientific evaluation of empirical issues
and evidence. | Athena Title: | Research Methods Crim Justice | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in POLS 3700, SOCI 3700 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and
ongoing writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course
learning; b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for
example, its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and
format; and c) prepare students for further writing in their
academic work, in graduate school, and in professional life.
The written assignments will result in a significant and
diverse body of written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or
25 pages) and the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant
assigned to the course) will be closely involved in student
writing, providing opportunities for feedback and substantive
revision. | Prerequisite: | POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1105H or SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POLS(SOCI) 3700. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Research Methods in Criminal Justice | Course Description: | Fundamental principles of social science research and related research design. Structured to develop students' abilities to think clearly, critically, and logically about social science issues through the scientific evaluation of empirical issues and evidence. | Athena Title: | Research Methods in Crim Just | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in POLS 3700W, SOCI 3700W | Prerequisite: | POLS 1101 | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3710. 3 hours. | Course Title: | The Science of Happiness | Course Description: | Examination of happiness as human capital that benefits individuals, families, and society in psychological, social, and economic terms. | Athena Title: | The Science of Happiness | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3720. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Friendship, Status, and Social Pressure | Course Description: | The study of social psychology by focusing on friendship. We
will study friendships between individuals and groups, applying
social psychological theories of interaction processes. By the
end of this course, students should be able to apply social
psychological ideas to analyze the real-life friendships they
encounter. | Athena Title: | Friendship Status Soc Pressure | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or PSYC 1101 or PSYC 1101E or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3730. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Psychology | Course Description: | The relationship between individuals and groups, as it shapes the development of social competence, personality, self-concept, motivation, attitudes, and cognition. | Athena Title: | SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3740. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Sport | Course Description: | The structural and cultural relationship of sport to society; contemporary issues in sport. | Athena Title: | SOC OF SPORT | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3750. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Work and Industry | Course Description: | The structure of work and industry with an emphasis on the rise of management and the modern corporation, the growth and decline of labor unions, and the emergence of service industries. | Athena Title: | WORK AND INDUSTRY | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 2750 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3770E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Workplace in Film | Course Description: | An examination of the way in which work and workers have been portrayed in film from the 1930s to the present, with a particular emphasis on the shift from blue-collar to white-collar work and the rise of the modern corporation. | Athena Title: | Workplace in Film | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3770 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 3750 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3770. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Workplace in Film | Course Description: | An examination of the way in which work and workers have been
portrayed in film from the 1930s to the present, with a
particular emphasis on the shift from blue-collar to white-collar
work and the rise of the modern corporation. | Athena Title: | Workplace in Film | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3770E | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 3750 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3810E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Criminology | Course Description: | The nature, extent, and correlates of crime; theories of criminal behavior and victimization. | Athena Title: | Criminology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3810, SOCI 3810W | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3810. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Criminology | Course Description: | The nature, extent, and correlates of crime; theories of criminal behavior and victimization. | Athena Title: | Criminology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3810E, SOCI 3810W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3810W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Criminology | Course Description: | The nature, extent, and correlates of crime; theories of
criminal behavior and victimization. | Athena Title: | Criminology | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3810, SOCI 3810E | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline, for example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of
written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the
instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the
course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3820W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Communities and Crime | Course Description: | Examines sociological theories and research on communities and
crime, including spatial variation in crime rates and the
impact of efforts to control crime on the structure and well-
being of communities. | Athena Title: | Communities and Crime | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3820, SOCI 3820S | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline—for example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of
written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages), and the
instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the
course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3820S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Communities and Crime | Course Description: | Theory and research on urban crime and spatial variation in
crime rates. The impact of crime on the structure of communities
and its role in neighborhood decline. | Athena Title: | Communities and Crime | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3820, SOCI 3820W | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester
that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or
teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives.
Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of
the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom.
Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for
approximately 25-50% of overall instructional time. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3820. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Communities and Crime | Course Description: | Theory and research on urban crime and spatial variation in crime rates; the impact of crime on the structure of communities and its role in neighborhood decline. | Athena Title: | Communities and Crime | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3820W, SOCI 3820S | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3830. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Violence and Society | Course Description: | Theory and research on the relationship between criminal violence and social structure and processes. | Athena Title: | VIOLENCE & SOCIETY | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3840. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Family Violence | Course Description: | Data, methods, and theories used in the study of various forms of
family violence, including child maltreatment and intimate
partner violence. Focuses on the causes and consequences of
violence as well as prevention and intervention strategies,
including the social welfare and criminal justice responses. | Athena Title: | Family Violence | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3840E | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3840E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Family Violence | Course Description: | Data, methods, and theories used in the study of various forms of
family violence, including child maltreatment and intimate
partner violence. Focuses on the causes and consequences of
violence as well as prevention and intervention strategies,
including the social welfare and criminal justice responses. | Athena Title: | Family Violence | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3840 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3860. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Alcohol and Drug Use | Course Description: | Sociohistorical analysis of cultural and policy changes regarding alcohol and psychoactive drugs; theoretical approaches to defining abuse and addiction; causes of substance abuse; treatment strategies, especially Alcoholics Anonymous; and intervention strategies, especially those based in the workplace. | Athena Title: | Sociology Alcohol and Drug Use | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in ECHD 3170, ECHD 3170E | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3900. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of the American South | Course Description: | An analysis of the cultural, social class, economic, and ethnic features of the American South, and investigation of the historical and contemporary forces which shape the unique character of the southern United States. | Athena Title: | Sociology of American South | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3900W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3900W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of the American South | Course Description: | An analysis of the cultural, social class, economic, and ethnic
features of the American South, and investigation of the
historical and contemporary forces which shape the unique
character of the southern United States. | Athena Title: | Sociology of American South | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 3900 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline. For example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments may include high-and low-stakes writing assignments,
resulting in a significant and diverse body of written work (the
equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages of formal and informal
writing distributed over the course of the semester). The
instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the
course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. (This is
an example of the range and kinds of writing assignments.) | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3940. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Leadership | Course Description: | Explores leadership from a sociological perspective. The
structural, human resource, cultural, and symbolic aspects of
organizations, and their implications for organizational
leadership, will be studied. Key topics will include:
conformity, obedience, social identity, status construction,
authority, legitimacy, influence, power, and the impact of
networks and gender. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Leadership | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 3950. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Organizations | Course Description: | Research and theories emphasizing organizational structures and cultures; bureaucracies and their alternatives; the control of workers; and the role of gender in organizations. | Athena Title: | SOC OF ORGANIZATNS | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4000. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Society, Bodies, and Health | Course Description: | Exploration of emerging conceptualizations and research on
links between social conditions and experiences, biological
characteristics and processes, and various aspects of our
physical health. It introduces, explains, and assesses
biologically-informed medical sociology and highlights the
promise and challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration between
sociologists, biologists, and bench scientists. | Athena Title: | Society Bodies and Health | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 3100 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Culture | Course Description: | Special topics in culture for advanced undergraduates. | Athena Title: | SEMINAR IN CULTURE | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2500 or SOCI 3010 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4020S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Media and Criminal Justice | Course Description: | Focuses on the impact of inaccurate stereotypes within the criminal justice institution. Provides a historical overview of court cases that were popular in the media and engages students in reflective, service-learning projects that give back to the local community. | Athena Title: | Media and Criminal Justice | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives. Student engagement in the service-learning component will be up to 25% of overall instruction time. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 3810 or SOCI 3810W or SOCI 3810E or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4040. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Global Inequality and Social Change | Course Description: | A survey course of sociological concepts of poverty, inequality, and social change within a global context. Themes explored include basic food security, poverty, and hunger; population and resource distribution; foreign aid and development institutions; and social policies and movements for change. Course approach is historical and transnational, including case studies from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the United States. | Athena Title: | Global Inequality and Change | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(LACS)(POLS) 4055/6055. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Policy Storytelling: In and Around Athens | Course Description: | Examination of local and national politics through the lived
experience of local Athens area residents, social policymaking
processes, and the role of research and storytelling for policy.
Students will conduct fieldwork and create policy-relevant
digital stories. Students will present their findings to
community stakeholders in the Athens area. | Athena Title: | Social Policy Storytelling | Pre or Corequisite: | LACS 1000 or LACS 1000E or LACS 1000H or LACS 2010 or SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4100/6100. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Control and Behavior Disorders | Course Description: | Behavior disorders (BD) include non-criminal and
non-developmental persistent behaviors that typically lead to
formal interventions. Shifting boundaries define strategic action
fields wherein BD are both directly and reactively controlled.
Expanded from psychoses and substance addictions, BD now includes
ADHD, depression, autism spectrum, behavioral addictions, tobacco
use, and eating disorders. | Athena Title: | Soc Control and Beh Disorders | Prerequisite: | [(SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H) and (SOCI 3100 or SOCI 3810 or SOCI 3810W or SOCI 3860)] or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4250. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Networks | Course Description: | Focuses on the causes and consequences of interpersonal
relationships and introduces students to analytic tools for
understanding patterns in relationships. Considers how online
and face-to-face networks help us understand phenomena ranging
from career outcomes, musical tastes, criminal behavior, disease
transmission, rumor propagation, and the course of social
movements. | Athena Title: | Social Networks | Pre or Corequisite: | STAT 2000 or INFO 2000 | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(WMST)(LACS) 4280W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Global Perspectives on Gender | Course Description: | The diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender located
within an economic, social, and political context. Case studies
drawn from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the
Caribbean. | Athena Title: | Global Perspectives on Gender | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4280, WMST 4280, LACS 4280 | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(WMST)(LACS) 4280. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Global Perspectives on Gender | Course Description: | The diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender located within an economic, social, and political context. Case studies drawn from Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean. | Athena Title: | Global Perspectives on Gender | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4280W, WMST 4280W, LACS 4280W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(LACS) 4290. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Latin America | Course Description: | Exploration of the social history and contemporary questions of
race, class, gender, and nation in Latin America. Case studies
drawn from throughout the region. Topics may include
socioeconomic development, poverty and inequality, social
movements, institutions, and change. Latin America in
transnational context. | Athena Title: | LATIN AMERICAN SO | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | INTL(SOCI) 4320S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Politics of Development | Course Description: | How democracy, free markets, and other competing political and
economic models can be applied to the specific development
needs of nations around the world. | Athena Title: | Politics of Development | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in INTL 4320 | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester
that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course
or teaches new skills or knowledge related to course
objectives. Students will be involved in the planning and
implementation of the project(s) and may spend time outside of
the classroom. Students will be engaged in the service-learning
component for approximately 25-50% of overall instructional
time. | Prerequisite: | INTL 3200 or INTL 3300 or SOCI 3750 or SOCI 3850 or SOCI 3950 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4350. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Work and Occupations | Course Description: | The organization of work and occupational processes, such as the emergence of temporary and contract work, the decline of manufacturing jobs and the rise of the service sector, and the impact of technology on the structure of work and the experiences of workers. | Athena Title: | SEMNR WORK & OCCS | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 3750 or SOCI 3850 or SOCI 3950 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 4370. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Race and Ethnicity | Course Description: | Special topics in race and ethnicity for advanced undergraduates. | Athena Title: | SEM RACE/ETHNICITY | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4470. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Deviance and Social Control | Course Description: | Special topics in deviance and responses to deviance, with an emphasis on theoretical perspectives. | Athena Title: | Seminar in Deviance and Social | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4470S | Prerequisite: | [(SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600) and SOCI 2470] or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4470S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Deviance and Social Control | Course Description: | Special topics in deviance and responses to deviance, with an
emphasis on theoretical perspectives. | Athena Title: | Sem in Deviance Social Control | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4470 | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester
that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or
teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives.
Student engagement in the service-learning component will be up
to 25% of overall instruction time. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4500. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Special Topics in Sociology | Course Description: | Course content will be specified by the faculty member offering
the particular section of this course. | Athena Title: | SPECIAL TOPICS | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(INTL) 4560S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Globalization and Work | Course Description: | The impact of globalization (the spread of economic policies and
practices across national boundaries) on businesses, jobs, and
workers in different countries. | Athena Title: | Globalization and Work | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4560, INTL 4560 | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester
that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or
teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives.
Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of
the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom.
Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for
approximately 25-50% of overall instructional time. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 3750 or SOCI 3850 or SOCI 3950 or INTL 3200 or INTL 3300 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(INTL) 4560. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Globalization and Work | Course Description: | The impact of globalization (the spread of economic policies and
practices across national boundaries) on work, jobs, and careers
in different countries. | Athena Title: | Globalization and Work | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4560S, INTL 4560S | Prerequisite: | SOCI 3750 or SOCI 3850 or SOCI 3950 or INTL 3200 or INTL 3300 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(INTL) 4570S. 3 hours. | Course Title: | South African Society | Course Description: | Social problems and issues in post-apartheid South Africa and
how these have been addressed by government and civil society. | Athena Title: | SOUTH AFRICAN SOC | Nontraditional Format: | Course includes a service-learning project during the semester
that either employs skills or knowledge learned in the course or
teaches new skills or knowledge related to course objectives.
Students will be involved in the planning and implementation of
the project(s) and may spend time outside of the classroom.
Students will be engaged in the service-learning component for
approximately 25-50% of overall instructional time. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or INTL 1100 or INTL 1100H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | AFAM(SOCI) 4580. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Topics in African American Sociology and Health | Course Description: | The qualitative and quantitative methods for best assessing the
functions of significant issues of performance and social
interaction within contemporary African American culture,
including, in some instances, the impact on health professions
and the theory and delivery of health services. Some topics
covered will have slightly more of a cultural implication,
replete with systematic analysis; others will take on more of a
practice in services. | Athena Title: | Topics Afri Amer Soci and Hlth | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4600, AFAM 4600 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4590. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Crime in Global Context | Course Description: | Cross-national variation in definitions, incidence, and
prevalence of crime; the role of culture, structure, and
globalization on crime and crime control. | Athena Title: | Crime in Global Context | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 4600. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Health Among Black Americans | Course Description: | A within ethnoracial group approach to illuminate how social factors contribute to health among self-identified Blacks in the United States. The course will utilize theory and evidence from sociology, biodemography, epidemiology, and psychology to introduce students to health disparities research among aging Blacks in the United States. | Athena Title: | Health Among Black Americans | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in AFAM 4580, SOCI 4580 | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101E or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HDFS(SOCI) 4610E. 3 hours. | Course Title: | The Family | Course Description: | Family study utilizing data from the fields of anthropology,
individual, ans social psychology, history, sociology,
economics, and psychiatry. | Athena Title: | The Family | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in HDFS 4610, SOCI 4610, HDFS 6610, SOCI 6610 | Nontraditional Format: | This course will be taught 95% or more online. | Prerequisite: | Junior or senior standing or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | HDFS(SOCI) 4610/6610. 3 hours. | Course Title: | The Family | Course Description: | Family study utilizing data from the fields of anthropology, individual and social psychology, history, sociology, economics, and psychiatry. | Athena Title: | The Family | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in HDFS 4610E, SOCI 4610E | Prerequisite: | Junior or senior standing or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4650/6650. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Aging | Course Description: | The status, roles, and demographic aspects of the aging population and its relationship with social institutions. | Athena Title: | SOC OF AGING | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(INTL) 4700. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Global Terrorism | Course Description: | Terrorism and its control from a sociological perspective.
Topics include the definition of terrorism, history and
contemporary patterns of terrorism, reasons for joining
terrorist groups, social conditions under which terrorist
violence occurs, whether terrorism works, and the effectiveness
of counterterrorist strategies. | Athena Title: | Global Terrorism | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4730. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Social Psychology | Course Description: | Special topics in social psychology for advanced undergraduates. | Athena Title: | SEMNR IN SOC PSYCH | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 3270 or SOCI 3730 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4740W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Gender and Interaction | Course Description: | Examination of the role that everyday interaction plays in the
creation, maintenance, and change of our system of gender
difference and gender inequality in contemporary United States
society. To address these questions, students will critically
examine current sociological theory and research on gender,
inequality, and interaction. | Athena Title: | Gender and Interaction | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4740 | Nontraditional Format: | Writing intensive. Course includes a substantial writing
component and opportunities to receive feedback on writing. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or PSYC 1101 or PSYC 1101E or PSYC 1030H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4740. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Gender and Interaction | Course Description: | Examination of the role that everyday interaction plays in the
creation, maintenance, and change of our system of gender
difference and gender inequality in contemporary United States
society. To address these questions, we will critically examine
current sociological theory and research on gender, inequality,
and interaction. | Athena Title: | Gender and Interaction | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4740W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or PSYC 1101 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4750. 3 hours. | Course Title: | State Violence | Course Description: | Focuses on violence committed by agents of the state, such as police and military officials, against their civilian populations. Particular attention is paid to the contemporary United States, though patterns of state violence across diverse state systems, including democracies, oligarchies, and autocracies, are also reviewed. The object of the course is to describe and explain variation in the amount and type of violence inflicted by the state against those it is said to serve. | Athena Title: | State Violence | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 1101E or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4800. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 3 hours credit. | Course Title: | Sociology of Morality | Course Description: | Analyzes the definition and response to right and wrong in human
societies. Moral conflict occurs throughout social life, though
it varies greatly in intensity and type. This course asks: Why
are some groups highly tolerant, while others are highly
repressive? | Athena Title: | Sociology of Morality | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4800W | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4800W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Morality | Course Description: | Analyzes the definition and response to right and wrong in human
societies. Moral conflict occurs throughout social life, though
it varies greatly in intensity and type. This course asks: Why
are some groups highly tolerant, while others are highly
repressive? | Athena Title: | Sociology of Morality | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4800 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline, for example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of
written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and the
instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the course)
will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4830W. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Law | Course Description: | The nature of law and the ways the legal system reflects its
broader social context. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Law | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4830 | Nontraditional Format: | This version of the course will be taught as writing intensive,
which means that the course will include substantial and ongoing
writing assignments that a) relate clearly to course learning;
b) teach the communication values of a discipline, for example,
its practices of argument, evidence, credibility, and format;
and c) prepare students for further writing in their academic
work, in graduate school, and in professional life. The written
assignments will result in a significant and diverse body of
written work (the equivalent of 6000 words or 25 pages) and
the instructor (and/or the teaching assistant assigned to the
course) will be closely involved in student writing, providing
opportunities for feedback and substantive revision. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4830. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Law | Course Description: | The nature of law, and the ways the legal system reflects its broader social context. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Law | Equivalent Courses: | Not open to students with credit in SOCI 4830W | Prerequisite: | (SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600) or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4900. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Supervised Research in Sociology | Course Description: | Research conducted under the direction of a faculty member; includes a review of the literature, data collection and analysis, and interpretation of research findings. | Athena Title: | SUPERVSD RES IN SOC | Nontraditional Format: | Weekly meetings arranged between instructor and student. | Prerequisite: | SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POLS(SOCI) 4905. 1 hour. | Course Title: | Criminal Justice Practice | Course Description: | Case studies and guest talks are used to examine the work,
culture, and work settings of various criminal justice
practitioners, assess ethical issues in criminal justice
practice, and learn new directions in the field. | Athena Title: | Criminal Justice Practice | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4930/6930. 3 hours. 8 hours lab per week. | Course Title: | Experimental Research in Sociology | Course Description: | An experimental research methods course emphasizing hands-on
experience in the lab. Readings and weekly seminar meetings
focus on ethics in human research, sociological theories of
social interaction, experimental design, experimental
procedures, data interpretation, and scholarly writing.
Students will work in collaborative teams to conduct original
research in the Laboratory for the Study of Social Interaction. | Athena Title: | Experimental Rsrch Sociology | Nontraditional Format: | Students will be expected to spend approximately 12 hours a week
in course-related activities, including lectures, discussions,
trainings, collecting and processing data, and independent
scholarship. In the early part of the semester, course
activities will primarily involve instruction in experimental
methods, ethics, and best practices. In the last part of the
semester, course activities will primarily involve hands-on
research in the laboratory. | Undergraduate Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Graduate Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4950. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Internship Experience | Course Description: | Application of sociological theory and research to public and
private sector enterprises. Emphasis on observation and
analysis of sociological issues that serve as the foundation
for an original research paper. Students are responsible for
identifying the internship setting and having it approved by
the Sociology Undergraduate Coordinator. | Athena Title: | Internship Experience | Nontraditional Format: | This course will require regular meetings with a faculty member
to plan out the experience, monitor and facilitate progress,
and then frame an original research paper inspired by the
internship experience. | Prerequisite: | (SOCI 1101 or SOCI 1101H or SOCI 2600) and permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4960R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 16 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research I | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data and
to present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research I | Nontraditional Format: | This course belongs to a progressive research course sequence to
promote a student's increasing skill development and depth of
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability.
This course requires the close supervision of a faculty member
as the student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will gather
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and meetings
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4970R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research II | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that
students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and
present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research II | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability.
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4980R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Faculty-Mentored Undergraduate Research III | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that
students to gather, analyze, synthesize, and interpret data and
present results in writing and other relevant communication
formats. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Research III | Nontraditional Format: | These courses belong to a progressive research course sequence
to promote a student's increasing skill development and depth
inquiry, as well as growing independent research capability.
courses require the close supervision of a faculty member as
student undertakes a systematic and in-depth inquiry into
unknown, fundamental, and applied problems. In some cases, the
student will work collaboratively as part of a research team.
The student will have to apply understanding of the discipline
to identify or shape research questions and apply skills and
techniques learned to the research project. Students will
data, synthesize relevant literature, analyze, and interpret
data. The student will present results in writing or through
participation in research-group or program meetings and
with their faculty mentor. The student will receive feedback
from the faculty mentor on their research progress and written
or oral presentation of results. A minimum of 45 hours of work
per credit hour per semester is required. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 4990R. 1-6 hours. Repeatable for maximum 8 hours credit. | Course Title: | Undergraduate Research Thesis (or Final Project) | Course Description: | Faculty-supervised independent or collaborative inquiry into
fundamental and applied problems within a discipline that requires
students to gather, analyze, and synthesize and interpret data.
Students will write or produce a thesis or other professional
capstone product, such as a report or portfolio that describes
their systematic and in-depth inquiry. | Athena Title: | Undergraduate Thesis | Nontraditional Format: | This is a capstone course under the direct supervision of a
faculty member. This course may be the culmination of the 4960R-
4980R sequence. Students will write a thesis or other
professional capstone product, such as a report or portfolio,
that describes their systematic and in-depth inquiry into an
unknown, fundamental, or applied problem. The thesis or capstone
product is written in close collaboration with the faculty
member and must be approved by that faculty member and/or the
department. The student will apply understanding of the
discipline to identify or shape the research question and apply
skills and techniques learned to complete the research project.
The student will have gathered data, synthesized relevant
literature and materials, analyzed, and interpreted data. The
student will demonstrate in writing the contribution of their
work to the discovery and interpretation of knowledge
significant to their field of study. The student will have
presented results in the form of a properly formatted,
professionally rigorous thesis document or other appropriate
professional capstone product and through the formal
presentation of the thesis or product to faculty and peers
during an approved event. The student will receive feedback from
the faculty member on the overall execution of their thesis
project, the written thesis, and their presentation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POLS(SOCI) 5500. 4-5 hours. | Course Title: | Criminal Justice Internship | Course Description: | An internship specifically designed for and required of
students pursuing a degree in criminal justice. Centers on
regular and systematic analysis of experiential learning under
direct faculty supervision. | Athena Title: | Criminal Justice Internship | Nontraditional Format: | Student works independently and meets with project director several times during the semester to monitor progress and discuss requirements for written paper. | Prerequisite: | POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1105H | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POLS(SOCI) 5510. 4-5 hours. | Course Title: | Criminal Justice Internship | Course Description: | An internship specifically designed for and required of students pursuing a degree in criminal justice. Centers on the design, execution, and reporting of original research related to the specific placement or internship. | Athena Title: | Criminal Justice Internship | Nontraditional Format: | Internship. | Prerequisite: | POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1105H | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | POLS(SOCI) 5520. 4-5 hours. | Course Title: | Criminal Justice Internship | Course Description: | An internship specifically designed for and required of students pursuing a degree in criminal justice. Criminal justice students are required to intern in an approved agency full time over the semester. | Athena Title: | Criminal Justice Internship | Nontraditional Format: | Internship. | Prerequisite: | POLS 1101 or POLS 1101E or POLS 1105H | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociological Approaches to Culture | Course Description: | Case studies of art, music, literature, rituals and ceremony, food, dress, and other cultural objects. Topics include the dimensions of cultural objects; structuralist, postmodern, functionalist and semiotic perspectives; and basic issues such as consensus and diversity, ideology, collective memory and tradition, religion, social solidarity, conflict, and change. | Athena Title: | SOC OF CULTURE | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6020. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of the Life Course | Course Description: | An examination of the sociological study of lives. Covers
socialization over the life span, the stratification of lives,
cross-cultural comparisons of aging and human development,
family patterns across time, careers in crime, health across
life, religious expression in lives, and life-time consequences
of education. | Athena Title: | Sociology of the Life Course | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6050. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Work and Family | Course Description: | The relationship between paid work and family life. How work
and family have changed over time, how they conflict with or
support each other, and how individuals, families,
organizations, and governments have approached the need for
both. | Athena Title: | SOCI WORK & FAMILY | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6190. 2 hours. Repeatable for maximum 4 hours credit. | Course Title: | Proseminar in Sociology | Course Description: | An introduction to the profession of sociology. Faculty members describe their intellectual work and discuss issues of professionalization, including selecting a major professor, preparing for comprehensive exams, writing for publication, and preparing for the job market. | Athena Title: | PROSEMINAR | Nontraditional Format: | The course will consist of weekly two-hour meetings spread out
over two semesters. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6220. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Development of Sociological Theory | Course Description: | Pivotal theories from classic theorists such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim to the present. | Athena Title: | DEV OF SOC THEORY | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6230. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociological Theory: The German Tradition | Course Description: | The German theoretical tradition, beginning with Marx and continuing with Wilhelmine-era sociologists, particularly Simmel and Weber; the Weimar and Nazi periods; and postwar critical theorists, notably Habermas. | Athena Title: | GERMAN SOCL THEORY | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6260. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Higher Education | Course Description: | Overview of higher education as an institution. Focuses on
students, faculty, and the organizational characteristics of
colleges and universities. Topics cover the structure and
culture of higher education and range from socialization and
stratification to achievement, attrition, and athletics. | Athena Title: | HIGHER EDUCATION | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6280. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Gender | Course Description: | Feminist theories and methodologies on gender, with an emphasis on contemporary American society and the intersection of gender, race, and class. Topics include socialization, sexual orientation, reproduction, violence, family and household, work and global restructuring, and politics. | Athena Title: | SOC OF GENDER | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6410. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Current Trends in Sociological Theory | Course Description: | The concepts of community, authority, rank, the sacred, and alienation to examine conflict and consensus, modernity and postmodernity, classical theory, and the problem of meaning. The role of ideas in social integration and change, the problem of legitimation, civil religion in politics, "postmodern" society, and symbolism and moral order. | Athena Title: | CURRENT SOC THEORY | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6420. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Structured Inequality | Course Description: | Social stratification in the United States. The perception of class distinctions; prestige and power; the criteria of status evaluation; and the consequences of class for social relationships, lifestyles, and personality development. | Athena Title: | STRUCTRD INEQUALITY | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(ANTH) 6450. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociopolitical Ecology | Course Description: | The relationship between humans and the environment; ecological and social theories about environmental policies and problems. | Athena Title: | SOCIOPOL ECOLOGY | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6600. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Research Methods | Course Description: | Sociological research methods. Topics include conceptions of research, the philosophy of science, formal and grounded theory construction, and qualitative and quantitative approaches to research design. | Athena Title: | RESEARCH METHODS | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6620. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Analysis and Interpretation of Sociological Data I | Course Description: | Univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analyses of non-experimental quantitative evidence. Topics include frequency distributions, central tendency and dispersion, cross tabulation, mean difference analyses, statistical inference, regression, and the use of microcomputers and statistical software to conduct quantitative data analysis. | Athena Title: | Analysis Sociological Data I | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6630. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Analysis and Interpretation of Sociological Data II | Course Description: | Multivariate data analysis; the design and execution of an independent research project using such techniques. | Athena Title: | ANALY SOC DATA II | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6620 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6750. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Qualitative Methods of Social Research | Course Description: | Qualitative approaches to research, with an emphasis on participant observation, intensive interviews, and analysis of text. Students must complete a major fieldwork project. | Athena Title: | Qualitative Method Social Rsch | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 6820. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Deviance and Mental Health | Course Description: | Theory and research relating to various types of deviant
behavior, including crime, family violence, substance use, and
mental and physical illness. Social structural, cultural,
social psychological, evolutionary, and biosocial theories will
be examined. | Athena Title: | SOCI DEV & MENT HEA | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 7000. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a master's degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | MASTER'S RESEARCH | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 7005. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Graduate Student Seminar | Course Description: | Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This
course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of
study. | Athena Title: | GRAD STUDENT SEM | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 7300. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Master's Thesis | Course Description: | Thesis writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | MASTER'S THESIS | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and thesis preparation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8000. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Special Topics in Sociology | Course Description: | Theory and research on advanced topics selected by the student. | Athena Title: | SPECIAL SOC TOPICS | Nontraditional Format: | Directed study. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8010. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Culture | Course Description: | Approaches to culture, including the critical traditions of Frankfurt and Birmingham; the Durkheimian tradition of collective memory and social integration; and interactionist emphases on cultural products and structuration. | Athena Title: | SEMINAR IN CULTURE | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8020. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Higher Education | Course Description: | Overview of higher education as an institution. Focuses on students, faculty, and the organizational characteristics of colleges and universities. Topics cover the structure and culture of higher education and range from socialization and stratification to achievement, attrition, and athletics. | Athena Title: | Higher Education | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8030. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Religion | Course Description: | Contemporary social scientific approaches to the analysis of
religion. Classic perspectives on religion and secularization
contrasted to varied attempts to move beyond secularization
theory in response to religious resurgence around the world.
Other topics include attempts to reconceptualize the relationship
between religion and politics in (post-)modernity. | Athena Title: | SOC OF RELIGION | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8150. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Criminal Punishment and Society | Course Description: | The relationship between contemporary American punishment and social organization and processes. Topics include historical features of, and justifications for, punishment; the death penalty debate; prisoner rights; and prison conditions. | Athena Title: | Criminal Punishment Society | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8200. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 9 hours credit. | Course Title: | Seminar in Sociological Theory and Research | Course Description: | Selected topics on theory and research. | Athena Title: | SEMNR IN THEORY/RES | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8220. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Social Theory Now | Course Description: | New intellectual developments have significantly challenged the landscape of social theory in the twenty-first century. Social Theory Now examines recent trends in social theory - often ignored in traditional sociological theory courses - focusing on work by living sociologists and theorists in related fields. | Athena Title: | Social Theory Now | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6220 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8230. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Critical Theory | Course Description: | Critical social theory from its origins in Germany in the 1920s to its present development in Europe and the United States. Includes Frankfurt theorists such as Horkheimer, Marcuse, and Adorno; second-generation Frankfurters, especially Habermas; and contemporary critical theories of identity, culture, justice, and politics. | Athena Title: | CRITICAL THEORY | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8250. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar on Social Movements | Course Description: | Analysis of methodologies and theories used in the study of
social movements. Case studies may include local, national,
(United States and other) and transnational movements. | Athena Title: | SOCIAL MOVEMENTS | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8270. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Gender | Course Description: | Feminist theories and methodologies on gender and intersectionality, with cases drawn from the U.S. and other national contexts. Topics may include socialization, reproduction, sexual identities, violence, family, and other social institutions, work, politics, and social movements. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Gender | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8280. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Gender Stratification | Course Description: | Research and theories of gender equality and inequality in America and other cultures. Topics include gender stratification in public and private domains, and the intersection of gender with race, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation. | Athena Title: | SEMNR GENDER STRAT | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6280 or WMST 8010 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(WMST) 8290. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Global Perspectives on Gender | Course Description: | Analysis of diverse social and cultural manifestations of gender
and its relationship to social, economic, political, and
ideological spheres. Case studies may be drawn from Latin
America, Caribbean, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. | Athena Title: | GLOBAL GENDER | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8300. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Physical and Mental Health | Course Description: | Theory and research regarding the avenues whereby social factors
influence the onset, course, and treatment of various emotional
problems and physical illnesses. Special emphasis upon status
gradient, fundamental cause, social stress, and biological
embedding perspectives on health. Issues relating to the
reliability of diagnoses, the methodological challenges of drug
research, and the efficacy of pharmacological treatments are also
considered. | Athena Title: | Soc of Phys and Ment Health | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 8350. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Theories of Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. | Course Description: | Analysis of classical and contemporary theories that have been developed specifically to understand race and ethnicity in the United States. | Athena Title: | Theories of Race and Ethnicity | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM)(WMST) 8360. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Colorism and Hairism in Communities of Color | Course Description: | We will use empirical data to analyze how inter- and intra-racial discrimination based on skin color and hairstyles are forms of discrimination apparent in virtually every social institution, such as marriage rates, media, imprisonment, holding political office, educational attainment, wages, and more. | Athena Title: | Colorism and Hairism | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 8370. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Race and Ethnicity | Course Description: | The relationships of racial and ethnic groups with each other and with social institutions and processes. | Athena Title: | Sociology Race and Ethnicity | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 8380. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Health Among Black Americans | Course Description: | A within ethnoracial group approach to illuminate how social factors contribute to health among self-identified Blacks in the United States. The course will utilize theory and evidence from sociology, biodemography, epidemiology, and psychology to introduce students to health disparities research among aging Blacks in the United States. | Athena Title: | Health Among Black Americans | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | PSYC(SOCI) 8400. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Prevention Science: Using Genetic, Epigenetic, and Inflammatory Biomarkers | Course Description: | Provides social and behavioral science graduate students an
opportunity to take part in the revolution in prevention
science that is being driven by increased availability and use
of biomarkers, particularly those related to epigenetic change
and systemic inflammatory processes. Little (or no) background
in biology is assumed. | Athena Title: | Prevention Science | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8420. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social and Biological Aging | Course Description: | The social, cultural, and biological context of aging. Topics
include age-related changes in biology, social relationships,
religiosity, psychological well-being, and health; social
determinants of accelerated and decelerated biological aging;
death and dying; cultural, social class, and racial differences
in aging. | Athena Title: | Social and Biological Aging | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | ANTH(GEOG)(SOCI) 8430. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Community-Engaged Research (Praxis) | Course Description: | Exploration of the history of engaged forms of research in the
social and behavioral sciences. Graduate students will become
familiar with different engagement paradigms or models, reflect
on each with respect to wider critiques of engagement, and
explore how to navigate the complexities involved in community
engagement. Students will also examine similarities and
differences in how engaged research is practiced across the
social sciences. | Athena Title: | Engaged Research (Praxis) | Prerequisite: | ANTH 6520 or SOCI 6220 or SOCI 6010 or GEOG 4810/6810 or GEOG 8910 | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8470. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Deviance and Social Control | Course Description: | Theories and research on the nature of deviant behavior and its control by social institutions, agencies, and groups. | Athena Title: | Deviance and Social Control | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8500. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Political Sociology | Course Description: | Issues of class, gender, and race. Topics include power and state formation; competing paradigms of state action; the relationship between the state and economy; collective action; democratization, legitimacy and revolution. | Athena Title: | SEMINAR IN POL SOC | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8510. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Seminar in Organizations and Social Control | Course Description: | Organizational processes that control behavior, including work performance, career development, and off-job attitudes, orientations, and behaviors. | Athena Title: | ORGS & SOCL CONTROL | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6470 or SOCI 6800 or SOCI 6950 | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every odd-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8600. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Research Training | Course Description: | Students acquire advanced research skills that will help them in
their professional careers. Student duties will vary but may
include designing questionnaires, conducting interviews,
undertaking library research, planning and executing experiments,
and analyzing data. | Athena Title: | RESEARCH TRAINING | Nontraditional Format: | Students earn credit for the course by conducting research.
Students assist faculty with faculty research projects (for a
maximum of, on average, 12 hours per week.) | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8620. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociological Analysis and Interpretation of Categorical Data | Course Description: | An introduction to regression models for categorical and limited
dependent variables. The objective is to provide students with
an understanding of (a) when particular models are appropriate,
(b) the basic logic of various models, (c) how results are
interpreted and evaluated, and (d) how to conduct analyses using
statistical software. | Athena Title: | SOCI CATEGORICAL DA | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6620 and SOCI 6630 | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8630. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Empirical Model-Building in Social Research | Course Description: | Simultaneous equations and confirmatory factor methods to evaluate structural and measurement models. Emphasis on the interplay between theory and the construction and evaluation of empirical models. | Athena Title: | SOC MODEL BUILDING | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6630 or STAT 6220 or permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8640. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Introduction to Multilevel Modeling | Course Description: | Focuses on applications of hierarchical linear and nonlinear
models (HLM). Reviews the logic and estimation principles of
HLM. Two-level models are illustrated, including estimating
organizational effects on individuals and examining individual
change over time. Generalizations to three-level models and to
nonlinear models for discrete outcomes are considered. | Athena Title: | SOCI MULTILEVEL MOD | Prerequisite: | SOCI 6630 or permission of department | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8650. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Social Network Analysis | Course Description: | Social network analysts consider relations to be the focal units
of analysis – and the bases of social structure. This course
surveys a mixture of mathematical and statistical techniques for
analyzing social networks. Students will gain a working
knowledge of relevant software packages and common approaches
to network analysis. | Athena Title: | NETWORK ANALYSIS | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8710. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Role, Self, and Identity | Course Description: | Focuses on the relationship between society, identity, and
social action. Students become familiar with the sociological
research literature on self and identity, explore various
measurement tools and analytic techniques for theoretical
exploration, data collection, and qualitative data analysis,
and refine specific professional skills, including academic
reviewing, presenting, and proposal writing. | Athena Title: | SELF & IDENTITY | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8720. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Interaction and Inequality | Course Description: | Designed to provide a broad introduction to the theoretical and empirical approach of contemporary social psychology to problems of inequality. This course examines literature from both sociology and psychology, but places an emphasis on sociological perspectives for understanding how interpersonal interaction reproduces race, gender, and class inequality. | Athena Title: | Interaction and Inequality | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8730. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Theories of Social Psychology | Course Description: | Major classic and contemporary theories, including Freudian theory, exchange theory, dramaturgy, phenomenology, and ethnomethodology. | Athena Title: | SOCL PSYCH THEORIES | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI(AFAM) 8740. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Race, Media, and Culture | Course Description: | Sociological and cultural studies approaches to examine race and racism within media and culture industries. Topics include production, distribution, and consumption processes; structure of media organizations; assignment of roles and occupations; analysis of media content and stereotypes; and use of new media technologies. | Athena Title: | Race Media and Culture | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8810. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Crime | Course Description: | The nature, extent, and correlates of crime; theories of criminal behavior and victimization. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Crime | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8820. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Communities and Crime | Course Description: | Urban crime and spatial variation in crime rates. The impact of crime on the structure of communities and its role in neighborhood decline. | Athena Title: | COMMUNITIES & CRIME | Semester Course Offered: | Not offered on a regular basis. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8840. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Gender, Crime, and Justice | Course Description: | This course uses sociological and feminist theories to examine
crime, criminology, and the criminal justice system from a
gendered perspective. In doing so, the class is organized
around three basic themes: the gendered nature of perpetration;
gender variation in victimization; and women as participants in
the legal process. | Athena Title: | GENDER CRIME JUST | Semester Course Offered: | Offered spring semester every even-numbered year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 8850. 3 hours. | Course Title: | Sociology of Law | Course Description: | The nature of law and the ways the legal system reflects its
broader social context. | Athena Title: | Sociology of Law | Semester Course Offered: | Offered every year. | Grading System: | A-F (Traditional) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 9000. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 120 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Research | Course Description: | Research while enrolled for a doctoral degree under the direction of faculty members. | Athena Title: | Doctoral Research | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research under the direction of a faculty member. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 9005. 3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 45 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Graduate Student Seminar | Course Description: | Advanced supervised experience in an applied setting. This
course may not be used to satisfy a student's approved program of
study. | Athena Title: | DOC GRAD STU SEM | Nontraditional Format: | Seminar. | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 9100. 1-3 hours. Repeatable for maximum 6 hours credit. | Course Title: | Sociology Job Market Seminar | Course Description: | Provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to
navigate the academic and non-academic job market in sociology.
Students produce professional products, including their
application materials, practice job talks, and interviews
talks. They will also learn about opportunities for nonacademic
jobs and postdocs. | Athena Title: | SOCI JOB MARKET | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall and spring semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |
 | Course ID: | SOCI 9300. 1-9 hours. Repeatable for maximum 120 hours credit. | Course Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Course Description: | Dissertation writing under the direction of the major professor. | Athena Title: | Doctoral Dissertation | Nontraditional Format: | Independent research and preparation of the doctoral dissertation. | Prerequisite: | Permission of department | Semester Course Offered: | Offered fall, spring and summer semester every year. | Grading System: | S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) |